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Public Pension Integration Reform

Posted on:2015-12-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330428974957Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the1970's, the bad social-economic trend of the slow down of economy,birth rate and population aging challenged most developed industrial countries. It not only changed basis of Aaron Condition of rates of return of pay as you go (PAYG) but also increased old-age dependency ratio as to speeding the public pension's expenditure. In the face of the challenge, many countries initiated different public pension reforms in terms of increasing the income of pension, decreasing the expenditure of pension or both. The types of reforms could be the change of pattern of financing or the adjustment of pension specification (change of retirement age, earning related form and indexation). Beside those, there is another kind of pension reform named as public pension integration along with other types of pension reform. There are apparently differences between public pension integration and other types pension reforms although they indeed share something in common (the function of increasing the income of pension and decreasing the expenditure of pension). The differences is that public pension integration reform is not only population economic crisis'oriented one, although it does have the function, but also the promotion to pension's publicity as well as pension integration trend in the market economy. In other words, the public pension integration reform has the in-depth theatrical origin in the social security or social welfare. In this case, public pension integration reform would rather be understood as a public pension integration process in the period of pension reform. As a result, public pension integration reform sometimes integrates other types pension reform as a whole in the theoretical background of social security of social welfare. Case study also shows that some types of integration reform have the origination from the public pension starting point. Besides, countries already had integrated public pension usually incorporate others types public pension reforms to constitute the process of public pension integration reform. Based on above, public pension reform is not only a type of public pension reform but also a process to cope with the development of social security or social welfare in period of origin development and reform of public pension.The main contents of the paper are as follow:Chapter I Introduction. This chapter will firstly introduce the background and significance of the research, secondly give the literature review both from domestic and foreign scholars, and thirdly explain the roadmap and methodology of the research, eventually highlight the innovation and shortage of the research.Chapter II The characteristics, integration and integration reform classification of public pension. This chapter will firstly introduce two characteristics of public pension which are legislative enforcement and dual financing, secondly describe the initiating, advancing and refining of public pension integration in terms of public pension's origination, development and reforming, thirdly categorize public pension integration reform as the consolidation of different public pensions (Japan's public pension consolidation between part of Fraternal annuity and part of welfare pension); the mechanism optimization of integrated public pension (US and Sweden's change to retirement age, adjustment to earnings related and indexation mechanism for integrated public pension); the public integration of private pension(US's public integration of private occupational pension for federal government employee and Sweden's public integration of private state occupational pension); the coverage expansion of public pension(the extending type:Japan's national annuity's coverage expansion to Fraternal annuity and welfare pension and the constructing type:China's new rural social pension system)Chapter ? The internal causes to public pension integration reform:three welfare elements/patterns(Market, Profession and Civil Rights). This will firstly describe the concept of social welfare as well as the academic taxonomy of social welfare patterns, secondly introduce the Trichotomy of social welfare pattern of Costa Esping-Anderden and summarize it into three welfare elements,thirdly use the three welfare elements to briefly analyze position,function and status of public pension and its integration reform out of the pension in whole.Chapter ? The external cause to public pension integration reform:four integration propelling causes. This chapter will introduce four integration propelling causes which are the concentration of political power, agriculture revitalization and service industry expansion, the development of civil rights and the development of information technology.Chapter V The public pension integration reform of USA. This chapter will firstly describe the history and classification of pension of USA, secondly introduce the characteristics of social welfare patterns of public pension reform, thirdly analyze and summarize the public pension integration reform and integration propelling causes. The content of the chapter will involve the respective development and mutual relation between private and public pensions, the shaping and propelling of public pension integration reform of internal and external causesChapter VI The public pension integration reform of Japan. This chapter will firstly describe the history and classification of pension of Japan, secondly introduce the characteristics of social welfare patterns of public pension reform, thirdly analyze and summarize the public pension integration reform and integration propelling causes. The content of the chapter will involve the respective development and mutual relation between private and public pensions, the shaping and propelling of public pension integration reform of internal and external causesChapter ? The public pension integration reform of Sweden. This chapter will firstly describe the history and classification of pension of Sweden, secondly introduce the characteristics of social welfare patterns of public pension reform, thirdly analyze and summarize the public pension integration reform and integration propelling causes. The content of the chapter will involve the respective development and mutual relation between private and public pensions, the shaping and propelling of public pension integration reform of internal and external causesChapter ? The comparison of public pension integration reform among USA, Japan and Sweden as well as enlightenment to China's reform. This chapter will use most different systems design of comparative research method to organize and compare basic theory of public pension integration reform and experiences of the three countries in terms of three welfare elements and four integration propelling causes, then have a general conclusion. Chapter IX The enlightenment and experiences of public pension integration reform among USA, Japan and Sweden to China. This chapter will firstly describe the development, reform and problems encounted during the pension reform process, then submit strategic enlightenment and specific experiences of public pension integration reform among USA, Japan and Sweden to China's pension reform.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Pension, Integration Reform, Welfare Elements, IntegrationPropelling Causes
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