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A Study On The Academic Thought Of Li Chi

Posted on:2019-09-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H ChenFull Text:PDF
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Content:Mr.Li Chi is one of the founders of modern scientific archaeology in China.He is known as“the father of Chinese archaeology”,“ancient historian of the anthropological school”and "master of archaeology and anthropology".The excavation of the Yin Ruins and the excavation of the Chengziya site led by him led to the opening of a new way of scientific archaeology.The excavation of the Yin Ruins site in An yang led by Li Chi has pushed the Chinese real history forward for hundreds of years.The large amount of oracle bones and related artifacts found in Yin Ruins partially confirmed the reliability of traditional literature,and introduced some of the literature of Shang Dynasty into the field of credit history,making a major contribution to the reconstruction of Chinese ancient history.In addition to leading the excavation work itself,Li Chi also organized a large number of Shang Dynasty cultural relics,organized nearly half a century of research,and published a vast academic achievement.In terms of research horizons,he follows the concept of "human history"and observes Chinese culture and history from the perspective of all human beings.This kind of world vision forms a new historical view,that is,"equal vision." He placed archaeology on the framework of reconstructing culture and regarded all archaeological materials as part of the record of human cultural development.He adheres to the interdisciplinary academic vision and uses the materials and methods of the ancient environment,archaeology,and history to study Chinese history and culture.Li Chi's study of ancient history needs to go beyond the Chinese territory to understand the connotations and connections of different cultures of mankind.In terms of subject care,Li Chi is a pioneer in the study of Chinese nationality and culture by scientific methods.The most concerned academic sentiment in his life is to explore the origin of Chinese nationality and culture.This issue involves both history and archaeology,as well as anthropology and ethnology.His lifelong study is based on the study of Chinese national culture.Every achievement is from field practice and scientific discussion.On the basis of writing,he is fluent in writing,he emphasizes scientific evidence,rejects unfounded speculation and judgment;edits academic report series and various The magazines are all necessary for the study of Chinese archaeologists;improve the level of Chinese archaeology and its status in the world,and promote the correct understanding of Chinese history and the history of the world.In terms of research methods,he can open up new areas of scholarship and specify academic directions and methods.Its archaeological research has established a model of the combination of stratigraphy and typology,pushing the study of ancient artifacts on a new,more scientific path.Its anthropological research adheres to the combination of psychology,bilingual mutual authentication and anthropology.It is guided by anthropological thoughts and methods.Through archaeological excavation and research,it finally leads to the reconstruction of ancient history.The use of physical anthropology knowledge,Prove the diversity of Chinese race.His historical research adheres to a unique"new historiography".Through field archaeology,he traces the source of ancient times,tells a series of historical situations,and incorporates archaeology,anthropology,and natural science into historiography,and uses unearthed cultural relics to prove history,Solve various ancient historical issues and promote the revolutionary transformation of ancient history research.In terms of talent training,Li Chi also made outstanding contributions in training archaeology and museum talents.In the field archaeological work he led,he cultivated a group of archaeologists who made outstanding achievements in archaeological work in China,such as Wu Jin Ding,C.H.Kao,and Xia Nai.In recent decades,archaeological undertakings on both sides of the strait have left a trace of the archaeological thoughts of Li Chi.In his later years,Li Chi also personally cultivated archaeological and historical scholars such as Kwang-Chih Chang,Li Yih-yuan,ChoyunHsu and other internationally renowned scholarsIn terms of scientific sentiment,Li Chi started with the traditional Chineseideology and culture and his outlook on life,and delved into the problem of"The modern science did not develop in modern China".He tried his best to promote science and devoted his life to "making science take root in China." In academic research,he adheres to scientific principles and maintains the true nature of scholarship in his conduct.The purpose of learning is to pursue knowledge itself.He advocates studying advanced Western disciplines,exploring the spirit of science,concealing stereotypes,pursuing truth with one heart,and gradually forming rational thinking and modern academic vision.In terms of academic characteristics,Li Chi has both a profound Chinese traditional cultural foundation and a baptism of Western scientific knowledge.Therefore,its academic attitude is not only combined with the package,but also has the characteristics of rigor,innovation,and objectiveness.It also takes into account objective evidence and historical imagination,specialization and interdisciplinary integration,research specialization and broad vision.Li Chi attaches importance to accurate records,not only to raise the field work to the standards of the laboratory,but also to open up new ways of history in the field of anthropology.Adhere to the combination of anthropological knowledge and archaeological research,use scientific imagination and hypothesis,and implement the spirit of truthfulness and objective and empirical methods into archaeological excavations,so that archaeological excavations can gain unprecedented vitality.Li Chi's international influence in archaeology,the spirit of solidarity andmutual assistance,and the fine work style with the only goal of learning are the precious legacy left to future generations.Under the dual influence of traditional old school and western new school,Mr.and his Yin Ruins team led the field excavation with modern archaeological methods,insisted on detailed archaeological data,and required the research report of the highest academic norms in Europe and America to create Chinese archaeology "Modernist".
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Chi, Yin Ruins, Academic Thought
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