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The Writing Of Ancient Chinese Literature

Posted on:2018-01-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H SuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330542462977Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Located in the boundary area of Shaanxi,Shanxi,and Henan,Tongguan is known as "a cock's sing can be heard by three provinces".With the Qinling Mountain standing in the south and the Yellow river flowing in the north,Tongguan is the east entrance of the Guanzhong terrain in Shaanxi,controlling the traffic throat between the east and the west.Due to its unique geographical location,Tongguan has been regarded as a place of strategic importance by military strategists since ancient China.At present,the research findings related to Tongguan in the academic circles are mainly focused on its military position,urban geography,as well as administration organization system,we have not seen any systematic or comprehensive research achievement on Tongguan in the literary view,and thus it provides tremendous space for the study of this thesis.Except the preface and the conclusion,this thesis comprises of 4 chapters.The content of each chapter is summarized as below.Chapter 1 provides detailed investigation and argumentation on Tongguan's geographic location,administration evolution as well as its military position;discusses the cognition of the history,geography and culture.Chapter 2 discloses the humanistic feelings of Tongguan by analyzing the poems of Tang Dynasty,the scholars of Tang Dynasty injected new significance to Tongguan upon their passing by,turned an ordinary image to be a medium to shoulder their feelings-regret or hope on official career,concern on nation's fate,and looking forward to all directions,these feelings are the mission granted to the scholars by the society of the Li's regime,their intense consciousness on life's dignity not only enriched the humanism in poems,but also set up examples for the scholars of the later generations.Chapter 3 describes the tragedy of the love story between Emperor Li Longji and his concubine Yang Yuhuan,which is caused by conquering of Tongguan by the rebels of An Lushan&Shi Shiming.The story of Li&Yang provided colorful ingredients for the narrative literature in the middle and late periods of the Tang Dynasty and was evolved by diversified literary forms such as poem,novel,etc.Chapter 4 clarifies the literary images of Tongguan in the Dynasty of Song,Yuan,Ming&Qing in five sectors-Passing by,Touring,Leaving,Battling and Conquering.By description on its atmosphere,folk custom,feeling of farewell and war stories,Tonguan gradually congealed to be a symbol,meanwhile,lots of souls are trembled by its grandness and steepness.The expressions of numerous scholars before checking in,either anticipation or respect,their wandering shadows left on the wall,as well as the returned looking after checking out,make up the unique and precious images of Tongguan in Chinese literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tongguan, image, description, Chinese literature
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