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Research On China's Economic Development And Transformation Of Mode Of Economic Development(1949?2012)

Posted on:2019-12-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330545452967Subject:Economic history
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On October 1,1949,the People's Republic of China was founded,realizing the dream of the Chinese nation.Over the past 60 years and more,China has taken the road of extensive economic development before reform and opening up.After the reform and opening up,the economy has developed rapidly and well.However,to a certain extent,the extensive economic development has not been able to walk out of the road,therefore,the economic development pattern has not been fundamentally changed.For more than 60 years,on the basis of exploring and grasping the law of domestic and foreign economic development,combining with chinese situation,the process of transforming the pattern of economic development has been proposed.This strategic decision reflects the comprehensiveness,comprehensiveness,coordination,systematic and strategic transformation and profound change of the economic society.It is an inevitable requirement to adapt to the change of global economic demand structure and strengthen the economy's ability to withstand international market risk.It is a historical choice to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.To study the development of China's economy and to transform the economic development pattern,we need the economic theory of the ancient and modern times as a tool,and draw lessons from the experience of the world.About the economic development and the transformation of the pattern of economic development theory,Marx put forward the thought and extensive farming and intensive in the capitalist poor land rent ?,in his reproduction theory elaborated the premise condition and mechanism of expanded reproduction.Classical economic growth theory,neoclassical economic growth theory,new economic growth theory and Keynesian economic growth theory provide theoretical basis for economic development and transformation of economic development mode.In order to study the transformation of China's economic development pattern,it is necessary to build a scientific and objective theoretical system to change the economic development pattern.On the basis of the research on China's contemporary economic development path,scholars put forward the economic development path of "zhi"(the zig-zag path).In the study of economic history,scholars put forward the idea of "seeking through"(longitudinal,horizontal and inner link)and the idea of "following theory" and "precipitation theory".This article writes from October 1,1949 of the founding of the People's Republic of China to the November 8,2012 of 18th national congress of the communist party of China.China's economic development has experienced from back to the rapid development of national economy(1949-1965),the slow growth to the rapid development(1966?1992),the economic development in transition to mention quality,and the development of three phases:(1993?2012).According to the characteristics of economic development and transformation of the mode of economic development,the three stages are divided into six periods.1949?1957:the national economy quickly recover,1958-1965:the national economic ups and downs,from 1966 to 1978:extremely slow economic development,1979-1992:rapid economic development,1993-2001:rapid economic growth to slow speed,2002?2012:from rapid economic development to improve quality.Transformation of the pattern of economic development in China has experienced the preliminary formation of extensive pattern of economic development and continue to explore(1949?1978),extensive pattern of economic development has not yet been completed,and the pattern of economic development to intensive changing(1966?1992),the pattern of economic development to intensive changes actively explore three stages(1997?2012).According to the transformation of the mode of economic development of the same theoretical framework,three stages are divided into six periods,namely:from 1949 to 1957 in the formation of a preliminary of extensive pattern of economic development from 1958 to 1965:extensive pattern of economic development continue to explore,from 1966 to 1978:transformation of the mode of economic development has not yet completed,1979?1996:the transformation of the mode of economic development in the new exploration,1997?2007:the pattern of economic development to intensive changes actively explore,in 2008?2012:new problems transformation of the pattern of economic development.From extensive to intensive,the transformation of China's economic development model has not been completed perfectly.Over the past 60 years,China has experienced three stages of economic development from recovery and rapid development,to ups and downs and slow growth,to sustained and rapid development.The Chinese economy has developed a zig-zag course.Transformation of the mode of economic development have experienced three stages:initial formation from extensive pattern of economic development,to the change of extensive pattern of economic development continuously explore,to the initial transformation to the economical pattern of economic development,take a "one" glyph of exploration.The historical revelation of economic development and transformation of economic development in developed countries is to respect the objective law and to seek truth from facts;increase investment in science and technology and adhere to independent innovation;pay attention to the mechanism innovation,adhere to the system first;strengthen macro coordination and insist on government promotion.The historical inspiration of the economic development and economic development mode of developing countries is to transform the leading industry in time;highly value industrial diversification;comprehensively promote the production service function;timely promulgate healthy industrial policies;improve the level of urban public support greatly.The Soviet union was the first socialist country in the world.74 economic development has experienced a take-off,rapid growth and stagnation recession phase,but ignored the economic system factors,did not complete the pattern of economic development from extensive to intensive changes,eventually led to the collapse.By drawing on mature theories and successful experience at home and abroad,China has created a miracle in economic development and provided the "China model" for other countries to learn from.The historical revelation is that China's economic development and transformation of the economic development mode should be based on reform and improvement of the system,promote supply-side structural reform as the focus,implement the "five development concepts" as the foothold.Developing the social economy and innovating the way of economic development,the problems that arise in development can only be solved by means of development.The problems that arise in the reform can only be solved by reform.In the historical process of economic development and transformation of the mode of economic development,we need constantly summarize and explore,create positive conditions for transforming economic development mode,to promote comprehensive economic and social progress.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Economic development, transformation of mode of economic development
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