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Research On The Contemporary Chinese Marxist View Of Youth

Posted on:2020-10-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:A C WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330596975790Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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The 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the goal of developing China into a great modern socialist country in every dimension in a two-step approach and realizing the great historic goal of the Chinese Dream on this basis.The new historic juncture and new strategic approach put forward higher requirements on the responsibility and mission of the youth,the “generation of making our country greater”,in the new era.In this regard,it has become an important issue of the era to find out how to make the "new force" of socialist construction smoothly become the "main force" of realizing the Chinese Dream.Xi Jinping pointed out that all the young people are born at the right time and they should make great efforts to serve as bridges for national rejuvenation and make contribution to construction of the motherland.In the past century since the May 4th Movement in 1919,the Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation: it has stood up,grown rich,and is becoming strong.In the process of reform and opening up and the socialist modernization drive,great achievements have been made in the contemporary youth cultivation and youth-related work.The evolution of the principal contradiction in Chinese society in the new era has posed new requirements for youth and youth-related work.Youth cultivation and youth-related work are facing a series of new situations,new problems and new challenges.Young people in the new era are at a growing stage of their lives.At the historic juncture of the two centenary goals,attention should be paid to major theoretical and practical issues such as “what are our goals of youth cultivation”and “ how to train young people”,and efforts should be made to guide the whole Party and society to always care about young people in terms of status and role,education and training,and essence and function;and represent young people in politics,win trust of young people in classes and rely on young people during development,and constantly consolidate the youth mass foundation for the Party's governance in a bid to take on the great historic mission of national rejuvenation,realize all-round development of moral and intelligent work through training and fundamentally cultivate political builders and successors.On the basis of worldviews and methodologies of scientific truth of Marxism,efforts are made to conduct textual research,comparative research and systematic research regarding youth thoughts of Marx,Engels,Lenin,Stalin and Mao Zedong and the youth thoughts of Chinese and western cultures.The Marxist youth outlook of contemporary China is an outcome of Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping guiding the practice of contemporary Chinese youth with the Marxist youth outlook,and a scientific summary of the historical experience and practice rules of youth training and youth-related work during the period of reform and opening up and the socialist modern construction.It is of great theoretical and practical values and is a scientific and fundamental guide for healthy growth of contemporary Chinese youth.With the logical starting point of "how to train young people" and " what are our goals of youth cultivation ",this paper carries out an in-depth analysis of the ideological origin,development process,basic contents and basic characteristics of Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping's youth view,builds up "multiple pillars" to correctly understand young people,solve youth problems and promote youth development,constructs the theoretical system and practical basis of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook,and further takes contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook as the theoretical direction and action guide,thereby laying the foundation for training young people in the new ear to make contributions for national rejuvenation.The specific research contents are as follows:First,the theoretical basis and ideological resources of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook.Efforts should be made to accurately define relevant concepts of youth and youth outlook,clarify main contents of youth outlook,and comprehensively analyze the ontological,epistemological and practical functions of youth outlook;make use of textual research to understand essence of Marxist youth outlook,and summarize and refine the theoretical basis and ideological resources of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook from the letters,speeches and works of Marx,Engels,Lenin,Stalin and Mao Zedong as well as Chinese and western cultures.Second,the development process and evolution mechanism of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook.Based on the reform and opening up,an important historic turning point that determines China's destiny,and in the light of the international and domestic development trend and the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy,this paper clarifies issues including "how to train young people",“what method should be adopted to train young people” and "for whom do we train young people" in the reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction,systematically illustrates historical background,main contents and significance of the formation of Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping's youth outlook,and scientifically summarizes the "continuities" and "changes" in the evolution mechanism of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook over the past four decades.Third,the basic content and structural level of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook.Contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook is a scientific system composed of youth outlooks of Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao,Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping.Xi Jinping's youth outlook is the latest achievement of the theoretical system.Youth essence,characteristics,functions,education,talent cultivation,employment and organizational construction are the basic contents of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook.Also,the structural levels of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook is of significant logical connections in content structure,logical structure and theoretical level.Fourth,the basic characteristics of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook.In theory,contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook upholds integration between inheritance and innovation,between theory and practice,between development and modernity,between nations and world.Also,when shaping and cultivating young people,it upholds integration between lofty ideals and steadfast work attitude,between professional talents and all-round development,between Chinese responsibilities and human destiny,between excellent culture inheritance and innovation and creation,revealing the integration between theoretical characteristics and practical characteristics of contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook.Fifth,the contemporary value of Marxist youth outlook in China.The contemporary value of Chinese Marxist youth outlook is reflected by its theoretical value and practical value.Theoretically,Marxist youth outlook in contemporary China has embarked on a new state,expanded a new horizon and realized a new leap.In practice,the contemporary Chinese Marxist youth outlook lays the ideological foundation for cultivating the main force to realize the Chinese Dream,provides fundamental guidance for implementing future work of the Communist Youth League,and points out the direction for promoting the healthy growth of young people in the new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contemporary China, Marxist youth outlook, basic content, basic characteristics
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