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Factors associated with urinary symptoms following prostate brachytherapy

Posted on:2008-09-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Touro University InternationalCandidate:Foster, Alvis EFull Text:PDF
This research was designed to investigate associations between treatment factors and urinary symptoms that affect quality of life in Caucasian men following prostate Brachytherapy for early-stage prostate cancer. This study involved an analysis of the prostate cancer-related medical records of 184 Caucasian men treated at one regional hospital in Indiana between 1997 and 2006. The type of isotope, Palladium-103 (Pd-103) or iodine-125 (I-125), the use of external beam radiation therapy versus implant alone and the number of implant seeds were all found to have a significant effect on American Urological Association (AUA) symptom score measured 1 and 6 months following prostate brachytherapy.;The mean AUA symptom score change from preimplant to 1 month following implant was 14.4 for I-125, and 6.8 for Pd-103 (p<0.001). From preimplant to 6 months postimplant, the mean AUA symptom score change was 7.64 for I-125 and 3.08 for Pd-103 (p=0.001). The mean AUA symptom score change at 1 month posttherapy related to external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) was significant at 11.9 for those receiving implant alone versus 8.4 for those receiving EBRT with implant (p=0.017). The number of seeds used during the implant positively correlated with the AUA symptom score change at 1 month following therapy r = 0.163 (p=0.014).;The factors of patient age, number of implant needles, prostate volume and smoking were found to have no significant effects on AUA symptom scores at either 1 month or 6 months following implantation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Symptom, Following, Factors, Implant, Month
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