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Research On The Socialist Youth Outlook With Chinese Characteristics For A New Era

Posted on:2022-10-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306332953009Subject:Marxism in China
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Youth is the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation,and is an important guarantee for the party to maintain its vitality.The Communist Party of China has always regarded youth work as an extremely important work of the party.In the historical process of the Chinese revolution,construction,and reform and opening up for nearly a hundred years under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,always representing,winning,and relying on young people has become an important guarantee for the Communist Party of China to continue from victory to victory.Since the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has placed its hopes on Chinese youth in the new era,and has given high status to Chinese youth in the new era.On the new journey of building a modern socialist country,we will continue our efforts and contribute our youthful wisdom and strength to the realization of the second centenary goal and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.From the perspective of external conditions,the current trend of the times and the international trend that our country is currently facing is a major change unseen in a century,and the competition between various international forces and us for young people has become more intense.The Communist Party of China must strengthen the education of youth ideals and beliefs,cultivate and practice socialist core values,consolidate and expand the party's youth mass base,enhance the party's leadership over youth ideology,eliminate the malignant tumors of Western bourgeois thoughts,and avoid "The Color Revolution" and "peaceful evolution." In addition to the new characteristics and changes of youth in the new era and the lagging reality of youth development,the party and the state should promote the whole society to pay attention to,care for,and care for young people,and call on the party and league organizations to do the work of youth in a practical,meticulous,and intensive manner.Great efforts should be made to do a good job in youth work,to ensure that the party's cause is passed on,and to ensure the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.A systematic review and in-depth study of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era is of great theoretical significance for continuing to enrich the Marxist youth outlook and guiding the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era has established the self-confidence of the times for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,pointed out the direction for the development of youth in the new era,and has become an action guide for doing a good job in youth work in the new era.It has demonstrated great practical significance.This research adopts a combination of macro and micro methods to demonstrate the role of youth as a part of society on the country,nation,party and the world,and analyze the new characteristics of youth as individuals.Using the method of combining historical research and realistic logic,it analyzes why Chinese youth in the new era undertake the historical mission of realizing the Chinese dream,and analyzes the theme and direction of the youth movement in the new era.Use comparative analysis to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of young people in the new era;the differences and connections between young people and the grassroots.Use data analysis methods to analyze the significant changes in the structure of party members in the new era in the form of table comparison.Finally,the method of combining theory and practice is adopted,and youth theory is used to guide youth work and help youth grow into talents.The structure of the paper is as follows:Chapter One,Introduction.Analyze the topic background and research utility of the thesis,and through in-depth analysis of foreign scholars' youth research theories and factions,To form a preliminary understanding of youth studies,Summarize the current status of scholars at home and abroad on youth research Provide theoretical reference for research.Clarify research ideas,Determine research methods,Analyze the innovations and shortcomings of research.Clarify research ideas,determine research methods,and analyze research innovations and deficiencies.Demonstrating the scientific and feasibility of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era will lay the foundation for further in-depth research.Chapter Two analyzes the concept and theoretical basis of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The first part is a theoretical interpretation of the basic connotations involved in the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.Interpret the concepts of youth,youth outlook,Marxist youth outlook and socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era respectively.The second part is to analyze the theoretical basis or source of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era,which is divided into cultural sources and theoretical sources.Culture comes from the self-confidence of Chinese excellent traditional culture,and it also comes from the cultural consciousness of modern youth movement.The theory comes from the youth outlook of the classic Marxist writers,and also from the youth outlook of the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party.It provides scientific theoretical basis and support for the research of this subject.The third chapter analyzes the background and development process of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The first part analyzes the background of the formation of the socialist outlook on youth with Chinese characteristics in the new era,facing the requirements of my country's social development entering the new era,the world's needs for international competition for dominance in the field of ideology,the party's need to consolidate and expand the youth mass base,and the current The lag in the development of Chinese youth and the new characteristics of youth in the new era,The socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics was born in the new era.The second part explores the development process of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The formation of this theory has gone through the incubation stage of "Youth is splendid by grind,and life is sublimated by struggle",the embryonic stage of the implementation of talent strategy,and the exploration stage,formation and development stage of taking the lead in practice.Constantly verifying and enriching theories in practice provides a practical basis for the scientific nature of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The fourth chapter focuses on the main content of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era has rich connotations and far-reaching implications,and mainly includes four aspects: One is the status and role of Chinese youth in the new era.Including the new era Chinese youth are the hope and future of the party and the country,the main force and vanguard force for realizing the Chinese dream,the innovative force that enhances the country's core competitiveness,and the positive force for building a community with a shared future for mankind.The second is the mission and responsibility of Chinese youth in the new era.Chinese youth in the new era carry the important historical mission of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.In the new era,Chinese youth must establish lofty ideals,always maintain patriotic feelings,assume the responsibilities of the times,be brave to work hard,cultivate strong skills,and temper their morality.,These six points are required to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The third is the education and training of Chinese youth in the new era.It is necessary to take "Living morality and cultivating people" as the central link of education,inspire young people with ideals and beliefs,lead young people with socialist core values,cultivate young people with Chinese excellent traditional culture,and achieve all-round development of young people with comprehensive quality education.The fourth is the organization and leadership of Chinese youth in the new era.The new era must strengthen the party's overall leadership over youth,Explain the reform of the Communist Youth League in the new era,The Communist Youth League must take the training of socialist builders and successors as its fundamental task.Focusing on the center and serving the overall situation as the main line of the group's work,It is the political responsibility of the League to consolidate and expand the party's youth mass base,To strengthen the "three natures" and remove the "four modernization" as the goal of the new era of regiment reform.In-depth analysis of the main content of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era will pave the way for condensing the theoretical characteristics and value implications of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.Chapter Five,Focus on condensing the theoretical features of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era embodies three theoretical characteristics.Cultivating newcomers worthy of the important task of the times,with the Chinese spirit as the internal driving force,inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional culture reflects the unity of nationality and time Put forward the principle of "Party in charge of youth",The attention and training of young talents,The training and appointment of young cadres and the strategy of “Youth First Need to Develop”reflect the unity of politics and strategy.To be young people in the new era with the unity of knowledge and action,strengthen youth learning and exchanges with foreign countries,The development of youth work around the characteristics of youth reflects the unity of practice and regularity.Chapter Six,Analyze the value meaning embodied in the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The theoretical value is embodied as an extension of the Marxist outlook on youth in the new era and an important part of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The practical value of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era,To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,we have established the confidence of the times,Pointed out the direction for the development of youth in the new era,It is an action guide for doing youth work well in the new era.Chapter seven,It is proposed that efforts should be made to practice the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.From the national,social,school and individual levels,we will take all-round measures and carry out practical activities.The first is to use the power of the country to implement the strategy of "Youth First Development".The party and the government should be young confidants,enthusiasts,and guides to enhance the youth's attraction,cohesion and service capabilities.The second is to gather social efforts to coordinate the resources of all parties in the society to coordinate the development of youth.Families must help young people to tie the "first button" and strengthen cyberspace governance to promote the healthy development of youth.The third is to improve the level of education in colleges and universities.Colleges and universities must adhere to the correct direction of running schools,attach importance to ideological and political education in colleges and universities,and establish a high-level talent training system.Fourth,we must practice our personal behavior and be a newcomer of the era with ideals,capabilities and responsibilities.The New Era Youth Movement must continue to carry forward the spirit of the May Fourth Movement and establish a sense of a community with a shared future for mankind.In general,by systematically studying the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era,The paper mainly proposes the following innovative viewpoints: First,the thesis explores the development process of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era based on Xi Jinping's own youth life experience,years of governance experience and youth work in governance,which reflects innovation.The second is the thesis on the cultural origin of the cultural consciousness of the modern youth movement,especially the analysis of the influence of the May Fourth spirit on Chinese youth in the new era,which reflects the innovation.The third is that the research on the theoretical characteristics of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era is innovative.Fourth,it is innovative to study the value of the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era.Fifth,the choice of ways to implement the socialist youth outlook with Chinese characteristics in the new era is proposed from the four aspects of the country,society,school,and individuals.
Keywords/Search Tags:New ear, socialism with Chinese characteristics, youth, youth view
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