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Evaluation Of Transit Equality Based On Job Accessibility By Transit

Posted on:2020-08-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1362330590453791Subject:Urban and rural planning
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To solve urban problems such as Spatial Mismatch between workers and jobs,traffic congestion and long-distance commuting,urban public transit(UPT)has been widely recognized as an important means to achieve sustainable transportation and solve social equity.However,many basic issues related to the goals of equality have not yet been solved,the relevant indicators and objectives of UPT are mainly based on the economic objectives and environmental objectives.It is difficult for urban government to consider the objectives of fairness in transit planning(TP).Therefore,constructinga framework for transit equality evaluation(TEE)usingjob accessibility by transity(JAT)can provide a transit planning tool from the perspective of workers,and can optimize public transit facilities distribution.Transit equality evaluating byspatial perspective,this paper constructs the evaluation method of JAT,which represents the level of transity supply,puts forward the evaluation method of equality of transit,constructs the deduction framework of "Difference-Matching-Equality" strategy,and probes into the characteristics of transit supply and the characteristics of transit equality in Guangzhou,puts forward transitequality strateg.Firstly,the study proposes to extract worker size from the Sixth PopulationCensus in2010,and job size from the Third National Economic Census in 2013.the low-income workers are classified intothe production service workers(abbreviation as blue-collar worker)and the life service workers(abbreviation as pink-collar worker).At the same time,the grid unit of 500 meters x 500 meters is set as the basic spatial analysis unit.Then,the evaluation model of transit facilities distribution based on the distribution and diversity of transit stations and routes is constructed.An improved Hansen gravity model are used to measure job-worker spatial relationship index.Then,the evaluation model of JAT based on the normalized job-worker spatial relationship index and the evaluation model of transit facilities distribution is constructed.According to the spatial distribution of blue-collar worker and pink-collar worker,the model can evaluate JAT of blue-collar worker and pink-collar worker respectively,which provides support for understanding transit supply from multiple perspectives.Thirdly,the study uses JAT represent the level of transit supply,and the worker size represent the level of transit need.Referring to the measurement method of income distribution inequality,the evaluation methods of transit inequality based on Gini coefficient and Lorentz curve method and the decomposition evaluation methods of transit equality based on Taylor decomposition coefficient method are constructed respectively.The study classifies JATinto high supply and low supply,the worker size into high need and low need.By comparing the supply category and the need category level in spatial analysis units,each spatial analysis unit is defined as "high supply and high need" combination,"low supply and high need" combination,"high supply and low need" combination and "low supply and low need" combination.Based on this,this paper constructs a three-level divsion method named as "research unit-administrative division unit-supply and need difference unit",and evaluates the unequality of the whole research area by dividing it into three levels.The research named the research area as the first spatial analysis level,each administrative division as the second spatial analysis level,and the supply and need differences unit as the third spatial level,so as to decompose the unequality into the relevant actual location.Finally,a deduction framework of "difference-matching-equality" strategy is constructed.The supply-need ratio is used to represent the matching degree between transit supply and need,the Theil index is used to represent the unequality between transit supply and need.The supply-need ratio,the unequality index and the contribution rate are proposed as the determinants of the categories of supply-need matching,matching equality and impartiality of transit respectively.The principle of transit equality based on the horizontal equity is put forward,and the matching of supply-need and equality strategies of transit are deduced.Taking Guangzhou as an example,this study explores the advantages and disadvantages of public transit supply in Guangzhou,and the characteristics of the low income workers in Guangzhou.This paper probes into the characteristics of Guangzhou public transit supply and need matching categories and matching equality categories,and deduces Guangzhou public transit equality strategy and job-workerarrangment strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Job Accessibility by Transit, Transit Equality, Transit Supply-Need Matching, Equality Evaluation
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