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Comparative Study On Economic Performance Coused By The System Innovation Of Sino-russian

Posted on:2015-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:P CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1269330428996243Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
System innovation is in close relationship with the country’s economic development.An efficient system can stimulate people’s creativity and initiative, promote the rationaldistribution of social resources and the sustainable growth of social wealth, and eventuallypromote the progress of society as a whole.Since China was founded in1949, system exploration and innovation never stop.Especially in the more than30years of Reform and Opening up, China has drawn worldattentions by economic leap through system innovation. Although scholars hold differentviews on China’s economic achievements, there is no doubt that system innovation insystem reform has promoted the growth of China’s economy. But China’s economic growthis slowing year by year. How to break through this bottleneck and maintain steady andrapid economic growth become the key factors to China’s economic reform. While systeminnovation will definitely be the important driving force for breaking this bottleneck.Russia and China are neighboring giant countries. They carry out the transition fromPlanned economic system to Market system almost at the same time. While China’seconomic system reform is gradual, but Russia is radical. Though the modes of these twocountries are not quite similar, the ultimate goal of system innovation is both to establishMarket economy system. In the transition process, both countries carry out the systeminnovation that suits their own national conditions and with different national features.Obviously, the economic system transitions of these two countries are different from thoseof western countries. Even they two are not the same. Many economic commentators thinkthat China’s economic transformation is successful compared to that of Russia, because theprocess enables the rapid economic growth in China. But it is too early to judge now.Russia has found phenomenon of economic recession at the beginning of the reform. Buteventually this suicide practice made Russia’s economy back from the dead. Under radicaleconomic system reform, Russia completely overthrew the previous economic systems andrebuilt the system comprehensively which lay a solid foundation for Russia’s sustained development. Analysis of the differences between Russia and China in economic systeminnovation and their impacts on economic growth are of importance to China’s lattereconomic system innovation.Based on dynamic trend and static quantitative analysis, and empirical test, we make asummary and comparison of Sino-Russian economic performance. Analysis of the reformcourses and the differences and commonness between Russia and China in economicsystem innovation since1950s will provide reference for China’s latter economic systemreform.This paper includes the following chapters:Chapter1is introduction. This chapter concerns on the research background and aims.We sort out and summarize the references and researches regard to Sino-Russian economicsystem innovation from China and overseas. The writing approach, frame, and methods areput forward in the end.Chapter2contains fundamental theories. First we define the meaning of systeminnovation precisely. And then from economics of innovation, neo-institutional economics,and theories of system and economic growth, we pick out the theories related to theresearch of system innovation. These theories are fundamental to our study.Chapter3and4make a summary and conclusion on the process, content andperformance of Sino-Russia economic system innovation. By empirical methods, weanalyze Sino-Russia system innovation deeply. Chapter3fully discusses the courses of theinnovation in Russia. The process contains three stages. They are Soviet Union era, the"shock therapy" era, and Putin’s Time. Based on comprehensive analysis and empiricalstudy, the achievements in Putin’s Time have been highly affirmed. Chapter4discusses thecourses of the innovation in China. We divide it into two stages: Planned period of1949-1979and Market economy period since1979. The performance of system innovationin Planned period is concluded and evaluated. We sort out, classify and conclude thetypical systems in different fields and then analyze the system innovation comprehensivelyin Market economy period. By empirical test, we study the impacts of the economic systeminnovation to economic growth in China. The study provides a factual basis for the comparative research of Sino-Russian economic system innovation.Chapter5is the main part. This chapter compares Sino-Russian economic systeminnovation. The values and importance of the comparative study are discussed to start with.From a variety of perspectives, we compare Sino-Russian system innovation, including theinnovation models, privatization system, system of tax distribution, and the economicperformances.Chapter6focuses on the commonness, differences, and problems of Sino-Russianeconomic system innovation under the perspective of sustainable development.The last chapter delimits the results of research and the prospect of the futuredevelopment.
Keywords/Search Tags:System innovation, Sino-Russia, Economic performance, Comparative study, Sustainable development
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