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An evaluation of a work station ergonomic modification

Posted on:2007-10-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:LaRosa, Robert HenryFull Text:PDF
GTID:1442390005475085Subject:Public Health
This dissertation involved an evaluation of an ergonomic modification to a production work station. The production facility involved in this research project regularly undergoes work station assessments for health, safety and production improvements with changes made as deemed appropriate. This project took advantage of a work station modification that was initiated and implemented by company management. The company-initiated changes were not part of the research project.;Statement of the problem. "Barrel Raising" at a cooperage is a manual task where boards are assembled in the shape of a barrel. Barrel Raisers suffer back and upper body strains and sprains associated with building barrels. The injuries negatively impact employee health, facility production and overall production costs.;Methods. The objective of the project was two-fold: (1) evaluate the work station modification using pre- and post-metabolic data; and (2) measure the perceived psychological impact of the work station modification on workers. Metabolic load was determined using an armband device that estimates energy expenditure. Perceived psychological impact on workers was measured using the World Health Organization's Health and Work Performance Questionnaire {HPQ} (;Results. Four of the five study subjects exhibited a reduction in calories burned when using the modified work station (mean active calorie difference of -306 Kcal (Std. Dev. +/- 511); median of 417 Kcal. Due to problems with the device used to modify the work station, the HPQ responses could be evaluated, but not statistically analyzed.;Conclusions. The BodyMedia(c) Inc., SenseWearRTM PRO2 Armband(TM) provided quantitative data showing a physiological improvement resulting from the modification. Armband data in conjunction with the company-provided qualitative data provided important information regarding the improvement that resulted from the work station modification. Management will determine if implementation of a modification is feasible. The Armband worked in this application because the job was extremely physically demanding. Recent innovations in armband technology continue to improve the ability to detect differences in low level metabolic tasks. As technology continues to improve, armbands may be useful in detecting changes in less physically demanding jobs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Work station, Modification, Armband, Production
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