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Suburban Leisure Spatial Layout Optimization

Posted on:2015-04-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330491454489Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Suburban leisure agriculture and rural economy is a product of the city's economic development is to promote non-agricultural employment in rural areas form the vanguard of the industry,is one of the main ways to promote and co-evolution of modern civilization blend of urban and rural areas.In recent years,Chinas rapid suburban development of leisure agriculture at the same timers also facing rapid urbanization contradictory land competition,practitioners and rural urbanization,community development and rural properties and other characteristics remain,in varying degrees,these contradictions restricting suburban leisure sustainable development of agriculture.Agricultural research suburban leisure space layout features,spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture suitability evaluation system,as well as explore the suburban casual drive mechanism and optimization of the spatial distribution of agricultural issues,the study of urban-rural integration of economic interaction suburb,suburban landscape integration,suburban leisure industry chain,suburban leisure agriculture point(district)development and sustainable development of suburban leisure agriculture has practical significance.The main contents include four parts.Part I:Introduction Chapter I sort,summarize the dynamic domestic and international research on the spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture.Part ?:The second chapter summarizes the theoretical basis thesis.Part ?.The third chapter describes the status of the study area suburban leisure agriculture development and market demand characteristics.Part IV:the fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh chapter from the theoretical analysis to identify the elements and characteristics of the spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture constituted the driving mechanism of suburban leisure evolution of the spatial distribution of agricultural,suburban leisure agriculture spatial layout and suitability evaluation based on "point axis" suburban leisure agriculture spatial layout optimization theory.Part IV:Conclusions(Chapter ?).The main conclusions:(1)Through questionnaires,based on marketing theory,studied agriculture in Fuzhou suburban leisure tourists demographics,spatial and temporal characteristics of tourists and visitors travel preferences features three main aspects,the main display results.from the age structure of tourists watching,25-45 years old accounted for 49%of the total number of respondents object;see tourists from education,showing a middle two small" feature;travel temporal characteristics seen from tourists,Fuzhou suburban leisure Agricultural tourism formed obvious "off-season" and"season",while also forming a dense band of leisure agriculture suburban Fuzhou 100km range and as the distance increases,the rate of tourists travel in the state of decay.(2)Identify the spatial perspective,the basic elements of the spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture may constitute an abstract overview of leisure agriculture node axis of leisure agriculture,leisure agriculture field surface.These three elements are interdependent,interacting together constitute the spatial pattern of leisure agriculture,they play different roles in suburban leisure space layout changes in agriculture,which plays a leading role in the node leisure agriculture,leisure agriculture axis plays a role in coupling leisure carrier plays a role in the agricultural field surface;concrete forms from the space can be divided into Casual agricultural area(point),leisure agriculture external channel,tourist hub,leisure agriculture tours,leisure agriculture business district,with recreation and other leisure agriculture and so on.(3)From the "point-line-surface" perspective,the study area is characterized by the spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture Fuzhou:? Fuzhou suburban leisure agriculture point(area)spatial layout features,using the nearest neighbor index analysis,obtained Fuzhou City leisure agriculture point(area)of the nearest neighbor index R=0.86,which indicates that the spatial distribution of the state belongs to Fuzhou leisure agriculture gathering point type;? Fuzhou suburban transit Hugh agriculture spatial layout features,the use of the network topology index(?????)and Ai accessibility index analysis,the overall spatial characteristics of indicators Fuzhou suburban leisure agriculture ?=0.344,?=1.63,?=0.568.Transportation network initially have,but not perfect,the whole point of connectivity between the various resources is not a good point transport connectivity along relatively well,the point is not connected transport network is relatively poor connectivity;?Fuzhou suburban leisure surface characteristics of the spatial distribution of agricultural fields,using fractal theory of spatial correlation dimension analysis method,the Fuzhou suburban leisure agriculture domain surface based on the spatial characteristics of regional planning in Fuzhou,the old city is divided into five zones and the surrounding eight counties Fuzhou two spatial range surface were studied,five areas of the city space correlation dimension value D=0.6073<1,indicates five areas of leisure agriculture Fuzhou point(zone)and was more concentrated distribution curve distribution,eonducive to the formation of leisure agriculture ReBAM;Fuzhou leisure agriculture point eight counties(districts)of the spatial correlation dimension D=1.1565>1,shows the current number of nodes in the core of the eight counties in Fuzhou leisure agriculture point(area)is not a single,the spatial pattern of aggregation centers exist in many,may exist between the various synthesis greater group cohesion center together against could spread farther into multiple aggregation tendency Center Group.(4)From the perspective of the evolution of the driving machine in the spatial layout of view,the evolution of the spatial layout of suburban casual drive mechanism can be studied both from a qualitative and quantitative aspects:? from a qualitative perspective,there has been a comprehensive spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture research the results of this paper,referring to Wu Bihu spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture division driving force factors,combined with characteristics of leisure agriculture,considered the driving force of leisure agriculture can be divided into demand factors,supply factors,regional factors into three categories,which include demand factors five aspects of the market from visitors preferences,tourists revenue,market demand,leisure time,etc.;supply factors,including regional conditions,traffic patterns,tourism attraction spatial distribution of four economic level,etc.;regional factors,including cultural,economic,geographic,administration,agriculture and other basic conditions of five areas;? from a quantitative perspective,through the use of multiple regression analysis,constructed suburban leisure agriculture layout driving force model in which:represents the point of land area of Y=0.21+0.32x2+0.22x9+0.27x11suburban leisure agriculture,transportation networks in x2=density,x9=leisure agriculture investment,x11=tertiary industry output;same time in order to reveal the model dependent variables affect the ability of each variable sizes,based on multiple regression analysis,using path analysis model,further elaborated the contribution of each variable on the dependent variable suburban leisure agriculture layout driving force model and distinguishes between direct and indirect effects of the impact of each variable on the dependent variable,the results showed that:transportation network density,leisure agriculture and tertiary industry output value of investment in Fuzhou City suburbs leisure agriculture the most significant changes in the spatial layout.(5)from the suburban leisure agriculture spatial layout rationality perspective,this paper Fuzhou 1992,2002 and 2012 data on the basis of three periods,from the geographic conditions of the spatial layout of suburban leisure,tourism levels,socioeconomic status,agriculture basic conditions,natural resources and other aspects into account,according to the spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture suitability evaluation system weights sort through the data processing dimensionless construct evaluation model Fi=i=1?3Wj*Xij(i=1,2,…,3;j=1,2,…,22),and then measure out Fuzhou 1992,2002 and 2012 adaptive level suburban leisure agriculture spatial layout three periods;Finally,according to the results of the evaluation model to calculate the 1992,2002,and 2012,Fuzhou suburban leisure agricultural suitability of the spatial layout level F1992=0.678?F2002=0.730 ? F2012=0.827,and on this basis,grasp the development trend of the spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture,revealing its distribution space,the future of suburban leisure agriculture space layout optimization and adjustment of Fuzhou important basis for the proposed research foundation(6)From the perspective of suburban leisure agriculture optimized spatial layout view,according to the tourist center of the gravity model and theory,setting quantitative targets spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture,leisure agriculture-related data collection suburban Fuzhou,and factor analysis using SPSS16.0 software model,Fuzhou suburban leisure calculated correlation value agricultural economy and agricultural centers to suburban recreation values of each region in Fuzhou,Fuzhou City and the surrounding counties conducted suburban leisure agriculture ranking on this basis,pursuant to Fuzhou point axis level spatial layout of suburban leisure agriculture quantitative division;Finally,the " one district,two belts,poles " in suburban Fuzhou leisure agriculture space optimize overall layout.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leisure agriculture, spatial layout, optimization, Fuzhou City
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