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Korean Christians and Won Buddhists in dialogue on suffering

Posted on:2010-03-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural StudiesCandidate:Im, Chandler HyokFull Text:PDF
Won Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in Korea and it has been expanding its influence on Korean soil and around the world although it is a relatively new religion. By the end of 2000, the Won Buddhist Order had at least one Won Buddhist temple in each of the six continents. The following countries represent Won Buddhism's steady expansion around the globe: seventeen temples in the U.S.A., six in China, four in Europe, one in Australia, one in Argentina, and one in South Africa.;Chapter 1 takes on the challenge and issues of inter-religious dialogue in the context of Korean Christians and Won Buddhists. Chapter 2 surveys a history of Won Buddhism in Korea, with an emphasis on the life of its founder Sot'aesan. Chapter 3 delves into Won Buddhist worldview and doctrines. Chapter 4 expounds on causes, types, and purposes of suffering from a Christian perspective. Chapter 5 engages in interfaith interface between Korean Christians and Won Buddhists on the theme of suffering.;This study focuses on issues and concerns of inter-religious dialogue between Korean Christians and Won Buddhists on the mutual theme of suffering.;This study seeks to identify meaningful points of dialogue while attempting to enhance mutual understanding and respect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Won, Dialogue, Suffering
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