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Characterization of a carbon fiber reinforced polymer repair system for structurally deficient steel piping

Posted on:2007-11-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of TulsaCandidate:Wilson, Jeffrey MFull Text:PDF
This Dissertation investigates a carbon fiber reinforced polymer repair system for structurally deficient steel piping. Numerous techniques exist for the repair of high-pressure steel piping. One repair technology that is widely gaining acceptance is composite over-wraps.; Thermal analytical evaluations of the epoxy matrix material produced glass transition temperature results, a cure kinetic model, and a workability chart. These results indicate a maximum glass transition temperature of 80°C (176°F) when cured in ambient conditions. Post-curing the epoxy, however, resulted in higher glass-transition temperatures. The accuracy of cure kinetic model presented is temperature dependent; its accuracy improves with increased cure temperatures.; Cathodic disbondment evaluations of the composite over-wrap show the epoxy does not breakdown when subjected to a constant voltage of -1.5V and the epoxy does not allow corrosion to form under the wrap from permeation.; Combustion analysis of the composite over-wrap system revealed the epoxy is flammable when in direct contact with fire. To prevent combustion, an intumescent coating was developed to be applied on the composite over-wrap.; Results indicate that damaged pipes repaired with the carbon fiber composite over-wrap withstand substantially higher static pressures and exhibit better fatigue characteristics than pipes lacking repair. For loss up to 80 percent of the original pipe wall thickness, the composite over-wrap achieved failure pressures above the pipe's specified minimum yield stress during monotonic evaluations and reached the pipe's practical fatigue limit during cyclical pressure testing.; Numerous repairs were made to circular, thru-wall defects and monotonic pressure tests revealed containment up to the pipe's specified minimum yield strength for small diameter defects. The energy release rate of the composite over-wrap/steel interface was obtained from these full-scale, leaking pipe evaluations and results indicate a large amount of scatter is associated with this test method.; Due to the large amount of scatter present in the leaking pipe evaluations (energy release rate tests), a new laboratory specimen was created to evaluate mixed mode debonding of composite over-wrapped piping. The laboratory specimen results are much more conservative than the leaking pipe evaluations. The laboratory specimen results, however, agree quite favorably to a closed form solution developed in this Dissertation, as well as to energy release rate calculations performed by two different finite element analysis methods, the Modified Crack Closure Integral and the change in compliance method.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carbon fiber, Repair, Steel, System, Piping, Leaking pipe evaluations, Energy release rate, Composite over-wrap
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