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Research On The Relationship Between Regional Resource Economy And The Development Mode Of Urbanization

Posted on:2015-03-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1269330428474748Subject:Resource industries economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the basis of predecessors’ research literature and data analysis, the theory ofurbanization and economic development theory, the theory of industrial development,and the theory of regional resources and resource theory, this paper analyzes theurbanization process domestically and internationally and explores the relationbetween the regional resources and urbanization pattern systematically. Our countryurbanization pattern, through the establishment of evaluation index system of regionalresources of provincial urbanization pattern, has carried on the preliminary matchfrom the angle of regional resources. Also, it analyzes Chinese representative citiesbased on the development experience of typical resourceful city urbanizationdevelopment.Urbanization modes can be classified by regional resources: natural resources-dominant, social resources-dominant, industry-dominant and government-leading. Thispaper establishes an index system on evaluation and makes a brief analysis on regional resources-dominant urbanization modes in34Chinese provinces by AHP. The conclusions are, natural resources-dominant modes exist in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, InnerMongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Jiangxi and Hunan, while Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong are social resources-dominant ones. Industry-dominant modes exist in Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Hubei, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guangxi, Fujian and Hainan, while Tibet, Ningxia and Guizhou are government-leading urbanization provinces.Compared with the urbanization experience of developed countries, Urbanization inChina has characteristics of high population density, overpopulation and complex ofnational industrial structure. Therefore, on the basis of analysis of China’surbanization development, we should learn the valuable experiences of developedcountries whose urbanization are driven by using whole resources properly which aredriven by the superiority resources instead of copying the development model ofdeveloped countries directly. For the cities of shortage of natural resources, they should make clear the advantages and disadvantages of their resources in the processof urbanization. Relying on superior resources such as human resources, educationalresources, cultural resources or other soft power resources, the cities can develop therelated industries which may improve the whole regional industry. For the citieswhich are rich in metallic mineral resources, they should make full use of economiclever to achieve the sustainable development of resources exploiting and utilizing andpay attention to the human capital accumulation and cultivation which will providetechnical and intellectual support to the development of regional industry in theprocess of urbanization. For the cities which are rich in energy resources, they shouldachieve the development of efficient, green and intensive and improve the efficiencyof resource use, integrate of resource enterprise,form the scale economies to achieverapid economic growth without threatening the ecological environment. China’surbanization model is still in the primary stage which mainly relies on naturalresources to drive the process of urbanization. Under the guidance of newurbanization plans, resource-based cities should focus on the harmony betweenhuman and nature and chose the way of sustainable development in the process ofurbanization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional resources, Urbanization development model, Resource cities, Resource economics
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