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Research On Japan's Maritime Security Strategy In The Early 21st Cencury

Posted on:2018-11-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330515469946Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ocean is an important part of national interest,while the maritime security strategy is the key to safeguard national benefit and expand national influence,occupying the core position of national strategies.In recent years,in the process of pursuing the strategic target of “Dain Nippon”,Japan adopts the “maritime power” strategic pattern to continuously expand his sphere of influence on ocean in the course of the evolution of strategic pattern: expanding--contracting--re-expanding.Especially since entering into the 21 st century,the development of Japan's ocean expansion has changed from hidden and gradual way to explicit and radical way.Hence his maritime security strategy has entered into a new developing phrase.In order to explore the internal logic and evolution regulation between the development and adjustment of Japan maritime security strategy,and make clear the future direction of its strategy,this thesis,including five chapters,built a logical analysis framework of geographical features--national orientation-strategic demand-strategic pattern-strategic direction--about Japan's maritime security strategy from the perspective of sea power theory.Chapter one,based on the sea power theory of geopolitics and its derivative theories,built the theoretical analysis framework of this thesis,making an organic combination between western theory and Japanese maritime security practice,according to explore the internalization and application process of the sea power theory made by Japanese academia.Due to the effect of external environment of different historical period and the alternative influence of Japanese ocean defense theory and ocean expansion theory,the development features of its strategic pattern occurred to be staged.But generally speaking,they can be concluded into three features: the strategic goal of pursuing marine power,the strategic measures of entering into alliance with big power and the strategic style of mercantilism.Chapter two,in terms of the analysis path”geographical features-national orientation-strategic demand-strategic pattern” and taking the six factors of sea power which is put forward by Mahan,as the analysis template,confirmed Japan's geographic features of ocean and the orientation of maritime state.On the basis of this,this chapter interpreted Japan's cognition toward maritime state within different period.No matter how Japan positioning itself,for example,the "Sea State" during the end of shogunate,or the "unsinkable aircraft carrier" after WWII,or the "maritime state" since the 21 st century,the expansionary strategic motive initiated by trade demand and the anxiety about the controlled sea routes by other countries are all hiding in his self-positioning.The above strategic demand is the core motive for Japan to develop maritime security strategy during different historical period and determines the internal evolution regulation of the strategy.Meanwhile,it is also the internal logic basis of the thesis in deriving it strategic development direction.Chapter three combed the international system,including powers factor and structural factor of the East Asian regional system,and domestic environment,including politics,economic,social and cultural factors,and other realistic basis faced by Japan in implementing maritime security strategy at the beginning of the 21 st century.This chapter summed up the main strategic content of the marine power strategy carried out by Japan at present,including adjusting defense posture and building up new geopolitical concept.In addition,under the national orientation of "maritime state",this chapter made clear the way of expression of Japan's "strategic demand" under the strategic environment of new century,striving to explore the correlation between external factor and the formulation of Japan's maritime security strategy.Chapter four summed up the four basic patterns of Japan's maritime security strategy practice,adopted at the beginning of the 21 st century,that is bilateral pattern,multilateral pattern,regional network pattern and the new pattern of expanding potential power space.Under the combined effect of the international and domestic new trend mentioned above,Japan takes the Japan-America Sea power alliance as the foundation to expand military operation worldwide and improve political status;takes multilateral alliance dialogue mechanism and the application of collective defense right as excuse to involve in the regional maritime dispute and implement military intervention,and takes “navigation freedom” as breakthrough and value-oriented diplomacy and economy as measures to build up maritime hegemony network at Indo-Pacific region.At the same time,Japan also takes science and technology diplomacy and foreign assistance as bait to expand sphere of influence on the potential power space represented by Arctic region,confirming Japan's expansion nature of his maritime security strategy.Chapter five,based on the internal logic and regulation concluded from the above analysis,predicted the future direction of Japan's maritime security strategy,that is,Japan will continue the development path of ocean expansion.In terms of military improvement,economic appealing and other multiple measures,Japan will finish the foundation of alliance framework of "befriending the distant states while attacking the near ones",realizing Japan's political and military power status around the world,and maintaining his hegemony control on a wider sea area.Based on this,this chapter,combining the negative effect brought by this development trend,provided targeted suggestion on the development of maritime security strategy for our nation.This thesis,based on the sea power theory,taking advantage of the logic analysis framework of "geographical features-national orientation-strategic demand-strategic pattern-strategic direction",investigated the evolution regulation and the strategy implement pattern of Japan maritime security strategy.Japan's maritime security strategy subjects to external environment within different period while also subjects to his own ocean geographical features,national interest pursuit,national goal settlement and many other factors.However,due to different emphasis on interest pursuit,implement measures and strategic goal in different period,this strategy shows a historical evolution regulation: expanding-contracting-re-expanding.Taking the advantages and disadvantages showed in the Japan ocean geographical features as the horizontal axis to judge Japan's national identity and national status,and taking the international system structure and domestic social and economic factors faced with Japan during different period as vertical axis to analyze historical evolution,this thesis,according to the retrospection of the Japan's maritime security strategy evolution,the interpretation of the realistic model and the research and determination of the future direction,outlined the road-map of Japan's "maritime power state",and explored the internal logic and evolution regulation.In the interest of the systematic research of the internal logic and evolution regulation,it is clear that Japan's island country geographical feature and thus initiated strategic demand are the main factors in establishing the maritime security strategy.And the persistence feature of this internal factor leads to the reflection of the maritime power strategy at different historical period,and expresses different emphasis under different external environment a internal development phase,forming the development regulation of Japan's maritime security strategy.In the future,Japan's maritime security strategy will also follow this regulation.In order to realize the goal of hegemony control on the wider sea area,Japan is advancing toward maritime military power and maritime political power from a simply maritime economic power,and entering into new maritime hegemony expansion period.
Keywords/Search Tags:Japan, maritime security strategy, sea power, geography, the beginning of the 21st century
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