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The New Research Orientation On Streetscape Order Of Contemporary China From The Perspective Of Media Communication

Posted on:2018-04-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1362330563950986Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the moment ofthe ‘media era',the ‘media landscape'and ‘media events' built by information media has gradually become one of the main elements of urban space,and has a profound effect on the development of the city,society and culture.The new media is changing the traditional way of the existence,transmission and acceptance of art.So that its original pattern,style,type even the overall form and communication activities have undergone unprecedented changes.The mediumlization of contemporary life and aesthetics has been different beacuse of the various comprehending of the media.The urban street aesthetics has many obvious characteristics in terms of presentativeregularity,which can reflect the hidden problem ofurban development to a certain extent.So it always has been a core research object in urban design discipline.With the rapid development of the new media technology,the urban street has turned into a huge narrative space and experience space.All kingds of urban street surfaces has already become media using for broadcasting,in which the traditional law of space aesthetics is dispelling,and the balance of the street landscape order has been gradually broken.So with the influence of new media,the aesthetic connotation and research perspective of urban streets also need to be changed.Based on the problem of the urban street aesthetics in ‘new media era',this paper aims to construct a new research and governance framework for the current street aesthetics.And carry on the main body of theresearchfrom the six aspects,they are ‘the communication theory,the characteristics of streetscape,the conflict of street aesthetics,and itsrealistic motivation,the construction of propagating aesthetics frame and the new study trend of street aesthetics'.The first part of this paperexplores the "theoretical basis" for the turning of urban aesthetics.The study introduces communication as a kind of technical tools and aesthetic thinking into the study of the aesthetic features of contemporary urban streets,and tries to find the characteristics of contemporary urban street aesthetics with "media" as context,and sorts out the three theoretical maps from the rich theory of communication,such as‘media environment research,visual psychology research,landscape politicsresearch'.Meanwhile uses them as theoretical material and thiking method of the whole research,and on the basis of the existedstudies on urban aesthetics in architecture and planning disciplines,this paper makes a deep research on the aesthetic attributes,economic values and cultural values of urban street view by using these theories.The second partof this papersummarizes the characteristics of urban streetscape in the new media era.The free,massive and fast features of new media technology have changed the way of information dissemination,and its content and ideas.And they have impacted the urban street form dramatically at the same time.On one hand,the paper discusses how the new media can be used as a technical means to shape the contemporary urban public space environment.On the other hand,it emphasizes the series of influence on the urban street aesthetics due to the change of the new media thinking and the aesthetic standard.The third partof this paperanalyses the ‘aesthetic conflict' of the urban streetscape in new media era.Towards the mess and enormous landscape accumulation afer the banlance of the street traditional landscape order has been smashed,this paper summarizes the various aesthetic conflicts of the contemporary urban street space from three aspects,such as the the conflict of visual order,aesthetic psychology and the aesthetic management.From the dynamic and game perspective,study observes the influence of various conflicts in the urban street aesthetics system,including both of the surface intuitionistic feeling and the influence of the public communication psychology,and also the problems of social management.The fourth part of this paper searches for the real motivation of the street aesthetics conflict from the perspective of media communication.Study investigates the street aesthetics phenomenon and the problem of communication control under the background of social change in contemporary China.Based on the social characteristics of the new media era,the contradictions implied by the aesthetic crisis are excavated from the perspective of the five elements of communication,such as ‘the control of communication,the content of communication,the medium of communication,the audience of communication and the effect of communication'.Focus on the interaction of the communication elements in the public space to analyze the ‘meaning' hidden behind the order change of the urban material environment.The fifth part of this paper tries to build a framework of street aesthetics researchwithin the system of communication aesthetics.In the face of the aesthetic innovation brought by the development of media technology,on the basis of analyzing the realistic motivation behind the conflict of street aesthetics,the street aesthetic is compared with an information dissemination process.According to the main research contents of the communication aesthetics,this paper aims to construct a new framework of street aesthetics research,and analyze the development direction of urban street aesthetics under the influence of contemporary new media,take the media as the container,the grammar and the environment.The sixth partexplores the connotation of street aesthetics research under the influence of new media information communication.This study increases some new influencing factors on the base of the traditional aesthetic composition of the street,and on this basis,summed up the four changes in the aesthetic characteristics of the street.Specifically including the change from the ritual landscape to daily life landscape,from visual appreciation to media influence control,from ideal order to inclusive rational order,and from aesthetic contemplations to interactive aesthetics.Treats the street aesthetic asa process,which starts from the information source code forms the messages,then recipient decode and receive messages,they react because of them,and finally fed back to the information source.Resarch sorts out the ways of building the street aesthetics framework from the perspective of the source,sink,channel,coding,decoding, order to explore a more perfect street aesthetic management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Streetscape, Order, Media, Communication, New Research Orientation
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