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The Modern Tianjin Faith Research Group(1912-1937)

Posted on:2015-11-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330491960125Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After 1911 Revolution,survivals of bygone ages of late Qing dynasty started to immigrate to Tianjin.Meanwhile,with the changes of Age structure and political situation,the military and political big shots,who are lost their power and influence and a few parts of government bureaucracy also immigrate to Tianjin,forming a new and special group-Yu Gong,which are bureaucrats or the rich in exile.I will focus on the YuGong's activities from 1912 to 1937.Due to the large quantities of people immigrated to Tianjin,during this period,I will choose the YuGong,who were occupying the key political position and status,who were dwelling in concession of China,as our research objects.Undoubtedly speaking,this elite group,as a major force,to promote and accelerate the economy development of Tianjin and the North of China,has a significant impact on economy of Tianjin even though they fall into disgrace and struggled for the standing of their political power and influences.Hence,the research of Y Gong is vital in academic value Practical significance.Based on searching the related literature,there was no related research and papers in this filed.Firstly,the essay will summarize the development of concession and the reform and openness of Tianjin-trading ports.With the unique geographical advantage,Tianjin attracted lots of political elite to settle down.The essay will card and summarize the forming and developing of Tianjin YuGong.Following,I will probe into and dig into the activities and life of survivals of bygone ages of late Qing dynasty and the northern warlords government official fallen into disgrace,pointing out that though lost political power,influence and position,a lot of politician choose Tianjin,especially choose concession of Tianjin as their residence.At the same time,they look for the new opportunities to recover their political position.Actually speaking,most of the YuGong has amassed numerous wealth during this period.Therefore,due to the pursuit the large profit,they started to invest in industry and mining,finance and business,except for the real estate.What's more,they were also keen to relieve the people in disaster,goodwill and charity,donation to education and so on.Next,as for the personal life of YuGong,because of the difference of interest,some of YuGong wrote and public books,pay attention to the Buddhism,retried form public to relax and recreation and so on.Abundant and reputable,their personal life is the object of the media attention,such as marriage disputes,lawsuits,blackmail and kidnapping.Further,a marriage between families of equal social rank will also benefit each other and it becomes the main form of Yu Gong' marriage,which enhanced their relationship and connection.What's more,this essay also analysis the relationship between the YuGong group and the current political situation,BeiYang Political and Nanjing government,especially,putting forward the change of policies to deal with the YuGong.At the same time,the attitude of YuGong also has a significant changes towards to Japan.What's more,the essay also discuss the choices of YuGong during the discord time,when Japan launched the aggression which against northeast of China and Northern China.In the last part,it will introduce the analysis about the collapse and influence of YuGong.As the groups of YuGong,some of them were taken advantage of Japan,murdered,protected,retired from the current situation.Some of them hold their integrity in their old age and win the respect of the world.Along with the change of political situation,YuGong started to drop up from our view.It also due to the difference of political situation,no matter form the aspect of government or the social,the evaluation of YuGong was also complicated.Whatever,generally speaking,YuGong,as a special group,has made the tremendous contributions in economy,culture and social activities in Tianjin.Since modern times,there were too much moral judgment and political praise or blame on survivals of bygone ages of late Qing dynasty and military and political big shots.Actually speaking,those judgments are the presentations which lack of elaborate research and objective treatment on the individual or the whole of YuGong and led to us produce acknowledge of abstract concept merely.The radical change of the era and the continuous revolution orientation result in our ignorance to YuGong Group and even our oblivion of this special history.When the history cascaded and accumulated,the distance between YuGong Group and us gets further and further.Losing their power and influence in political status of Tianjin YuGong Group,more and more YuGong still inclined to build and continue their political power,keeping a foothold in Tianjin,participating in political activities,economic activities,cultural activities and social activities and so on,which not only generates power but also have a profound Influence in different aspects of Tianjin.By the study of this elite group,this essay can abundant the research of Urban history of Tianjin from one point of view,can help us acknowledge the cross pitch of political elite group when lost power and influence in modern China,can enhance and promote the objective and integrated cognition of the Northern Warlords and the history and society of the Republic of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern Tianjin, Concession, Yugong group
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