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Research On The Differentiation Of College Students' Political Identity In The Network Age

Posted on:2021-02-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D S ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1367330602481177Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Internet age,"it is an important historical opportunity for the Chinese nation.We must firmly seize it,and we must not miss this historical opportunity."Since the 18th National Congress,General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the governance of Internet construction and national network security.Emphasizing that "we can't pass the Internet,we can't pass the long-term ruling.The Internet is the biggest variable we face","Whoever has the Internet will have the initiative of the times".The Internet is becoming an important tool for the peaceful evolution of Western countries and the implementation of network colonialism.It has become an important background for the Communist Party of China to govern the country and govern the country.It is related to political stability and the modernization of national governance capabilities and governance.Political identity is the prerequisite for political legitimacy,the psychological basis for maintaining political stability,and the lifeline of the ruling party.The emergence of the Internet has caused a huge change in the original ecological environment of political identity,which not only reshapes the new form of political identity,but also widens the difference in political identity in traditional societies.The change in political identity in the Internet age is becoming a threat to national security With new risk factors,the Internet has triggered entirely new political and political party security issues."Youth is the most sensitive barometer of the era." The political identity of young college students directly affects the quality of the political identity of the whole society,which determines China's political stability,political process and the long-term ruling of the Communist Party of China.Young college students are the"indigenous people" of the Internet and are most affected by the Internet.The Internet is becoming the biggest "variable" that affects the political identity of college students.It is precisely because of the different influences of the network environment,the different effects of different factors of political identity and the different composition of the young college student group,which caused the differences in the political identity of college students.The Internet has a very strong magnifying effect on the differences in college students' political identities and requires a high degree of vigilance and effective response.In this study,a combination of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis was used to combine quantitative and qualitative research.The questionnaire was designed by itself,and 27,174 college students of different types in 196 colleges and universities in 31 provinces and municipalities(autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government)launched their studies.Scale questionnaire.The political identity is divided into six aspects:identity identity,institutional identity,political party identity,policy identity,cultural identity,and development identity.There are five power awareness,interest awareness,political communication,political participation,and political satisfaction.Influencing variables,the big data analysis of integrity and difference is carried out around 11 dimensions such as different gender,ethnicity,educational background,political outlook,and source of birth.There are three main research purposes:one is to comprehensively clarify the basic status and differences of political cognition and identity of college students in the fresh era,and to accurately "portrait" the political identity of college students;second,to deeply analyze the different effects of different influencing factors on college students' political identity in the network era,Accurately "pulse"the political identity of college students;third,systematically construct a countermeasure path to deal with the differences in political identity of college students in the network era,and "empower" the political identity of college students in the network era.The study found that the Internet has greatly expanded the political ecological space,stimulated college students' awareness of political rights,greatly ignited college students' enthusiasm for political participation,and greatly influenced college students' behavioral concepts;college students' identity,institutional identity,political party identity,cultural identity,policy identity,and development identity,There are positive correlations,and they are all positively related to political identity as a whole;college students'rights recognition,interest recognition,political communication,political participation and political satisfaction are highly related to each other,and are all related to politics There is a positive correlation between the overall identity;the political identity of college students in the Internet age is generally better,compared with the Party's 18th National Congress,which has been significantly improved,but the difference is obvious.There is a paradox between low cognition and high identity,emotional love and behavioral alienation,contradiction between overall identity and group identity,and imbalance between macro identity and micro identity.To deal with the differences in political identity among college students in the Internet age requires differential thinking.It is necessary to create an excellent network environment for the political identity of college students from variables to increments,and comprehensively strengthen the construction of legalization,ideology,and political culture in cyberspace;from offline to online,Consolidate the ruling foundation of the party and the government,improve the party's ruling efficiency,take the mass line of the Internet,and strive to make young students have a greater sense of gain;from the edge to the center:highlight the important position of political identity education in college students' ideological and political education,strengthen Party building in colleges and universities,strengthening ideological and political courses and ideological and political courses in colleges and universities,and strengthening ideological and political education among college students Differences in political identity among groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:network age, political identity, differentiated research, empirical research
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