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The Research Of Infrastructure And Financial Support In "The Belt And Road" Strategy

Posted on:2017-09-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330512454391Subject:Theoretical Economics and Political Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's strategy of "The Belt and Road" has been greatly concerned at home and abroad, there are dozens of countries actively participating the activity, while it is really a complex and arduous system engineering in order to implement this strategy. It has great impact on China. In terms of businesses, it is the infinite potential business opportunities. Whereas based on the time of the official presentation is only two to three years (2013, proposed), Whereas, the strategy of "The Belt and Road" has covered many areas. It has numerous complex cases. So that how to carry out it? Such problems have not been studied systematically. Now, the government are fully promoting the specific implementation, so that it is not only needing more relevant theoretical supports and guidance, but also comprehensive and in-depth analysis. We should take the relevant national, regional, field and the conditions into consideration. And there are few basic foundation and strength to carry out all kinds of special research. On the basis of information and real-time dynamics, many small countries have no learning research. Thus, the topic has both the major significance of this research, and a lot of difficulties.The world today is undergoing complex and profound changes. The profound impact of the international financial crisis continues to be showed. The slow recovery of the world economy, the development of differentiation, the pattern of international trade and investment rules of multilateral trade and investment is brewing adjustment. Many countries facing serious problems. After a period of rapid development of Chinese economy, it has now entered a "new normal" state. On the one hand, the "demographic dividend" lasted for many years has gradually disappeared rapidly and the labor costs are rising, which result in some labor-intensive industries are losing their competitive edges; on the other hand, based on the too optimistic capacity expansion in the past ten years, many industries in China has a serious overcapacity. Most of this part of the production technology is not backward, but oversupply, so that it needs to be transferred out to expand the market. While China's huge market also gave birth to a number of large enterprises. They are becoming multinationals with cross-border investment and global operations capabilities. These factors are added to promote China is entering large-scale "going out" period. In this context, the strategy is not only conforming to the world multi-polarization and economic globalization, cultural diversity and social information flow, but also promoting the free flow of economic factors and orderly, efficient allocation of resources and market depth fusion in the interests of the countries concerned. It can also make the results of China's reform and opening to benefit more countries and regions.And "The Belt and Road" is the paramount strategy in infrastructure. If the infrastructure is the top priority throughout the strategy, it has laid a solid foundation. Whereas the huge demand for funds infrastructure construction is the highlight. Therefore, the paper takes the infrastructure building as the research topic and the national circumstances, analyzing the financial demands and finance supply for the infrastructure building. It studies how to make full use of the financing means of original financial resources and credit, exploring new financing channels and new financing channels and enhancing the direct financing of infrastructure financing in proportion. In order to find the building and maintenance of the strategy, required sustain and stable source of funds, ensuring the supply of large-scale infrastructure construction funds. Because the strategy is related to many countries, so that it needs to successfully build. There must be co-related personnel in these countries. The cooperation is related to the behavior of people ideology, behavior patterns of these cultural factors. Therefore, it needs to consider the financial support of cultural impact.The paper's research method is:conduct the overall search and access for the existing data and literature, sorting out the existing research results and analysis. The guidance is the general theory and the regional economic theory of the infrastructure building. Starting from the infrastructure construction demand and supply financial status, it analyzes financial barriers of infrastructure existing in the process. Drawing on the World Bank and other international financial institutions, and infrastructure development experience and practice in developed countries like the United States based on the proposed strategy of financial support for infrastructure about policy recommendations.The framework of this report is divided into four parts:First, the basic theory analysis of infrastructure and regional economic theory, financial support theoretical and analyzed framework of the International Monetary Theory; Second, the current financial needs infrastructure and supply situation, problems and causes of the problem; Third, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other international financial institutions to support infrastructure as well as the effect of the United States, Canada, Japan and other financial support for infrastructure as well as an overview of lessons learned; Fourth, the infrastructure policy recommendations.The followings are the research conclusions:The important thing to achieve the strategy is to make a good infrastructure. But if you want to make a good building, you need the financial support. Therefore, I believe that to achieve this objective, we should do systematic work:First, we must build the strategy of financial support for infrastructure systems. Secondly, we must improve the infrastructure investment of the funding; Third, we must play the role of "multiplier effect" in infrastructure, driving the overall economic development of "The Belt and Road". Fourth, we should improve the efficiency of fund utilization infrastructure.I extract the innovative ideas in the article:1. The vital foundation to provide the strategy of supporting the financial success is the communication with related national culture, as well as the idea of combination. Because the strategy is guided by the highest levels of government, multi-sectoral joint participation such high-profile policy level. In China, it usually means the relevant provincial, local government and relevant enterprises in the implementation of the green light all the way. Such support is relatively easy to implement enterprise development and expansion purposes. But because it is the the international stage to enter China. Many companies are not familiar with it, so that the risk is particularly large. Because the strategy is along the country due to political, economic, ideological and cultural aspects. In particular and other reasons, it may not only make Chinese enterprises difficult to obtain high profits, and likely to suffer huge losses.Therefore, only on the basis of cultural harmony and integration, it can make financiers and entrepreneurs from different countries to reach a consensus on the thinking and behavior, which is conducive to China-based financial cooperation and development, reducing the resistance to get win.2. The second point of the paper is it has done the three points that have not been conducted by the academic theory circle. First, the strategy research infrastructure to support the financial system as a system both from financial needs and financial supply to do comprehensive analysis. This is because I find it when I arrange my material. Most domestic scholars research is focused on infrastructure investment and financing mode, while ignoring the financial demand and supply situation, but ignoring the contradiction. Therefore, it is from the strategy of financial infrastructure demand and supply point of view, analyzing the underlying reasons. And based on these reasons, it gives the corresponding policy recommendations. Second, from an international point of view, the existing research has focused on the construction of infrastructure investment and financing between their hopes on government or regional financial institutions, such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction. The article recognized research infrastructure and settled emphasis should be on the cooperation between the countries along the proposal of building the strategy international infrastructure finance markets, strengthening cooperation stepped credit. Third is vigorously promoting financial support to promote cooperation in the field on the basis of culture, which is the existing literature rarely mentioned. Because the cultural activities can lead financial activities, the Western culture and Chinese competition are very different in concept of moderation competition, financial amplitude fluctuations. It is the law of extremes. We cannot be considered the interests as the sole purpose. At the same time, cultural products and cultural activities can also be formed by conversion of financial products, realizing the combination of financial and culture.3. The paper cites the new date that has not been used before in modern academic circle. Based on the research of qualitative, combing the method of quantitative analysis to proof the strategic urgency, huge financial demands and mismatched financial supply of the basic infrastructure building with scientific and accurate new data. According to the current situation, it has gave the relative suggestions.Case analysis. At present, from the perspective of the provinces which located on "The Belt and Road", Ningxia has a unique advantage. In the countries along the road, Muslim population in Islam has gain a dominant position, These countries are very important areas, because the implementation of "The Belt and Road " strategy can not circumvent these countries, And this is the unique advantage of the Hui culture in Ningxia. Moreover, if the integration of culture can play as a guiding role, and ensure the smooth implementation of "The Belt and Road" strategy, it will be possible to form a typical case, which can provide very useful experience for other provinces to implement "The Belt and Road" strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:"The Belt and Road" strategy, infrastructure, financial support, culture cooperation
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