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Research On Xun Yue's Thoughts

Posted on:2019-02-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330548466426Subject:Qin and Han history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xun Yue,as an outstanding historian and progressive political thinker in the late Eastern Han Dynasty,plays an extremely important role in the history of Chinese historiography and the history of thought.In the last year of the Eastern Han Dynasty,the alternate dictatorship of the relatives and the eunuchs,the separatist of the feudal lords,the frequent wars;the extremely sharp class contradictions and the decline of the official Confucianism,the Eastern Han regime had been on the brink of collapse in the economic base and superstructure.Under such circumstances,Xun Yue actively wrote books and put his views on history,politics and economy into works.Although Han Ji is cutting and cutting the book of Han Dynasty as a whole,there are still many reforms and innovations in terms of style and content.The advent of the Han Dynasty not only restored the chronological history of the chronicle,but also made up for the chronology of the chronicles represented by Zuo Zhuan and the biographies represented by historical records and Han Shu,and established a complete chronological chronicle in our country.The book of "Shen Jian" is a summary and summary of the various views that Xun Yue and Han dedicate to emperor,Kong Rong,Xun Gong and so on to discuss the various views of the rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty,and systematically put forward various political measures to reform the time and disadvantage and revitalize the Han Dynasty.In historical thought,Xun Yue paid special attention to the historical reference of historical works,and regarded the prosperity and decline of the Western Han Dynasty as a mirror,and thought it was the top priority of governing the country,and it was hoped that the emperors of the Dynasty ofiten learned to learn from them.The thirty-eight "Xun Yue Yue,in the "Han Dynasty" is full of "Xun Yue Yue",which is full of strong encouragement means:or to discuss the gains and losses and measures of administering the country,or to discuss the monarchy to strengthen his own self-cultivation,to be in power for the people,to deal with the relationship between the monarchy and minister,or to put forward restrictions and vigilance to the king,and hope that the monarchs and the officials can abide by the political ethics,the same spirit,and the blessing of the people.Xun Yue has made Han Ji into an ancient imperial textbook.Xun Yue thought was deeply influenced by Confucian classics,and at the same time,it was much more absorbed by Taoism.It absorbed Taoism's nature,dialectics and simplicity.Xun Yue made a good combination of his criticism of the society and the absorption of the doctrine of Taoism,and was carried out in his historical activities to highlight the development and evolution of the relationship between the thought of the Taoist and the historiography.In the political and economic aspects,Xun Yue,with the principle of "benevolence and righteousness as the basis",recognized the people,paid attention to the agricultural production,and began with the policy of supporting the development of agriculture and mulberry,and put forward the measures of "taking the people as the base" for the people,the rich people and the people.At the same time,Xun Yue also has a lot of insight into the economic problems such as land policy,monetary policy and ofificial salary in the Han Dynasty.As he pointed out,the policy of reducing or reducing taxes is essentially the measure of the Royal and powerful concealment.Xun Yue also attached importance to the rule of law,hoping to create a healthy and orderly social environment through the legal system.It is worth mentioning that Xun Yue's legal thought embodies the characteristics of benevolence and righteousness,timely contingency and the relationship between customs and customs.Xun Yue not only focuses on historical reference,politics and economy,but also has his own views:in philosophy;such as relationship between heaven and man,destiny and human nature.The three potential theory of heaven and destiny,as a prominent philosophy of Xun Yue,aims at explaining the answers of heaven and man,the principles of life and so on.He divides all aspects of nature and life into three types:the first is the one without effort;the second is to do the best and not to be the one;the third is to do the best,and the end of his life.XunYue through the history to effectively maintain the Han unification,powerful ideological weapons as the "Xuanhan" with the theory of fate.However,unlike Ban Gu's fatality,Xun Yue pays more attention to personnel summary while advocating the concept of fatality.Through the analysis and combing of Xun Yue's thought,we can clearly see that Xun Yue thought has the harmonization of being in two ways,not going to the front,thinking carefully and keeping up with each other;it is the three characteristics of the typical characteristics of the time making,the right change of the flexible operation and the typicality of the connection between the beginning and the next.In general,Xun Yue,with a scholar's identity,is concerned with the suffering of the people's livelihood,and actively explores the ways and means of state governance,reform and development.It not only embodies the responsibility and responsibility of the ancient scholar bureaucrats,but also highlights the spirit of the ancient scholar bureaucrats who "know it can not be".
Keywords/Search Tags:Xun yue, Han Ji, ShenJian, Philosophical thought, Historical thought, Govern the country
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