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Evolution And Tolerance

Posted on:2015-01-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330428955768Subject:Foreign philosophy
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Many contemporary political philosophers-one of the most unique of JohnDewey-detailed demonstration of democracy. They believe that democracy is aWestern social and political signs, is the most typical feature of Western society todistinguish it from other social-systems. But Western democratic theorists believe thatthe democratic system is the superiority of the democracy lists and that the Westerndemocratic-system is static.They tend to ignore the evolutionary characteristics of thedemocratic system, and take the natural form of human social and politicaloperation for granted artificially deprive its nativeness of democracy. So, democracyis not a unique phenomenon in Western social and political domain, but an evolvingform, and has a relative meaning and value.If you follow the mode of Western democratic theory, American democracy hasbecome the pinnacle of the history of Western democracy, American democracy hasnaturally evolved into the common pursuit of social development worldwide, andbecame the only standard of value to view the presence of other social and politicalforms. Why does the U.S. blindly output democracy? Why does the U.S. groundlesslycriticize the democratic process of other countries? This generation of the UnitedStates political arrogance is because of no-tolerant in the field of world politics, andindifference with evolution of democracy itself. Based on clarifying the prejudiceand misunderstanding, and finding a rational defense for democratic pluralismexistence, it is necessary to investigate the traceability of the democratic concept ofDewey, because the Dewey democratic concept is to correct the American democraticprocess deviation. It has contained tolerance and evolutionary dimension.Dewey’s conception of democracy has a broad development space, he does nothave static view democracy, but from a different perspective of the other professionalpolitical philosopher, avoided talking about democracy repeatedly or single, andjumped out from the traditional static conception of democracy theory stereotype to display ecological interpretation of democracy. Evolution and tolerance naturallybecame the two pillars of democracy Dewey, and provided a solid foundation for thesublimation of Dewey democratic concept. Dewey democratic concept continuesideological resources of the early American democracy, Dewey’s conception ofdemocracy has a rustic, more realistic practice activities. It is a combination ofAmerican democracy, summary and abstract of the traditional township autonomousdemocratic form of branded transcendence deeply imprinted in the growth, full ofancient symbolic significance, unlimited inspiration with the future democraticbreeding and traveling. The anchor of evolutionary characteristics throughoutDewey’s democratic view is novel, and is the focus of its entire political system ofthought. He first full convinced of the philosophical theory of evolution, andpromoted the philosophical footsteps from speculative quagmire to practice. Fromthen on a pursuit of pragmatic philosophy was deeply rooted, and the practical aspectsof the democratic concept was radiated a vitality. Finally, the concept of explore,action and practice not only became the focus of philosophical reflection, but alsobecame a pronoun of democratic concept into with life,Tolerance in the concept of democracy Dewey is also reflected the importance inhuman political and social history of the growth, contradictions and struggles arefilled with all the political history of the development of tolerance, compromise existto ensure that members of society relative can get on harmony and coexistence. livingin peace is a necessary condition for each social formation. even though manypolitical philosophers thought social development is attributed to the struggle,attributed to conflict and confrontation, but the fierce conflict led to the developmentof a limited, once beyond limits will inevitably lead to social chaos even extinction.Dewey conception of democracy is the fully aware of supremacy of the tolerance forthe development of a democratic society, so he concerned about the tolerance, andthought the tolerance as an important ethical requirements, as an important wayfor the maintenance and development of the society everywhere. In his view,tolerance is an inevitable requirement of political activities, but the conflict is just thenon-"normal" in long political history of the development. Throughout the history of the development of Western democracy, Dewey’sconception of democracy has a unique position, he can become either a liberaldemocratic Inheritance, or a pioneer in the communitarian democracy; he can becalled either critics of liberal democracy, or advocates of democratic republicanism.Historical positioning of Dewey’s conception of democracy is complexity, becauseDewey conception of democracy has evolutionary characteristics, elasticity of theoryensure that Dewey has multiple identities on the natural history of democracy. On theone hand, it is based on the American democracy pioneer ideology that has inheritedand transcended traditional democracy, it has retained the principles ofdemocracy.However, with the evolution of social forms, he discovered the limitationsof liberal democracy that they had extreme protection of personal interests, then wasengaged in strong criticism activities concerning liberal democracy from thetheoretical point of view. So that he hoped liberal democracy to be increased theparticipation of grassroots democracy in the democratic development of the sequence,it ensured that democracy was the most widely implemented, so republicanismdemocracy derived enlightenment from supernumerary Dewey, so than socialdemocratic concept of the Western democracy could grow up. On the other hand,Dewey, by observation of the pros and cons of socialist democracy, discovered thatdemocracy may be a handful of people to steal and monopoly, the transition on hissocial democratic attitude happened from actively support early to their anger andstrongly opposed late, and then hoped to increase in social-democratic provisions ofthe moral, and regarded the community as a variable analysis, the core of thecommunity kept a foothold on moral, perfect personality, citizens of ethicalself-regulation as a prerequisite. Thus, the means of education was no longer a single,but had become the necessary means to cultivate citizens with a new sense ofdemocracy, and democratic moral requirements, then people in the communityexperienced the fruits of democracy, and enjoyed democratic life, that this democraticideal can be achieved or not had developed into touchstone of the educationaleffectiveness to test.First, Dewey’s conception of democracy endowed evolution an absolute priority. Democracy itself requires people to be free and full development of personality,autonomy can be really happy, democracy ultimately can be achieved. Therelationship between democracy and the people ultimately depend on characteristicsof evolution just as it has fully developed by advocates. Democracy based on theevolutionary development, democracy will repudiate firmly neither the so-calledabsolute democracy nor democracy peak such as arrogant title, and then win for everykind of social, ethnic, pluralistic form of democracy, so to say, democracy is onlyrelatively democratic, each society has the right to development and qualification, andthe freedom to choose their own democratic way in accordance with its own nature.Second, Dewey’s conception of democracy is particularly great importance to thecore values of the tolerance concerning democratic running. In Dewey, democracy inthe initial stage are closely related to the tolerance, there is no democratic tolerancefor each other, it does not matter. Tolerance, especially the most basic interests of thesociety-coexistence-is the basis of survival. Coexistence is essential requirementsof human society, the basic requirements of society is the same absolute priority likethe evolution, is not allowed to damage the rights of the community. Tolerance as ademocratic system to be implemented is a necessary condition, because the goal ofdemocracy is based on the comprehensive development, human development all thetime can not be separated from the enhancement of the moral qualities, tolerance as animportant moral content, whether in daily life or political life even for a moment cannot do without, each individual within such community will obtain a win-winsituation.Finally, Dewey’s conception of democracy is very reasonable, and it is able tocompensate to some extent, the criticism of the contemporary political philosopher ofAmerican democracy. Dewey’s democratic theory foundation is the protection ofindividual freedoms and rights, and in the pursuit of the ideal of equality, it would notallow the infringement of individual rights. Dewey’s democratic theory can makesome additional and restoration of social principles in the personal direct extension ofthe traditional liberal principles, and thus may followed with the difference ofinterests between the people, so the democracy jumped from individual individualistic stereotype for the introduction of contemporary democratic community variables.Dewey thought everyone has their own interests under social interests and a socialemotion more concerned with their own interests, balances personal special interestsin the pursuit of greater social benefit, and dose not cause the neglect of the differenceof interests between people. Short, the democratic theory from Dewey can not seethe democratic reality by static view, democracy must be restored to the basis pointsabove the evolution and tolerance, Democracy in the situation is full of vigor andvitality to “move up” in its infinite growth. It has a considerable degree of referencevalue on how to position for the current Chinese democracy, and promote positiveinteraction between government and citizen relations, so as to promote goodgovernment model building.
Keywords/Search Tags:Evolution, tolerance, conception of democracy, universal value, indigenous
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