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The Development And Political Participation Of The Overseas Chinese Business Groups In Thailand Since 1980s

Posted on:2019-05-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Full Text:PDF
GTID:1365330545995317Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Overseas Chinese have a long history of emigrating.According to the statistic of 2014,about 50 million Chinese has migrated to overseas countries and regions.Southeast Asia is the most concentrated settlement of overseas Chinese.After World War ?,overseas Chinese society in Southeast Asia has changed.The Chinese government decided to solve the problem of "dual nationality",and approved and encouraged the overseas Chinese living abroad to choose their nationality according to the principle of voluntariness.Most overseas Chinese applied for naturalization and gradually merged into the local society to transform the overseas Chinese society in Southeast Asia into the Chinese society.However,in some countries,the integration of overseas Chinese into the mainstream society is relatively smooth,but there are also some countries in the process of the implementation of the government's assimilation policy in the process of bloodshed.Among the countries in Southeast Asia,Thailand is famous for its gentle assimilation policy to the overseas Chinese.The Chinese people in Thailand have changed from the former overseas Chinese to the Thai Chinese quite smoothly.During the cold war,although Chinese and Thai were in the background of political ideology difference and Thailand government's implementation of Pro American anti-communist policy,Chinese people were suppressed by the Thailand government,but they didn't suffer any serious blow.Although it is slow,the Chinese society in Thailand is still continuing and developing.In 1970s,especially during the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand in 1975,and the implementation of the reform and opening policy in 1978,the Chinese society in Thailand has been on the road of revival.Thailand Chinese have been developing rapidly in all aspects and all levels.Since 1980s,with the development of Thailand's economy,Chinese entrepreneurs in Thailand have expanded their businesses along with the development of Thailand's economy.They have become major business groups in Thailand,and have embarked on new approaches to development.This dissertation is designed to study and analyze the development of Chinese business group in Thailand since 1980s.On this issue,we should not only focus on the large business groups in Bangkok,but also attach importance to the Chinese business groups in all parts of Thailand,including the central,the northeast,the north and the south.In addition,the paper also studies how the Chinese business group in Thailand treats the political aspect after theirs economic success.From the study,it is found that,the economic development policy implemented by the Thailand government since 1980s is beneficial to the expansion of enterprises in Chinese business groups.Chinese business groups in the fields of agricultural industry,liquor industry,emerging industry,real estate and retail industry have developed into large enterprise groups.At the same time,the local Chinese business groups in various regions of Thailand also expand the corresponding enterprises with the development of the Thailand government in various regions.One of the noteworthy points of view is that the Chinese business group is basically in contact with politics after its economic success.In the field of political participation,it has been found that most Chinese business groups are either directly or indirectly involved in politics and become a force in the control of economic and political affairs.Since the beginning of the new century,Chinese business group in Thailand has been developing rapidly.Many groups have developed into large conglomerates in Southeast Asia.They play a great role in Thailand's economic development.In the current situation,Chinese business group will continue to develop,and it will play a decisive role in Thailand's economic and political development and even regional economic development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thai-Chinese, Chinese Business Group, Political Participation
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