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A Study On Poverty Alleviation Modes Of Resources Industry

Posted on:2015-02-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G F LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:1269330428974749Subject:Resource industries economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,we organized and implemented large-scale,lasting and effective Poverty-Reduction Program,while opened up a suitable anddistinctive road which is lead by the government,and can reduct poverty with thesocial participation and one’s own efforts. However, with the tremendousimproverished people and the unbalanced development of poor areas, the povertyalleviation and development task is still arduous, and natural disaster threat is stillserious, in other words, the phenomenon of relative poverty is prominent. To be morespecific, the phenomenon of poverty in areas represented by the central plainseconomic zone of the national poverty alleviation key area, concentrated area, majorgrain producing area, and the Yellow River area are still outstanding. Therefore, inorder to solve the problem of poverty completely and to achive the building ofmoderately prosperous society till2020, the poverty alleviation and development waymust be changed, with the integration of advantage resources of nature, human,transportation and leading enterprise, we must drive the poor area being able to liveon its own by promoting the central plains economic area implementing the povertyalleviation and development mode which is lead by the government, consist ofenterprises and operated by the market.Based on the concept of resources industry in poverty-relief, the thesisanalysis the basic elements and operation mechanism of resources industry inpoverty-relief, finding that in order to realize the poverty alleviation by resourcesindustry, the participation of government, improverished people and all sectors fromthe society to participate-in from different ways,the all-round study of the resourcesof poverty-stricken areas,and the performance evaluation of the existing mode ofpoverty alleviation are needed. And based on which, the suitable resources industrycan be choosed, and then we can promote the orderly operation ofresource industrialized poverty. At the same time, we should establish avenues tospeed up the development of resources industry, provide scientific runningsmooth channels for the resource poor industry. Through the analysis of the resourcesindustry of United States of America, France, and the analysis of tourism resourceindustry of South Africa and the agricultural resources industry’s development ofBrazil,the thesis put up the terms of reference for Central Economic Region. Byanalyzing the basic situation, causes of poverty, the present poverty alleviation modeand the difficulties in the poverty alleviation process, we summarized the feasibilityand practical significance of resources industry for poverty alleviation. Using the analytic hierarchy process, we evaluated the poverty alleviation performance ofleading enterprises of resources industries, finding the regional area of central plainseconomy is absolute wide and poverty areas are concentrated, and the major grainproducing areas are in dire poverty, while the poverty population problem isparticularly serious, as a result, in order to realize the long-term poverty reductioneffect, we have to promote the agricultural industrialization development and thecomprehensive utilization of the rsources at the same time. Therefor,the thesis takeNanyang province as an example,with the use of the shift share analysis methodof reference (SSM), the thesis discuss the resources industry choice in terms ofpoverty alleviation in Nanyang. Suggesting that the choice can be made based onthe area total production value,comparative advantages, and growth potential. Finally,the thesis comes up with the mode, mechanism and suggestions for the povertyalleviatin of resources industry in central plain ares. The author believed that thefollowing five modes should be established to help the poverty alleviation in centralplain areas, which are resources industry financial aid-the-poor funds mode,concentrated resources industry poverty alleviation and development, resource-basedenterprises counterpart support mode, tourism poverty alleviation and developmentproject and poverty alleviation and development of renewable resources industrypattern, mechanism and Counter measures of area poverty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poverty, Poverty alleviation and development, Resources Industry, Industry Choice
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