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Research On The Basic Content Of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought About The Communist Youth League

Posted on:2016-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D R TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330461468060Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Youth is the major force of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the proletarian party and the youth group always pay attention to and fight for power. The communist youth league as party contact the bridge and the link to the youth, to win the important responsibility of the youth, therefore, the party and state leaders have always attached great importance to the communist youth league. Deng Xiaoping as the first generation of collective leadership of the party and the state’s key members and the core of the second generation of collective leadership, are very concerned about the communist youth league, value the work of the communist youth league and construction, he of the communist youth league has a wealth of discourse. In the long-term revolution, construction and reform practice, Deng Xiaoping personally engaged in and guide the construction of the communist youth league’s work and, has accumulated rich working experience in the youth league, gradually formed the thought of rule of the communist youth league. Research Deng Xiaoping’s thought about the communist youth league under the new historical conditions, to strengthen the youth research in the new period, make youth work, and promote young talent has very important significance.This paper closely around the basic content of Deng Xiaoping’s thought about the communist youth league, a main line, is composed of five chapters, chapter one questions, clarify the analysis of the premise. Second, three, four, five chapters respectively from the communist youth league, youth with the party, the society, the relationship between its dimensions, to launch logic of the first chapter, thus forming the basic content of Deng Xiaoping’s thought about the communist youth league system.The first chapter: The premise of the analysis of Deng Xiaoping’s thought about the communist youth league. Through the development process of Deng Xiaoping’s thought about the communist youth league, the main characteristics of interpretation, and to correct positioning on the basis of Deng Xiaoping’s thought about the communist youth league, the basic content of Deng Xiaoping’s thought about the communist youth league analysis dimensions, to reveal his thought of Deng Xiaoping, the communist youth league of research value.The second chapter: Deng Xiaoping’s theory of the communist youth league and the party’s relations. Begin from theory, history, reality, three dimensional analysis of the necessity of the relationship between the party and the communist youth league, then from "reliable reserve army", "powerful assistant" two aspects of the communist youth league and the relation of the party, finally clarify in the practical work of the communist youth league should be how to deal with the unified leadership of the party and the group’s system of leadership.The third chapter: The mission of Deng Xiaoping’s theory of the communist youth league. First from the consolidated party’s ruling foundation, completes the work task two aspects of the party to the communist youth league’s mission as the necessity of mission in the communist youth league as the embodiment of, on the basis of analysis of the communist youth league’s mission as three basic way.The fourth chapter: Deng Xiaoping’s theory of the communist youth league work. From two aspects: the necessity and possibility to clarify work of communist youth league, the communist youth league’s work in two prominent features, on the basis of the four methods of the communist youth league work art.The fifth chapter: Deng Xiaoping’s theory of the communist youth league cadres team construction. First from the realistic need of "good work" and "cultivate successor" long-term consider two aspects of the construction of the communist youth league cadres strategic significance, and then discusses the six of the communist youth league cadres quality standard, finally expounded Deng Xiaoping to the communist youth league cadres training and selecting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, Thought about the communist youth league, The basic content
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