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Fanggu:Painters In Cho-Sun Dynasty And China

Posted on:2020-05-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Full Text:PDF
GTID:1365330575996154Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“Fanggu” is one of the most important parts which is considered interes tingly in Chinese tradition.It also influenced on paintings of Cho-sun dyn asty,Korean researchers have included "fang-china" when covering the matte r of “Fanggu” between the relationship of Cho-sun and ancient dynasty of China.Historically,when we cover “Fang-painting",it means we often imit ate(?)a Chinese work.The main text is based on researches of scholars su ch as Jeong-hee Han,Hong-dae Kim,Mee-hyang Yoon,Ki-won Lee,Yeong-hwan H an,and the main text tries to analyze and contemplate the features of“Fan ggu”and imitated(?)Chinese works expressed in landscape paintings which were created in each period of Cho-sun dynasty.And it seems that “Fangg u” was brought in the early years of the Cho-sun Dynasty.Since the Cho-su n dynasty introduced representative chinese paintings such as gu family pai nting-collection,“fang-painting”became a common learning-method in Chosun dynasty paintings.In the 19 th century,Kim Jung-hee created a historic al idea in history,his reactionism which is entirely consistent with the t ypical chinese-style painting theory from the Dongichang at the end of the Ming Dynasty and Four kings of early Qing Dynasty.Kim Jung-hee was very in terested in the painting trend of four famous families at the end of the W on dynasty.Based on the experience given to him by the learning-Qing Cultu re school and the paintings brought from China,he created the “Fanggu” a t the end of the Cho-sun dynasty.This made an enormous impact on the Cho-s un painters.“Fanggu” is not just a perfunctory notion.Also,“Fanggu”does not just mean “fang-china” at the end of Cho-sun dynasty.At the end of the Cho-sun dynasty,painters in Cho-sun dynasty started to imitate(?)each other.On the one hand,painters in Cho-sun dynasty created a unique landscape painting style called Jinkyoung landscape painting.In this style,painters drew pictures after watching the nature of Cho-sun.Also the sout hern school painting of Cho-sun developed after Jinkyoung landscape paintin g was created.Even though painters in Cho-sun imitated(?)Chinese style,the unique painting style of Cho-sun began to be formed.Cho-sun dynasty paintings developed into unique national paintings under the influence of the “Fanggu”.And I have come to the understanding of“F anggu” in this way.“Fanggu”is not just an interesting notion,but also it is a way of studyi ng painting.It has specific features by period.Sometimes it can become va rious notions,and has special styles,thoughts by period.Thesedays“Fangg u”is still considered as a method of studying painting in Korea,china as well.Moreover,“Fanggu”gives directions to painters and help them create their own artworks by referring to previous painters in history.At this p oint,we can realize the values of past-present,tradition-creation coe xist in the modern painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Fanggu", Cho-sun dynasty landscape-painting, Art Exchange between Korea and China
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