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The Research On Marxism Philosophy Theoretical Innovation In Yan'an Period

Posted on:2017-04-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330512469236Subject:Marxism in China
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Theoretical innovation is where the vitality of Marxism philosophy lies. Yan'an period is the mature stage of Chinese Communist Party philosophy and the time when Marxism philosophy reached to a new high innovation peak; the Party philosophy went through weak to mature; the Chinese Communist Party leaders and theorists generalized the theory and promoted the wisdom of Chinese rich revolutionary practice experience from philosophy level by the guidance of Marxism philosophy. They established Yan'an Form Marxism philosophy system together which then was changed into the specific line, principle and policy that instructed Chinese people to obtain the victory of revolution.This article sorts related hitory conditions and puts forward the practical demands of Marxsim philosophy theoretical innovation in Yan'an period. The author of this paper thinks that the establishment of sinofication Marxism philosophy Yan'an Form has its objective inevitability and subjective urgency. The objective inevitability is based on the times call of Yan'an period. The historical conditions of this theoretical innovation are the demands of Anti-Japanese War & National Liberation War and the relatively stable environment of Yan'an. There are two subjective urgencies, one is the criticism demand of ideology front theory. By revealing and criticising various erroneous doctrines of idealism among old philosophy, the Chinese Nationalist Party political philosophy, Chinese troditional philosophy which all existed in society at that time, to solve the problem of mental confusion, to consolidate and establish futher the dominant status of Marxism philosophy. The other is the inevitable demand of the Chinese Communist Party's self-construction. The Party needed the thinking method and theoretical guidance of Marxism philosophy which linked closely with China's reality to break dogmatism, to have ideological construction, to put an end to weak theory, to have theory construction, to lead new democracy revolution, to have culture construction. Therefore, Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation beame an inevitable trend.Theoretical innovation is the procedure of new theory formation. It's based on the inheritance, development, analysis and logical deduction of existing excellent theory. The theoretical innovation of Marxsim philosophy in Yan'an period was set up on some ideologies which included three parts of source:The first one, Marxism philosophy is the starting point. The idea of Marxism philosophy which established by Marx, Engels originally and developed by Lenin is the direct source of Marxsim philosophy theoretical innovation in Yan'an period. The second one, traditional Chinese philosophy essence is the inheritance theory which reflects Chinese national thinking logic and cognitive style. It has similar views with Marxsim philosophy in specific fields such as materialism, dialectics, epistemology and historical perception. The third one, the early Chinese Communist Party theorists such as Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu, Qu Qiubai, Li Da achieved precious experience and theoretical achievement when they expored Marxsim philosophy theoretical innovation, which provided abundant resources for Marxsim philosophy theoretical innovation and development in Yan'an period.The transition from possibility into reality of Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation depends on the motivation of its main groups which including the Chinese Communist Party leaders and theorists in Yan'an period. They made an intensive study of Marxism philosophy, deepened and developed its basic theory, as well as combined it with reality, summarized and promoted its theory through people's practical experience, then formed the new philosophy theory. The Chinese Communist Party leaders are the heart and leader of Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation. They made new systematic achievement of Marxism philosophy theory by their own typical creation way, which presented their characteristic. Represented by Li Da, Ai Siqi, Shen Zhiyuan, Hu Sheng, Chen Weishi, Zhang Ruxin, these theorists are the backbone of Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation. They were a group of theoretical innovation theorists who were responsible for the study and propoganda of Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation, they were scholars and warriors as well. They boosted Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation depth from its academic layer of systematism, sinofication and popularization. The Party leaders led and standardized theorists'theory study and innovation activity. On the other hand, theorists followed and inspired leaders. Both of them established Yan'an Form Marxism philosophy innovation system together.Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation in Yan'an period made breakthrough contribution and important theoretical innovation achievement by the promotion of its main groups, then formed the Chinese Communists'Marxism philosophy theory.Yan'an periodsinofication Marxism philosophy innovates and develops Marxism philosophy in various fields such as materialism, dialectics, epistemology, life value philosophy and historical materialism. The first one, innovation in dialectical materialism field.Yan'an periodsinofication Marxism philosophy deepens and develops the basic conception and feature of materialism. It eatablishes ideological line of realistic dialectical materialism. The second one, innovation in materialist dialectics field. Yan'an periodsinofication Marxism philosophy on one hand establishes materialist dialectics system academicallyand develops dialectical contradiction view. On the other hand, it builds Chinese revolution dialectics theory of anti-Japanese national united front, military strategy and construction of the Chinese Communist Party on the basis of philosophic promotion for Chinese revolution specific practical experience. The third one, innovation in epistemology field. Yan'an period sinofication Marxism philosophy innovates and develops Marxism philosophy epistemology by the views of practice and truth. The fourth one, innovation in life value philosophy field. Yan'an period sinofication Marxism philosophy sets up new communist moral value, new life philosophy combining humanism and rationalism, new benefits view combining people benefits and revolution benefits. The fifth one, innovation in historical materialism field. Yan'an periodsinoficationMarxism philosophy innovates and develops theory of social fundamental contradiction, masses history, class struggle, state and Chinese social revolution development on the basis of linking with Chinese revolution practice.Yan'an Form of sinofication Marxism philosophywhich built by the Chinese Communists in Yan'an period became the ideological cohesion and spiritual core that guided Chinese people to the victory of revolution by its specific thinking mode, value orientation and thought idea. The main experience of Yan'an period Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation includes five parts:One, the combination of theory and reality on the innovation way. Two, the combination of criticism and self-criticism of innovation thoughts. Three, theoretical and political innovation core combination. Four, the combination of popular content and form of innovation method. Five, the combination of logical and practical type of innovation path. At present, there are some realistic problems and theory difficulties in the procedure of Chinese Marxism philosophy development. Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation experience in Yan'an period can give great revelations for Marxism philosophy theoretical innovation development in the new period and new stage. The first revelation is to pay attention to theory learning and establish the habits of philosophy study. The second revelation is to base on realistic problems and innovate philosophy theoretical system. The third revelation is to combine national features and innovate philosophy discourse form. The fourth revelation is that its main groups should interact with each other and establish the philosophy innovation path together.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yan'an period, Marxism philosophy, theoretical innovation
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