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The Study Of Immigrant Society From The Perspective Of Historical Sociogeography (1821-1949)

Posted on:2015-06-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330572962234Subject:Historical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study about State Power and Immigrant Social Relations can be said to be the forefront of the academic theory and current practical problems have aroused extensive attention of scholars.But the majority of research related to the South China region,for example Hunan and Hubei,North China and other regions in the results of the current study,lacking of academic research in-depth system about the Northwest China,especially in the Urumqi area.The main reason is that on the one hand was complexity of human environment because the immigration had come from different regions in Late Qing Dynasty;the other hand the historical data is relatively scarce because they had not pay enough attention to education and due to ongoing war in the frontier society of immigrants.The reasons from two aspects will be the historical data that the traditional private writing and other official documents,and I had collected a wealth of information including oral historical,folks and archival material on the local through twice field works in 2010 and 2013 will be as the primary data to support of the study.It can be carried out the research on the relationship between the countries power and rural society in Urumqi region during the Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China from three aspects,namely construction of rural social organization and operation of the system;water conservancy disputes and social order;demographic structure,women and the relation about marriage.First,the folk materials,archive and oral historical data will become main data support of the study in the perspective of the use of information.Second,fieldwork and historical social geography will be as main research approach on research methods,and integrated use of the methods for instance history,historical anthropology,statistics and other disciplines of sociology.Throughout the thesis during the writing process,adhere to the relation between state power and rural social interaction as the research main line and the Urumqi Region as a whole,exploring the state power to control and governance and further revealing the self-management and the response of national policy for immigration rural society both the perspective of country and immigration rural society,the research can reflect the diverse vision and overall history of relationship between state power and rural community.Finally,broke the previous top-down one-way study in the research model.We used a top-down and down-top research bidirectional mode,so that the vertical and parallel interaction can be good presentation between country and immigration society.The previous study view that only strong emphasis on centralization but regarded the country as the organization just played the role of intermediary was questioned,and the characteristics of relationship between country and immigration rural society was made a generalization.In summary,three topics that they are construction of rural social organization and operation of the system;water conservancy disputes and social order and demographic structure,women and the relation about marriage in the Urumqi region during the Late Qing Dynasty to Republic of China will be explored.The study basically revolves that the immigration rural society can keep stable through management of national policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical Society Geography, Immigrant Community, Urumqi Region, During1821-1949
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