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Emotion Pattern Recognition Of TCM Based On Eye Movement,Physiological Response,Facial Expression And Head Orientation

Posted on:2018-09-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1314330515952966Subject:Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Emotion recognition is an important direction in the research of emotion,which has important influence and demand in many application fields.However,the subjective experience of emotion is very subjective,and the emotional reaction between people is variability.This researchis based on the TCM theory,combined with modern emotion theory and research results,and use of modern instruments and equipment,To study whether there are differences in eye movement,physiological response,facial expression and head orientation in the subjects with sad and happy emotions,in order to obtain a more objective recognition model of sadness and joy emotion.Method:First,the literature research on TCM emotional concept by Phenomenological reduction analysis.This research mainly adopts the experimental research method,and the data of eye movement,physiological response,facial expression and head orientation were obtained from two experiments.The two experiments were within-subjects design,Before the experiment,the subjects filled out Chinese Big Five Personality Inventory Brief Version,After the experiment,the Emotional self-evaluation questionnaire was filled out,data processing using SPSS20.0.Experiment 1:eye movement experiment,to recruit college students with normal vision or corrected visual acuity,Select the China emotional image materials system sad video-"my brothers and sisters"(the length of fragment 00:01:52),happy video "Tang Bohu point Qiuxiang" fragment(length 00:01:52)induced emotion,in addition,we select 6 neutral emotional pictures from the Chinese emotional picture system,Tobii Eye Tracker—TX300 was used to record and collect the eye movement data of the subjects in the neutral emotional pictures under the sad and happy mood.Experiment 2:physiological reaction experiment,Select the China emotional image materials system sad video-"my brothers and sisters"(the length of fragment 00:01:52),happy video "Tang Bohu point Qiuxiang"fragment(length 00:01:52)induced emotion,in addition,we select 4 neutral emotional pictures from the Chinese emotional picture system for emotional recovery,Using the 8 channel biofeedback instrument of Holland Spirit Nexus-10 to collect the skin conductance and pulse blood volume data,At the same time,the use of the camera on the display in real time to shoot the subject' facial expression when watching the emotional evoked material video,FaceReader system was used to analyze the video,and the facial expression data and head orientation data were obtained.Results:The research results show that the Qing-Zhi concept of Chinese Medicine has the characteristics of intentionality.and the experimental results show:(1)eye movement test results,the eye movements of subjects under the condition of sadness and joy were studied:First,the neutral emotional pictures do not partition,Happy mood Time toFirst Fixation of view with a long time(0.36 + 0.76)s,Time toFirst Fixation in grief is short(0.10+ 0.26),Matched sample t testshowed that the difference between the two groups was significant(t=-2.862,P<0.05]);The Total Fixation Duration was short(9.15 + 2.32)s in happy mood,and Total Fixation Duration was long(9.71 ±1.40)s in sad mood,The difference between the two obvious[t=2.041,P<0.05];The Fixation Count of eyes under happy mood was less(28.52 + + 8.91),and The Fixation Count of eyes under sad mood was more(33.56 + 8.09),After testing,the difference was significant;The variability of the four indicators,such as Time toFirst Fixation,First Fixation Duration,Total Fixation Duration and Fixation Count was lager,Just the opposite of sadness;Two,the neutral emotional image partition,in sad mood,Compared with the other three regions,in the upper right region,First Fixation Duration was the shortest(0.87 + 0.52)s,Total Fixation Duration was the shortest(1.82 + 1.34)s,The total number of fixations was the least(6.90+5.28),and the difference was significant;Fixation Count was the least(6.90 + 5.28),and the difference was significant;in happy mood,Compared with the other three regions,the left inferior area was significantly different,First Fixation Duration was the longest(0.88±0.76)s,Total Fixation Duration was the longest(1.66+1.67)s,The total number of fixations was the most(5.25±5.50),and the difference was significant;(2)physiological response test results,the physiological response of subjects under the condition of sadness and joy were studied:Time series analysis,In the emotional video phase and Neutral emotional picture phase,BVP showed a periodic change in sad and happy mood,The variation period is short and the variation range is large of BVP in sad mood,The variation period is long and the variation range is lest of BVP in happy mood;Comparison of mean + standard deviation of subjects under BVP with happiness and sadness,Under the condition of sad mood,the absolute value of pulse blood volume is large and the variability is large(-24.1037 + 12.0033),Under the happy state,the absolute value of pulse blood volume is small and the variability is small(-22.6677 + 11.8012),Matched sample t test showed that the difference between the two groups was significant(t=5.210,P<0.05]);Comparison of mean + standard deviation of subjects under SC with happiness and sadness,Under the mood state,the skin conductance is large and the skin conductance is large(6.5352 + 4.5178),Under the state of sadness,the skin conductance was small and the skin conductance was small(6.0592 + 4.2335),Matched sample t test showed that the difference between the two groups was significant(t=3.229,P<0.05]).Two,neutral emotional picture phase,The time series analysis showed that the SC showed obvious cyclical changes in the sad and happy mood,The SC was short cycle,small change range in happy mood and Just opposite in sadness,Comparison of mean + standard deviation of subjects under BVP with emotion and sadness,BVP(-22.8410 + 11.9696)in sadness and BVP(-22.2760 + 11.7974)in happ mood,two the difference is not obvious;Comparison of mean + standard deviation of subjects under SC with emotion and sadness,Under the sad state,the absolute value of SC is large and the variability is large(6.4278±4.7352),Under the happy state,the absolute value of pulse blood volume is small and the variability is small(6.0147+4.3564),Matched sample t test showed that the difference between the two groups was significant[t=3.701,P<0.05].Three.The subjective feeling intensity of different emotions had no effect on the change of BVP and SC(P>0.05);Four.In this experiment,it was found that BVP and neuroticism had a significant positive correlation(r =0.406,P<0.05).(3)experimental results of facial expression and head orientation,The facial expression of the subjects under the sad and happy mood and the three-dimensional coordinates of the head were analyzed:First,in sad and happy mood,the proportion of neutral emotional expression is the largest,are greater than 50%;the proportion of anger,fear,disgust is close,sad expression is relatively small,(0.1559 + 0.1252)in sad mood and(0.1207+0.1044)in happy mood.Happy expression accounted for the smallest,(0.0641±0.1037)in sad mood and(0.0168±0.0261)in happy mood.Two,the sad expression paired t test,showing the difference between the two obvious[t=-3.298,P<0.05],Paired t test of happy expression showed significant difference[t=3.822,P<0.05],Neutral expression comparison showed that the difference between the two[t=-2.394,P<0.05].Third,there was no correlation between subjective emotion and facial expression changes(P values were greater than 0.05).Fourth,sad emotions,arousal(facial muscles strength)had a significantly positive correlation with BVP(r = 0.349,P<0.05).Fifth,Compared to 20 facial action unit intensity and exercise duration,found in the sad mood,outstanding performance for the action of fifteenth,seventeenth,twenty-third,twenty-fourth action units,in the emotional of happy,subjects like outstanding performance for the sixth,tenth,twelfth,twenty-fifth unit operation activities.Sixth,there is a difference in head orientation in difference mood.The nose 3D point subjects responsehead orientation reaction,Number of subjects who the nose 3D points mainly located in the two quadrants of Y+X-Z+,Y-X-Z+ were more in happy mood,Compared with sad mood the difference was Obvious,in sadness,The number of subjects in Y-X+Z+ and Y+X+Z+ area is much more obvious.Conclusion:Comparison of Qing-Zhi concept of TCM and emotional concept of modern psychology,The two in the purport,connotation and extension have the same place also have different places,the concept of Qing-Zhi emphasizing the intentionality of emotion.and experimental results shows the changes of eye movement,physiological reaction,facial expression and head orientation are different in the mood of sadness and happiness.(1)eye movements,In the Total Fixation Duration and Fixation Count,in different mood,they showed different trends.Heart is not calm in sad mood,Chinese medicine theory think so,Under these circumstances,People show signs of hesitation in the world,look at feature points showing entanglement stagnation,In eye movement,It showed that moreFixation Count andlonger total fixation time,and the variability of fixation index were small;the reaction of the people is fluent in happiness,It shows that the response speed is faster,the total fixation time is less,and the total fixation time is short and large variability.In sadness,the index of Time toFirst Fixation is in a short time,It shows that the subjects were given an earlier attention to detail.On the fixed position,The significant difference between sad and happy mood is the significant reduction of the fixation time and fixation time in a certain area,Little attention to the upper right in sadness,and little attention is paid to the lower left region in happiness.(2)physiological changes,Pulse blood volume showed a significant cyclical changes in sad and happy mood,and the change reflects a slow,acute difference,Under the sad mood,the pulse blood volume cycle is small,the change is big,It was show a state of emergency,Under the-mood of emotion,the pulse blood volume is larger and the change is smaller,Show a slow change trend;There was an obvious periodic change in skin conductance during the emotional recovery,Small cycle,small change range in happiness and the fluctuation is larger during the decline,Large cycle,large change in sadness and have a Approximately linear decreasing trend.There was no significant correlation-between the subjective emotional intensity and physiological response in the experiment,It shows that there is no obvious consistency between the subjective emotion and the physiological change of emotion,and we can't be from the emotional experience of the subjective feelings of the strength of the strong or weak.(3)Facial expressions,Regardless of the sad,happy mood,neutral expression dominates,On the one hand,this paper explains the deficiency of the FaceReader system in the analysis of the facial expression,On the other hand,it also reflects the implicit emotion expression of Asian subjects.Compared with other expressions,the sad expression and the happy expression,There is no place to highlight,However,Compared the expression of sadness in sad mood and happy mood,the difference is obvious,so of the happy expression.The results show that in the case of sadness,happy expression and other types of emotional facial expression is not obvious,it can be analyzed from the changes in the expression of the emotions in the sad and happy mood.Comparison of facial action units,It was found that there were significant differences in the movement of the facial unit in the face of sad and happy,Prominent mouth left,taut lips,pressed lips,chin lift the action unit movement in sad mood,and happy mood for the performance of the face lift,lift the upper lip,pull the mouth,the mouth of these facial movement unit movement,The facial action units of the subjects were mainly reflected in the lips and chin area.The mood is mainly manifested in upward and outward muscle movement trend,A mood of sad is for the overall performance of muscle movement,tightening the downward trend,The difference of facial movement units can better distinguish the emotional state of subjects.There was no significant correlation between subjective emotional intensity and facial expression,Different subjective feeling intensity in sad mood and sad expression,different subjective feeling intensity and happy expression,There were no significant differences,Can't be derived from the emotional experience of the subjective feelings of facial expression intensity.(4)Head orientation,During the experiment,the subjects were asked to try to keep the body and head in place,The head position of the subjects under the condition of sad and happy mood changed slightly,but there were obvious differences,The head orientation of the subjects tended to move to the upper left in sad mood,and the head position tends to move forward in the upper right region in happy mood.There was no significant difference between the upper and lower positions of the head.Significance and value:First,academic significance:Modern emotion theory on emotional problems,It is usually defined as a response to a specific stimulus,and a specific emotional state includes at least three aspects:subjective feeling,physiological change and behavior.However,scholars who pay attention to explicit attention have noticed that In the point detection experiment,comparison to normal subjects,the individuals of anxiety and depression are more special in the performance of the attention points and the duration of the attention duration.The emotion theory of Chinese medicine emphasizes the conception of "Zhi",and the use of "Zhi" as a semantic word both emphasize the intentional character of emotion,intention is the direction of consciousness.Study on the emotional concept of traditional Chinese Literature,and an experimental study on the changes of eye movement and head orientation in the sad and happy mood,First of all,the author verifies the viewpoint of TCM on emotional intentionality;Secondly,the intentionality of consciousness,In psychology called conation,Is regarded as the core of human psychology,Brentano believes that only move is a psychological phenomenon,Husserl believes that all conscious activities have the characteristics of conscious intentionality,Through the study of the psychological proposition of Qing,Zhi and Yi,Combined with Professor Qiu Hongzhong,s research on the concept of mind and Shen,Can be found in the nature of TCM psychology is the oldest Chinese native act psychology.Second,application value:The individual difference of the subjective feeling of emotion makes people can guess the mood of others only through cultural conventions and their own feelings,greatly reduce the efficiency and accuracy of emotion recognition,However,the importance of emotion in the field of social interaction,security defense,mental health,consumer behavior are required of the emotional objective and effective identification,As far as possible to eliminate the influence of subjective feelings and to seek the objective of emotion recognition index has become a top priority.Theory of traditional Chinese medicine thinks emotion has intentionality,And put forward the idea of "eyes as the aim of heart",In this experiment,we measured the changes of eye movement and head orientation under the condition of sadness and happiness,It was found that there were significant differences in the changes of eye movement and head orientation under the sad and happy mood.From the emotional theory of Chinese medicine and the experimental results,eye movement index and head orientation index can be used as an effective objective index into the comprehensive recognition model of emotion.
Keywords/Search Tags:The theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Qing Zhi, eye movement
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