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Eeducational Research On Cultural Identity Of Mongolian Students In Genghis Khan's Sacrifice

Posted on:2018-08-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y TanFull Text:PDF
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Along with the advancement of urbanization,the material culture and spiritual culture in ethnic areas have undergone structural changes,and the concept of people has also undergone a fundamental change,and there has been a national identity and cultural identity.How to maintain the national character while enjoying the modernity is the urgent problem that the ethnic education faces.Through the deep field study found that Genghis Khan worship is the highest Mongolian ritual ceremony.The ceremony covers almost all Mongolian cultural elements,is the "live" Mongolian culture textbook.The process of sacrifice is the process of culture and education,its purpose and function lies in the cultural identity and strengthening.Mongolian students participate in the process of worship is to accept the process of cultural identity education.Only the perspective of national pedagogy and field study can be pedagogy,ethnology,culture and anthropology through,to fill the previous Genghis Khan sacrifice ritual research deficiencies,and then in-depth excavation of Genghis Khan worship cultural identity education function.The paper introduces the pedagogy perspective for the first time,and uses the theory of ethnic identity to study the Mongolian students of Ordos.This paper analyzes the educational function of the Mongolian students' cultural identity under the background of urbanization,using the field investigation method,the investigation method,the literature method and the comparative research method.The paper analyzes the meaning,value,connotation and type of cultural identity education,and the purpose and content of cultural identity education,and answers the contemporary value and significance of cultural identity education.Through the combing and analysis of the relationship between ritual,cultural identity and education,it is proved that the ritual of Genghis Khan is an educational activity and cultural connotation and function of cultural identity.Theoretically answered the connotation and essence of the cultural identity education of Genghis Khan.In this paper,the study of the cultural identity of the Mongolian students is divided into three stages:sacrifice,sacrifice and sacrifice,Before the sacrifice,the author uses the literature method and the investigation method to examine the Mongolian ethnic origin and the historical and cultural background of the Ordos region,and the reality of the cultural identity of the Mongolian students.The purpose is to understand and diagnose the Mongolian students' background and problems of cultural identity before sacrificing sacrifices.The survey results show that although the Ordos Mongolian has a very heavy national historical and cultural traditions,but with the rapid urbanization,Mongolian students began to gradually weaken the cultural identity.Sacrifices,in the early grasp of informative information on the basis of the use of field study to personally experience and participate in the Mongolian students to participate in the Genghis Khan sacrifice in the cognitive,emotional,attitude and performance changes.The study records the whole process of the Genghis Khan sacrifice.Using educational theory and method analysis,it is found that the educational process of Genghis Khan sacrifice is complete,there are good educational environment,educator,educational content,appropriate educational means and methods.The whole process of education is complete,with vertical and horizontal structure,cognition and subject structure.At the same time,the stage of the education process is clear,the purpose and the task is clear,the educational characteristics are obvious.After the sacrifice,the comparative analysis method was used to investigate and evaluate the educational results of Mongolian students' cultural identity in sacrifices.A questionnaire survey and interview on the degree of cultural identity were conducted to Mongolian students who participated and did not participate in the festival of Genghis Khan.The purpose is to compare the differences between the two in the degree of cultural identity,to verify the Mongolian students to participate in Genghis Khan worship after the degree of cultural identity changes.Through the comparison,students do not participate in the ritual of cultural identity is mainly reflected in the cognitive level,and participate in the cultural identity of students to participate in the cognitive,emotional and behavioral aspects are reflected.The paper will also participate in the cross-cultural comparison of the cultural identity of Mongolian and Han students who participated in the sacrifices of Genghis Khan.In order to examine and analyze the differences between the students of two different nationalities participating in the same ritual activity.Through the comparison,it is found that the Mongolian students'participation in the sacrifices is the deep recognition and attribution of the national culture because of the cultural background and the education of the students of the two different nationalities,and the Han students participate in the sacrifices and the cognitive level of knowledge On the emotional and behavioral identity performance is relatively weak.This paper analyzes the advantages and limitations of the Genghis Khan sacrifices to the Mongolian students' cultural identity education through the appearance of field investigation.The advantage of Genghis Khan's cult culture is that it is an important field of inheritance of national culture.First,the sacrifice to the invisible identity is characterized by the students in the sacrificial environment in the visual,auditory,tactile interaction,in the invisible by the influence of national culture;Second,the students active emotional and behavioral recognition is more prominent,able to actively participate To the worship of the education link to go;Third,the traditional national spiritual culture and material culture,is conducive to students more intuitive close to and understand the national culture.Genghis Khan worship cultural identity education and modern school education compared to the main performance of the lack of knowledge in the integrity of the education system and targeted,resulting in a lower level of cognitive recognition of students.Sacrifice presented by the traditional form of national culture education,modern identity education function less.If students have a deviation from the subjective understanding of sacrifice,do not rule out the possibility of negative recognition.So,the school culture identity education also has its advantages and limitations.School education can make up for the lack of Chengji Sihan sacrifice education:first,the Genghis Khan sacrifice related activities as a school education curriculum resources,the system of students to traditional culture and education;second,modern school education to cultivate students modernity,make up the culture of worship The lack of modernity;Third,the school education to guide students to establish a positive view of the nation,to overcome the negative recognition in the sacrifice.Modern school education focus on the transfer of students' scientific and cultural knowledge,the teaching of national culture more to stay in the books.With the advance of the urbanization process,the national students' lack of emotion and action interaction on the national culture is a difficult problem to be solved in the national school education.In summary,the paper tries to put forward the view that ritual ceremony education and school education are complementary.Give full play to the advantages of school education and ritual education,a correct understanding of the interaction between the two.The conclusion of the thesis is that the festival of Genghis Khan is one of the effective educational modes of promoting the Mongolian students' cultural identity under the background of urbanization.Therefore,on the one hand,we must recognize the role of the Genghis Khan sacrifice to the Mongolian students' cultural identity education.On the other hand,we must also clearly understand the limited nature of cultural identity education in sacrifices.Students also play an important role in the education of national cultural identity,and the school avoids the "omnipotence" and"useless" tendencies of sacrificial education.Ritual ceremony education and school education complement each other,the Mongolian students cultural identity education effect is more significant.It is true that the education reform must conform to the Chinese characteristics,to take root in the history and reality of China,to do "Chinese characteristics,the world level of modern education",through the Genghis Khan sacrifice to the Mongolian students national cultural identity education,which is the Chinese national identity education and national identity An important part of education.This is our foothold and starting point,but also the ultimate destination.Looking at the future,the study of national cultural identity education in the sacrifice of Genghis Khan is long way to go.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urbanization, Genghis Khan sacrifice, Mongolian students, Cultural identity education
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