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Research On Planning Theory And Methods Of Landscape Architecture In Mount Tai

Posted on:2020-10-31Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1362330575991559Subject:Landscape architecture study
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the long history of China,landscape architecture has been intertwined with the spirit,culture and society of the Chinese nation,and has accumulated rich wealth for later generations.Mount Tai is the world's natural and cultural heritage,the national AAAAA class tourist attractions,and China's intangible cultural heritage.With its rich natural and cultural conditions,Mount Tai has gradually developed a unique landscape architecture.The natural landscape and the culture of Buddhism,Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism have exerted an important influence on the development of Mount Tai landscape architecture.It is helpful to the study of Mount Tai by promoting the protection and development,and clarifying the natural and cultural background of landscape architecture,to inherit the concept of "Overall Mount Tai area" in history and systematically analyze the theory of landscape architecture design theory and method of Mount Tai from the perspective of landscape architecture.And It also promote the study of regional landscape.1.Firstly,according to the present situation,historical documents and modern research,it is introduced in this paper that the concept in history of "Overall Mount Tai area"which included the main mountain of Mount Tai and the surrounding mountains should be used for the study of landscape architecture design theory and method of Mount Tai to ensure its completeness.On this basis,the meaning of Mount Tai culture and Taoism is studied,the development and connotation of sacrifice,Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism in Mount Tai culture are sorted out,and the list of sacrifices of emperors and the major issue of Taoism in Mount Tai are sorted out.Then the historical origin of Mount Tai landscape architecture is clarified and it lays a good foundation for landscape architecture design theory and method research by establishing a timeline.2.Mount Tai landscape architecture takes landscape as the frame,but most of the ancient records of the landscape orientation of Mount Tai is not clear now,leading to the lack of basis for the research in reasons of choosing addresses.So the natural landscape orientation is studied in this paper.The basis for the development of landscape architecture in Mount Tai has been clarified,by textual researching the natural landscape orientation according to the field investigation and the ancient literature,summing up the tables and drawing the map of natural landscape location of main mountain of Mount Tai.In the same way,the human landscape is researched by timeline,and the map of human landscape location of main mountain of Mount Tai is drawn.It is proposed that the horizontal spatial distribution of Mount Tai landscape architecture is basis on natural landscape,and the longitudinal development is basis on historical and cultural context.Only by studying Mount Tai horizontally and longitudinally,can the study on the design theory and method of Mount Tai landscape architecture be feasible.At the same time,it made up for the blank of some basic research materials in Mount Tai,and provided a basis for future generations' research.3.Based on the study of Mount Tai's natural landscape,taking "scenery supporting from"as the core,conception setting up,site observation,name asking,general arrangement,design in detail,and idea development,this paper studies the landscape architecture theory and method of Mount Tai.Firstly,this paper took a site observation on the well-organized mountain natural landscape system,and summed up the characteristics of Mountain Tai natural landscape.Among them,the characteristics of the top of Mountain Tai is:crowed mountains with natural fairyland,high or low and precipitous mountains have their own view,strange stones and caves add lots of fun,the head of spring water and a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe,near or far every direction can be a viewing platform.The characteristics of south of Mountain Tai is:collect and discharge for three times,the path winds along mountain ridges,provide a big view for the different views of nature,along the path on the mountain,everyone has its own feature,lush vegetation with good products from the earth are nature's treasures,high or low,steep or gentle,water and mountain set off each other.The characteristics of north of Mountain Tai is:mountains get together,mix together,the water in the valley is clear,pine growing lush,the valley is cold and deep,the alone mountain is strange,a fictitious land of peace,happiness and quiet.The characteristics of hills around Mountain Tai is:Mountain Tai is the highest between these mountains,be quiet and stay far from noisy,an excellent place for Buddhism and Taoism.Then,this paper analyzes the "general arrangement" of Mount Tai human landscape in different periods according to the characteristics of natural landscape,combined with the political,economic and cultural backgrounds of different periods.Taking the time as the clue,the development of Mount Tai human landscape is divided into three periods:pre-Qin,Qin and Han,Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties to Ming and Qing Dynasties,according to its changing process.Finally,eight cases of Mountain Tai landscape are picked as example for intensive study,which are closely related to the characteristics of natural landscape.The examples include Taoism landscape,Buddhism landscape and landscape of sacrifices on culture,include landscape from pre Qin to late Qing on the timeline,and include the main types of natural landscape of Mountain Tai and the hills around it on the site conditions.In this way,the systematism and completeness will be ensured.By field measurement and reading the ancient works,this paper has studied each examples on the details of design.and made the theory and methods of Mountain Tai Landscape more clearly,by fanning out from point to area.Field measurement and restoration are made for the valuable cases.4.By study the theory and methods of Mountain Tai Landscape from areas and points horizontally and longitudinally,in the discussion,the research is summarized and some suggestions for the future development of Mountain Tai area are put forward that the tourism load of the peak is too heavy,and the development and protection of the surrounding mountains are inadequate.And from the perspective of landscape architecture,the corresponding solutions are put forward,hoping to inherit and carry forward the culture.The paper has the following innovations:(1)Innovation of research results.By documentation research combined with field investigation,the whole position map of Mount Tai's main mountain and the manmade landscape location map of Mount Tai are drawn,the sacrificial tables of Mount Tai's emperors and the memorabilia of Taoism are sorted out,and a number of Mount Tai's gardens and architectures are measured.These achievements filled in part of the gaps in the study of Mount Tai's landscape architecture and provide reference for future studies.(2)Innovation of research angle.This paper introduces multi-technology to analyze the natural landscape characteristics and historical and cultural context of Mount Tai,and introduces the concept of "Overall Mount Tai area" into the study of Mount Tai landscape,which guarantees the integrity of the study of Mount Tai landscape.At the same time,this paper analyzes the history of Mount Tai's human landscape,puts forward the multi-core layout of Mount Tai's human landscape,deduces the ancient tour route system,and then puts forward some suggestions for the development of Mount Tai's landscape architecture considering with the latest planning achievements of Mount Taishan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mount Tai, Landscape Architecture, Planning Theory and Methods, Mountains and Rivers, Taoism
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