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A Study Of The Comments In The Qing Dynasty On Du Fu's Poems

Posted on:2019-01-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330545973397Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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The study of Du Fu's poems was epitomized in the Qing Dynasty.But in the field of the study of Du Fu,people have focused on the annotations of Du Fu's poems.There is no adequate systematic study of the comment of Du Fu's poems,which exist as various forms of poetry anthology,notes on poets and poetry,notes,letters,preface and postscript of poetry anthology,monograph,collection of Du Fu's poems,poems of replying,narration-and-intoning-style poems of Memorial Temple for Du Fu and the statue of Du Fu and so on in the Qing Dynasty.This paper,by taking the comments of Du Fu's poems in the Qing Dynasty as the study object,on the basis of systematic collation of the original literature of the comments of Du Fu's poems,studies the study of Du Fu's poetry of Wang Fuzhi,who was a representative figure of Du banished and Wang Shizhen,Shen Deqian,Weng Fanggang,Yuan Mei,who were representative figures of the four major poetics of the Qing Dynasty,and argues on how to explain the rich connotation of Du Fu's poetry and dig deeply its aesthetic value,and clarifies the links between these explanations and their historical conditions.On the basis of these studies,this paper rediscovers the value of Du Fu's poetry and explores the inner connection between Du Fu's poetry and the construction of poetics in the Qing Dynasty.In order to reveal a tip of the iceberg of the innovation of the study of Du Fu's poetry in the Qing Dynasty,this paper has collated and researched two rare monographs of Du Fu's poetry--Jia Kaizong's The Analysis of Eight Poems of Autumn and Lu Zhen's An Outline of Du Fu's Poems at the same time.This paper consists of seven chapters in addition to introduction and conclusion.The main contents are illustrated as follows:The first chapter explores the comments of Wang Fuzhi on Du Fu's Poems and the causes and value of belittling Du Fu's Poems.This chapter,on the basis of introducing briefly the poetics of Wang Fuzhi,cardings the various comments of Wang Fuzhi on Du Fu's Poems from three aspects including his poetics,the political background and the poetics background.The essence of belittling Du Fu's Poems from Wang Fuzhi,is the collision between the aesthetic tradition of Han-Wei-Liu Chao periods,which was hold fast to by Wang Fuzhi and the new change to the tradition Du Fu represented.Wang Fuzhi's mixed attitude to Du Fu's poems,gives a clear demonstration of Du Fu,who carried on the past and opened a way for the future in the history of Chinese classical poetry that Du Fu not only inherited the aesthetic tradition of Han-Wei-Liu Chao periods,but also was a pioneer of the new aesthetic fashion.The second chapter makes a thorough inquiry about the study of Du Fu's poems of Wang Shizhen centered on aesthetics and some controversial poetical problem such as “Yu Yang didn't like Shao Ling”,Tang Xian San Mei Collection didn't choose Du Fu's poetry and so on.This chapter,on the basis of probing the cause of formation and aesthetic connotation of the romantic charm of Wang Shizhen,cardings the comments of Wang Shizhen on Du Fu's Poems from six aspects including the genre of poem,the art of poem,textual criticism,selection of poems,spreading and acceptance of poems and Du Fu's moral quality.Wang Shizhen subverted Du Fu's status of a synthesizer of Chinese classical poetry,revealing the innovation and rich diversity of Du Fu's poems.Wang Shizhen clarified the relationship between Du Fu's poetry and the prosperous Tang Dynasty,revealing the value of Du Fu's poetry in the history of criticism.Wang Shizhen tried to reconstruct the value system of poetics centered on Wang Wei,proving that the classic status of Du Fu's poetry is unchallenged in the classical poetic tradition from the opposite angle.The third chapter probes into the study of Du Fu's poems of Shen Deqian centered on political moralization.This chapter,on the basis of probing the origin,connotation and poetics,not only cardings the comments of Shen Deqian on Du Fu's Poems from four aspects including the theme of poem,the genre of poem,epitomizing good qualities and poetics,but also probes how to reference Du Fu's Poems when Shen Deqian wrote poems and the defects of criticizing Du Fu's Poems centered on political moralization.Shen Deqian held in high esteem to Du Fu.On the one hand,it has complied with the political needs of the Qing Dynasty.On the other hand,it has established the supremacy of Du Fu's poems again with the aid of powerful political force.The fourth chapter researches the study of Du Fu's poems of Weng Fanggang centered on poetics,and discusses the general views on Du Fu's poetry,and focuses on the main contents and the characteristics of comment on Du Fu's poems of Weng Fanggang's Du Fu's Poems Postscript.Weng Fanggang saw Du Fu's poems as a model of the “texture” theory,and discussed deeply the poetics of Du Fu's poems.He set up the “texture” theory with the aid of Du Fu's poems,and in turn,explained Du Fu's poems and proved the correctness of the “texture” theory.Du Fu's poems have been the medium and platform,which were used to elucidate Weng Fanggang's poetics and communicate with the seniors and the subordinates.As an epigrapher and calligraphist,Weng Fanggang criticized Du Fu's poems by the method of combining intuitional criticism and analysis and textual research.He first borrowed heavily from the terms of calligraphy to criticize Du Fu's poems,and formed unique theoretical system of the comments on Du Fu's poems,which was of great significance to the innovation of critical methods of the study of Du Fu's poems in the Qing Dynasty,and embodied new features of the blending of the study of Du Fu's poems,epigaphy and calligraphy in Qian Long and Jia Qing periods.The fifth chapter explores the study of Du Fu's poems of Yuan Mei,Zhao Yi and Jiang Shiquan centered on temperament.They all commented Du Fu's poems centered on temperament and revealed the aesthetic emotion root of Du Fu's poems.But Yuan Mei emphasized that the characteristics of Du Fu's poems was good at lyric,“bitter” and innovative.Yuan Mei learned Du Fu's Poems,but did not give the supremacy of Du Fu's poems.Zhao Yi confirmed Du Fu's innovation,and proposed that Du Fu was a genius,which embodied distinct tendency of advocating Du Fu.Zhao Yi researched Du Fu's poems by textual criticism,and gave a full play of his strength as a historian.Jiang Shiquan did not surpass the forefathers' ideas that poems should express the “thoughts of loyalty and indignation” and be “gentle and kind”.The protruding characteristics of Jiang Shiquan's comments on Du Fu's poems is that he emphasized that Du Fu's poetry was practical and instructive for his poetic creation.The sixth chapter studies the contents and the characteristics of comments on Du Fu's poems of Jia Kaizong's The Analysis of Eight Poems of Autumn,in which the main contents was an analysis from four aspects including the sources of subject,the composition structure,the language art and the Confucian tradition of political literature of Eight Poems of Autumn.The prominent characteristic of comments on Du Fu's poems of Jia Kaizong is from history to poetry and by making use of Du Fu's poems to express ideas.The characteristic embodies the influence of the practical historiography trend on the study of Du Fu's poems.As the first monograph about Eight Poems of Autumn,on the one hand,it embodies that the study of Du Fu's poems was affected by the practical historiography trend in the late Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty.On the other hand,it reflects the new characteristics of thorough and thematicThe seventh chapter discusses the main contents and the characteristics of comment on Du Fu's poems of Lu Zhen's An Outline of Du Fu's Poems,in which the twenty-four items in the monograph are analyzed from four aspects including Zheng Bian view,the theory of writing,the theory of poetry and the theory of appreciation.Jia Kaizong criticized Du Fu's poems by taking Confucianism as the basis,and concurrently picked the terms of Taoists,Taoism,Buddhism,painting and calligraphy art.He broke through the limitations of the research paradigm limited to Du Fu's poems and criticized in the height of the theory of poetics.The nature of An Outline of Du Fu's Poems is similar to a systematic An introduction to Du Fu's Poems.It is the first case in the history of Du Fu poetics research.It reflects the innovation of the study of Du Fu's poems in the early Qing dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:poetics in the Qing Dynasty, study of Du Fu's poems, Du Fu's poems, poetry criticism
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