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Constructing identity in master planned utopia: The case of Irvine new town

Posted on:2010-02-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, BerkeleyCandidate:Ruggeri, DeniFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390002980642Subject:Landscape architecture
This dissertation investigates the influence of landscape architecture and urban design on the establishment of sense of place in Irvine, California, and the consequences of design decisions on the residents' place-identity and attachment to their hometown. It opens with an overview of the evolution of the suburban model and the theories of place identity and attachment as environmental and social psychologists have interpreted them. It continues with a brief account of Irvine's history and a discussion of the idiosyncratic elements that made it what it is today: its master planned nature, the presence of a single owner and developer, an experimental planning process whereby landscape architects and urban designers acted as mediators between the various actors of the development process, and the interplay of design and marketing that guided every planning decision.This dissertation adopts a definition of place identity as a multifaceted "gradient," which encompasses the emotional attachment that emerges from individuals' bonds with place, the satisfaction experienced as their needs are fulfilled, the legibility and imageability of their environment, and the social imageability and values that they share with other residents. The author's assumption was that these dimensions of the person/place relationship contribute to establish place identity, and that such place identity acts as a "gestalt." Thus, place identity becomes more than the sum of each identity component, which is consistent with Harold Proshansky's (1983) place identity definition as a "pot-pourri."Through surveys, semi-structured interviews, cognitive mapping and traditional site analysis, this research revealed that Irvine's unique urban design does contribute to such an identity gradient, ultimately shaping the lives and identities of the residents of three of Irvine's most popular villages: Northwood, Westpark, and Woodbridge. Out of all the placemaking tools urban designers employ, landscape architecture is the one residents value the most. Despite the developers' investments in architectural details and its obsession with stylistic "authenticity," it is the landscape that dominates people's lives. To preserve its aesthetic appeal, rules and regulations are in place, which allow homeowner's associations to control every aspect of the landscape, from the size and species of trees to the height of grass blades and the opening of a garage door. This rigidity is a source of frustration among residents and raises the issue of whether Irvine will be able to adapt to changing world economic and environmental conditions.This research concludes by highlighting the unique challenges faced by suburban communities like Irvine as they approach their mature stage. It also suggests ways in which urban designers and landscape architects may be able to help move suburbia toward more sustainable futures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Identity, Landscape, Irvine, Urban, Place
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