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The Study Of The Sentence Pattern Of Advance Huperbole In Modern Chinese

Posted on:2018-08-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330515969970Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
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This paper mainly uses the three-dimensional grammar theory to make a thorough study on Chinese advanced exaggerated sentences.Through the study,we reconstructed the sub category of hyperbole,defined the scope of the advance exaggerated sentence and features,and researched the basic types of them from the syntax,semantics,pragmatics.The paper includes eight chapters,the main contents are as follows:Chapter 1: IntroductionWe mainly introduces the value and significance of the topic,the scope of the topic,the theory,methods and the main content of the text.Chapter2: the category of huperbole,the semantic basis and its basic pragmatic functionsFirstly,we introduce the history of the study of hyperbole.Secondly,we study the sub-category of huperbole,and recongstruct the three sub-category of it based on previous research achievements.And then we study the semantic basis of hyperbole.Finally,we study the basic pragmatic function: enhancing emotions;deepening the impression;inspiring association;creating beauty.Chapter3: the characteristics and basic types of the advanced huperbole.This sentence of advanced huperbole refers to the premature exaggeration should be realized after the implementation of such event or state in advance.The advance huperbole have four basic types and four basic characteristics: markedness;reference;advance;subjectivity.Chapter4: the study of the advance huperbole such as “hai A jiu B”Thise sentence is one of the most common Chinese advanced exaggerated sentences.From the syntactic form,it has two characteristics: one is the marker "hai","jiu" they mutually collocate,and form the sentence.The second is A and B in thesame syntax,not containing relation existing between each other.From the semantic perspective,this sentence has one semantic features [+advance];from the pragmatic function,it can transfer various extreme information and emotional information.Chapter5: the study of the advance huperbole such as “cai A jiu B”This sentence is the use of high frequency.A has two kinds of formal structure:one is the noun structure,another is a verb structure.The noun structure is with "small" meaning.The verb structure has "realizing" meaning.VP is in order to achieve the type of realized aspect,experienced aspect,starting aspect,short aspect.B is the verb structure meaning "realized".the aspect incude realized aspect,experienced aspect,beginning aspect and continuing aspect.The logical subject of A and B prefers to the same reference with unmarked forms,the markers tends to different indication.the focus on the sentence is A.This sentence is with the extreme additional information and subjective evaluation.Chapter6: the study of the advance huperbole such as “yi A jiu B”From the syntactic and combination situation,this sentences have five syntactic features.Semantically,this sentence meaning can be summarized as: easy realization;regularity;superiority;exaggeration.From the pragmatic perspective,this sentence at least has one intermediate term.the meaning of the conversation is resulting in the intermediate default.Chapter7: the study of the advance huperbole such as “gang A jiu B”A forms can not be too long,with simplicity,and forms of B is not restricted by simplicity.A can be the predicate,can also be a noun category,but B is only a predicate genre."gang A" has the semantic features[+reaching]."Semantic relations“gang A" and "B" can be summarized as follows: the adjacent relationship,causality,conditional relationship.The Information focus is A.This sentence has two specific functions: one is to transfer the extreme information;two is to transfer the subjective emotional information.Chapter8:conclusionThis chapter is a summary of the main contributions and shortcomings.The paper reconstructs the sub category of huperbole,redefines the concept of advancedexaggerated sentences,summarizes the basic types and characteristics of advanced exaggerated sentences,and then uses the conceptual blending theory to analyze the formation mechanism of advance huperbole;we systematically study the basic types of advance huperbole.Finally,this paper points out three existing problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Advance, Huperbole, Sentence Pattern, Reconstruction, Easy Realization, Superiority
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