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Da Liuren's Ancient Astronomy Principle And Philosophical Significance Research

Posted on:2019-06-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z RanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1360330569986592Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This research mainly consists of three parts: introduction,text and conclusion.The introduction is the first chapter,which introduces the origin and significance of this study,the historical influence of the Daliuren,the review of the research situation,the overall structure,the research methods and the innovation points of this thesis,etc.The text is composed of six chapters,studying the ancient astronomical principle,prediction mechanism and philosophical significance of Daliuren.Chapter II: The ancient origin of Daliuren.Through the comprehensive research about the ancient Chinese astronomy,the reproductive worship and the thoughts on the origin of all things in ancestors,this chapter finds that during the Neolithic Age,at least 7,500 years ago,science,religion,and philosophy intertwined;Constellation Kui was the god of pigs in heaven,the ancestors expressed their worship of the reproduction of life and the origin of all things by using pigs to match Big Dipper.Daliuren just originated from ancient Chinese astronomy 7,500 years ago.Ren and The Fairy of Ninth Heaven have all evolved from Constellation Kui--"Pig God" in the sky and all have the meaning of the origin of all things.The basic concept of Chinese philosophy,"continuity of heaven and human beings",also originates from this.Chapter III:The origin study of"Tianyi God"of Daliuren and the concurrent discussion on the astronomical principle of"Tianmen and Dihu"and"The sky inclines to the northwest".In this chapter,through the study of Ancient Astrology,astronomy and worship of ghosts and gods,by combing the handed-down documents and the textual research,it is believed that"Tianyi God"originated from the worship of the North Star God 5000 years ago,and was finally named by Shi Shenfu during the Warring States period.Due to the influence of precession,by the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty,the North Pole was obviously tilting to the northwest.Unable to explain this phenomenon,people concocted the myth of"Gonggong had broken down the Buzhou Mountain."This is the origin of"The sky inclines to the northwest"and"Tianmen(Northwest Qian)and Dihu(Southeast Xun)".Replacing"??"with"??"was a phenomenon that appeared after Song Dynasty.It is wrong that some scholars think that the name of"??"comes from"??"which is the name of the Shang Dynasty's king.The supreme god was named"one",both as a result of the pole shift and as a result of the enhancement of people's speculative abilities.The thought that man's fate is subject to ghosts and gods was quietly changing."Everything starts with numbers""Fate is subject to the order of nature",Numerology has flourished ever since.Chapter ?: A textual study on the source of the divination method of Daliuren's "Rizaijiashi" and the concurrent discussion on oneiromancy of Songyuan King in The Biography of The Tortoise.This chapter is based on the clue of the Songyuan King's oneiromancy and on the basis of many unearthed documents and traces the origin and evolution of Daliuren's " Rizaijiashi ".This kind of occupation method originated from the lunar calendar and occupation method in the late Western Zhou Dynasty,and finally matured at the end of the Western Han Dynasty and the early Eastern Han Dynasty.The solar terms of Three Systems Calendar were taken as the standard for the exchange of the MonthGod,until the Tang Dynasty the Yixing Monk changed the starting and ending point of the MonthGod from the solar terms to the medium gas and passed on to later generations.On this basis,this article explains the original text of the Songyuan King's oneiromancy,and points out that it is wrong for predecessors such as Qian Daxin to make the dream time as the winter solstice.It should be in early summer.Chapter ?: Research on the algorithm of "Tianyi God" and the concurrent discussion on the birth of "Wuhehuaqi" in the Heavenly Stem and the birth of the Chinese Era Calendar.This chapter studies the three main algorithms of " Tianyi God " recorded in the literature.It is believed that Guo Pu,a scholar from the Eastern Jin Dynasty,retained the original state of the Daliuren when it was formed,and was simplified at the latest in the Six Dynasties period.This paper points out that the principle of "Tianyi God" algorithm reflects the evolution of Yin Yang Xing De thoughts since the Spring and Autumn period and the warring States period.It embodies the concrete relation and abstract relation of the Sun and the Big Dipper.This paper holds that the idea of "the Heavenly Stem' Wuhe" began to occur no later than in the middle of the Warring States Period and the principle of " Wuhehuaqi" originates from the the Chinese Era Calendar,the conditions were in place in the middle and late Warring States period.The starting point of the calendar at that time was likely to be the year of Jia Zi,the month of Jia Zi,the day of Jia Zi and the time of Jia Zi.This provides an important clue for us to explore the calendar of the Warring States,Qin and Han Dynasties.Chapter ?: The final formation of Daliuren.In this chapter,it is thought that the divination method of Daliuren formally appeared between the late Western Han Dynasty and the early Eastern Han Dynasty.It absorbed the related elements of the ancient Kanyu and Tianyi,plus the divination method of the motion of the sun and the moon.Chapter ?:The prediction mechanism and philosophical significance of Daliuren.This chapter deals with cognitive science,philosophy of mind,inevitability and contingency,determinant fate,fate improvement and so on.The present study holds that the Kexiang of DaLiuren is the product of brain waves,which is the "image" projected by the media after the interaction between the spiritual world and the objective world,and it is presented in the language model of the reader.This paper holds that the essence of the principle of "The same Qi induces each other" is the mutual induction of the same kind of things,that is,resonance,and that things and events are different manifestations of "vibration",so everything can resonate.At the beginning of the formation of things,there are early signs,and the information arrives long before the occurrence of events.The more specific the resonance is,the more specific spacetime it will take place in.The more abstract the resonance is,the more likely it will transcend the concrete space-time.Thought and events resonate with the Kexiang of DaLiuren,so the Kexiang can interpret the development and change of the events,which is the mechanism of numerology prediction.This paper points out that Jung's "synchronic principle" is not a "meaningful coincidence without causality",but rather "The same Qi induces each other" with causality.This paper further discusses the relationship between inevitability and contingency,and argues that behind the "accidental" event lies a cause that we cannot explain for the time being,and once we find this reason,we will no longer think it is accidental.This paper holds the view of destiny determinism,but does not deny the subjective initiative of human beings.Rather,it is believed in this paper that the characteristics of human beings are contained in fate,including predictive behavior itself.In summary,this paper examines the ancient Chinese understanding of the relationship between heaven and man from the perspective of Numerology,and studies the astronomical principle,prediction mechanism and related philosophical problems of the divination method of Daliuren.The origin and formation of the important categories of Chinese philosophy such as "continuity of heaven and human beings" "qi gives birth to the myriad things" and "the similar qi at different places can respond to each other" are verified.This paper analyzes on how to apply the principle of "the similar qi at different places can respond to each other" in the field of modern science and technology and how to use it in the practice of improving the situation of life.It is a meaningful attempt.The last part is the conclusion,the author summarizes the main points of this research,and prospects the related issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tianyi God, Daliuren, Rizaijiashi, Continuity of heaven and human beings, The similar qi at different places can respond to each other
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