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Lu Xun's Japan Complex

Posted on:2020-08-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330602455608Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu Xun had an indissoluble bond with Japan.To understand Lu Xun and his literary works,we must fully understand his relationship with Japan,which is an indispensible topic for discussion in the study of Lu Xun.Judging from the actual relationship between Lu Xun and Japan,his “Japan complex” signifies warmth,love,and respect,as we all know;Yet it also signifies disgust,rejection,disdain,and even hatred.Lu Xun's “Japan complex” was formed during his seven years of study in Japan which started at the age of twenty-two.It was probably a coincidence in Lu Xun's life that he chose Japan as the destination of his oversea studies.For,he was not “naturally” close to the Japanese culture.One must know this fact well before he fully comprehends Lu Xun's “Japan complex”.Lu Xun's ideology on nationalism rapidly grew during his two years of study in Kobun Institute.To understand the development of Lu Xun's nationalist ideology at that time,negative emotions coming from the Japanese and the stimuli followed should be fully taken into account.Lu Xun was also enrolled in a Judo training course when he studied in Kobun Institute.The modern Judo system of Japan,the product of its cultural transition,is the continuation of the tradition(there were traits of the traditional tutor-and-pupil relationship and the promotion of moral and spiritual training in the training system)and the anti-tradition.Exactly which side a particular participant would be attracted to must be analyzed on a case by case basis.For Lu Xun,it can be easily found from longitudinal comparison that it was the anti-tradition side that attracted him a side opposite to Yihequan,other than the continuation of traditional side,a side similar to Yihequan.Judging from Lu Xun's recalling essay "Mr.Fujino",his feelings and moods in Sendai are generally not so warm.It was such overall feeling and mood he was in when Mr.Fujino gave him the unexpected care,and he was particularly touched and had a deep impression and nostalgia.Mr.Fujino was indeed a symbol of friendly Japanese in Lu Xun' heart,but this symbol did not mean to him that “all Japanese are friendly”,instead,it only implied that “there are such friendly people among the Japanese”.The immediate cause for Lu Xun's “Abandoning medicine for literature” was the “Slide” event.Although Japanese scholars try to question it from various perspectives,that is a basic fact and could not be changed.The scene was described twice by Lu Xun,and it was a significant constituent of Lu Xun's Japan complex.This scene was the most intuitive "last scene" or "the scene of hell" in Lu Xun's mind.In this scene,Japan represents the savage in the name of civilization,and the evil in the name of justice,and this barbaric and evil power was closely organized.After returning to Tokyo,Lu Xun became more intimate and thoughtful with Japan in the reform period than in Japan of that time.He made full use of Japan's conveniences,and pursued the knowledge and spirit that were not an interest of the Japanese authority.Through some comments on that special historical period of Japan,Lu Xun tried to break through the limitations of Japanese cultural tradition.A distinctive feature of Lu Xun's "Japan complex" is that he kept the merits of the Japanese culture instead of completely following Japanese culture.We used to think that Lu Xun's “loneness” was associated with the gap between Lu Xun's thoughts and Chinese ideology.However,if we think of Lu Xun's “Japan complex”,we will find that the gap between Lu Xun and the Japanese ideological circle is more fundamental.In the "silent period" of Lu Xun after returning to China,his identity as a returning patriot was very prominent in all aspects.This identity had helped him get a good job with decent social status and income.This could also be seen from the way he worked.At the same time,the characteristics of copinism were also displayed as he applied what he had learned in Japan.At the critical moment of the "literary revolution",a turning point in the history of Chinese literature,resources from other countries were of great help,because they were able to reveal the defects of Chinese literature,and provided possible plans and ideas for improvement.These foreign resources can be regarded as the "weapons" that these revolutionists had obtained from overseas to fight against the musty literary tradition.If the resources from Japan are compared to the "Japanese Sword",then the "Japanese Sword" in Lu Xun's hands is undoubtedly the sharpest one.Lu Xun is also the most skilled and effective one to use this weapon.It is confirmed that Lu Xun's compositions were influenced by Japanese works during the May Fourth period.However,the influence was not as great as decisive.Thus,the similarity shall not be taken as the evidence of influence;Moreover,these Japanese works were not a model but sources for Lu Xun to flexibly use in his writing.Lu Xun did not just import the achievements of Japanese literacy to China as he made use of "Japan Sword" in the literary revolution,but it was not just transplanting Japanese literary achievements to China.Falling out with Zhou Zuoren made changes to Lu Xun's social circle and living environment.Both the Japanese circle in China(including the Japanese in his family)and the circle of patriots returned from Japan(except his best friend Xu Shouchang)had become less important in Lu's life and social activities.The reason for that change was that Zhou Zuoren's wife was Japanese,and it was Zhou Zuoren who was most active in establishing and maintaining the connections with the Japanese literary community.This change had a positive effect on Lu Xun as he could then bypass the interpersonal relationships in reality and observe and recall Japan with a broader vision.After a few years,in a new time and space,he established a new way of communication with the Japanese literary community in a new perspective.Falling out with brothers due to the Japanese member in the family may also reflect that Lu Xun was never familiar with the way of getting with Japanese in his private life.In terms of the "Japan complex," Lu Xun was more interested in Japan's "learning from outside" side,and Zhou Zuoren was keener to Japan's "continuing tradition." Lu Xun was very respectful and fond of Japanese and things that were not like Japan.This should be an important angle for us to understand Lu Xun's "Japan complex."In 1931,Lu Xun's "Japan complex" entered a new and most profound stage due to a series of tremendous changes.First,the aggressive ambition and aggressive actions of the Japanese militaristic regime determined that Lu Xun clearly regarded Japan as an enemy.Second,the sense of comrade-in-arms in the world proletarian literary movement made the relationship between Lu Xun and the Japanese left-wing literary circles much more intimate than Lu Xun with the Japanese literary circles before.Thirdly,Lu Xun had a friendly exchange with many Japanese in the internationalized Shanghai.As Lu Xun became more and more famous at home and abroad,a number of educated Japanese visited Lu Xun.Lu Xun was very enthusiastic to them,until he found that some of them have ulterior motives and mean.Fourth,during this period,Japanese art was one of the objects that Lu Xun liked to enjoy in his leisure time after hard work.This period is the most concentrated expression of the complexity and multi-faceted nature of Lu Xun's "Japan complex" after its evolution in historical time and space.The attitude toward Japan's "changing direction" writers reflects Lu Xun's three views: First,for Japan's state power at that time,he thinks that this regime is brutal.But the brutal regime looks so "scientific".Second,for holistic impression of the Japanese national character,the impression is complicated and not all good impressions.However,there is no national character that is weak,afraid of suffering,and afraid of death.Third,for some left-wing writers in China at the time,he actually doubted their determination and will.The first two views are vivid manifestations of Lu Xun's "Japan complex." He is familiar with Japan and understands Japan,respecting the advantages of the Japanese national character,owning a clear understanding of the shortcomings of Japanese society and culture.Moreover,he hated the fascist regime at the time in Japan.Uchiyama Bookstore bears several important functions in Lu Xun's life in shanghai.Lu Xun did lots of things in the bookstore,including buying books,consignment,meeting unfamiliar people,cooperation in literature and art,and “third space”.There is no factual basis for these "interpretations" that Uchiyama Kanzo is the Japanese spy and the Uchiyama bookstore is stronghold of the Japanese invasion of China.The friendship between Lu Xun and Uchiyama Kanzo is to transcend the differences between the nation and the identity.It was soul mate and had nothing to do with the ideology.It is absurd to depreciate Uchiyama Kanzo into the "traitor and spy".It is also no necessary to sublimate their friendship into "progressive thinking" or "Christian culture".However,the common position of loving China and opposing Japan's aggression against China is indeed the basic prerequisite for this friendship.Lu Xun's activities during the "January 28 th Incident" are faultless unquestioned.Moreover,his participation in signing the anti-Japanese protests is also evidenced.As for the "escape" and "silence" that some people criticized in recent years,the result of not "escape" can only be arrested.As a well-known revolutionary writer and a signatory of anti-Japanese accusations,if he was arrested,only two results wait for him--Surrender or Execution.At this time,the use of "escape" to preserve strength is the most responsible choice for the nation and the people;Rather than Lu Xun's silence needs to be defended,it is better to say that some people's unrealistic overstatement of Chiang kai-shek's Nanjing regime should be corrected.The last years of Lu Xun's life was spent on the eve of Japan's full-scale invasion of China.Lu Xun,who was physically weak during his illness,was at the forefront of the Anti-Japanese War front in the literary and art circles with his strong spiritual strength.From the perspective of the "Japan complex," "anti-Japanese" is the absolute center of Lu Xun's "Japanese complex." During this period,Lu Xun's feeling for Japan is knowing well,so hating deeply.In summary,there are two aspects for Lu Xun's feelings about Japan.Firstly,it is gratitude and warmth.Secondly,it is humiliation and righteous indignation.These two aspects have become the most basic and most original "primary color" of Lu Xun's "Japan complex." Lu Xun's "Japan complex" is characterized by different scenes in different time and space.Its main line is to seek China's self-improvement and prosperity,freedom and independence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Xun, Japan Complex, Comparative Literature
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