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Research On The Urban Geography Of The Capital Circle In Qin And Han Dynasties

Posted on:2013-04-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330572962238Subject:Historical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The methods of historical geography and related disciplines are used to analyze on elements of the capital circle of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties for studying on formation and evolution laws of the urban circle layer.This paper reveals the structural characteristics,regional difference and mechanism of the capital circle of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties,in order to promote Xi'an urban construction.The thesis is composed of the following 6 chapters:Chapter land 2 review the history and development of cities in the capital circle of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties.They include the following three aspects:the spatial process of cities in the capital circle of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties;the spatiotemporal character in different areas in the capital circle of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties;the changes in Administration of the capital circle of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties.Chapter 3 and 4 research the cemetery town policy,especially properties and functions of cemetery towns.It firstly discusses the basic situations of cemetery towns,such as the cause of their rise and fall,the location and architectural structure.Then it analysis their development and change in terms of immigration of Cemetery towns.With the political and economic development,the framework of the geographical distribution of characters had obvious changed,which had a significant impact on the composition of society.Here it reports the reasons of characters maldistribution in the cemetery towns and the effects on the society.Chapter 5 focuses on layout and functions of Shanglin Parkland.It focuses on discussing the relationship between Shanglin Parkland and the capitals of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties.Shanglin Parkland is a supplement to the capitals,it provided the emperpr various kinds of services,from traditional moving hunting to social life,such as sightseeing,production and processing,storage,sacrifice and military training.Shanglin Parkland has vital impertantance for royalty,it plays a role as satellite city.Chapter 6 makes a study on spatial structure and regional difference of the capital cities of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties.It discusses the dynamic mechanism of the capital cities of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties from geographical environment,economic base and management.There are three circle layers,each is different.Even in the same circle layers,it can divided into different regions.Transportation network will connect all cities.In summary,the capital cities of the Qin and Western Han Dynasties and their environs have obvious features that different from other cities,such as its administrative hierarchy and its space structures.The urban scale in the Qin and Western Han Dynasties are demonstrated the trend of decreasing step by step from the capital city to the cemetery towns and snafu area,as indicators of the population scale and urban land scale.The structure was similarly as the same as modern capital circle.And it was the great breakthrough in the history of Chinese city construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qin and Western Han Dynasties, the capital circle, urban system
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