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Research Of Prefaces Of Corpus And Poetry Written By Song

Posted on:2015-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330428480109Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Content:Because of Emphasis on cultural construction, So society in general have a tendency to study literature In the Song Dynasty. The popularity of printing technology has driven literary creation to prosperity. A large number of writers began writing Prefaces. There are four levels of value in the preface.First, the preface is an important source of literary theory. It reflects the author’s concept of literary history as a writer and appreciate literature reviews are often placed in the river of their literary history.They may also put forward the proposition and create areas of literature, thus enriching the literary thought.Combine their literary creation, they will make recommendations to guide the literary aspects of the writing of others. Combined with the creation of their literary.Second, the literature value. Prefaces can understand the book editing and printing time, location, operator, way, etc. Meanwhile, because they have introduced the author’s life, academic origins, work-style content the prefaces also provides a convenient writing books Summary.Third, the value of literature dissemination. Preface can understand the books through the dissemination and acceptance. Preface written comments become the pre-understanding of the reader’s horizon of expectations. Therefore, these comments will affect the spread and acceptance of literary works.Fourth, the preface of the book is a prose genre. Song Dynasty writer has written the preface diverse subject matter, the way diverse, rich literary characteristics, can be used as articles to appreciate the aesthetic.Paper is divided into five chapters:The first chapter visit preface push upstream source origin and stylistic evolution, grasp the stylistic features of the Song sequence set in gift order, in contrast with the epitaph. Preface from the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties do not set because the compilation of poetry, the total collection, Preface Writing increasing number of stylistic awareness sprout, giving an important position in the preamble is the total set of stylistic classification of literary compilation "Wen Xuan."(《文选》) In Tang Dynasty, Quan Deyu (权德舆), Liu Yuxi(刘禹锡)set sequence number to write more, showing Preface stylistic stereotypes and patterns of writing. Song faces of the Tang Dynasty has been finalized writing mode breakthrough. Its breakthrough ways: First, draw a similar style of writing, such as the sequence of stylistic gifts coherent; Second, the expansion of functions by order book to the successor function near epitaphs; Third, the theme of diversity and pluralism wording.The second chapter, to explore the value set sequence spread from seeking sequence of transmission of expectations, essays sequence of transmission strategy and seek order, essays order to form groups of three levels of analysis literati. Broadly speaking, the main requirements set sequence, and look forward to its preface printed literature available talent; heirs asked the sequence, we hope to reach a preface by family tradition to have saved the behavior of literary literature praise; magistrate asked preface, is inscribed Township state literature as a meritorious inviting praise. Thus seeking sequence objects have the right to speak first select who, like Robinson and Saisuke Guange word. Second, consider the relationship between intimacy and geopolitical relations. Finally, the people seeking procedures to obtain evaluation expect. Writing essays were more focused on the main set of non-text elements biographies festive, fun ethics, etc., or to put aside their own literary concept work table. In addition to the literary world famous, everybody, the less detailed interpretation of the text as a value judgment or for tangible. Preface to spread the effects of three factors:the general writers, prominent figures in order to obtain lead, which can effectively enhance the literary status, wider dissemination of works. Preface to the work of judges, especially the " first reader" of judgment, become the default value of the work, before the reader understand the later works. Find preface preface itself is interpersonal communication, set relationship between the main sequence with those essays, reflecting changes in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Song dynasty group identity.Third, fourth chapter Preface of literary value, set the sequence is bonanza literary theory, and its rich deposits amazing."SAN DAI LUN" focusing on the Song of political influence on literature and cultural background and outlook, its impact are threefold:First Pan literary concept, the second is the creation of the world body’s feelings of accomplishment and cultural self-confidence, the third is creative motivation, unintentional process for the text, as a last resort." Three Changes "," Sven large section two" major analysis of Literary History Song, one of Shen Song about" Three Changes " narrative explanation and rich literary history of the basic model, the bird’s-eye view of literature to explore the artistic generation creation inherent laws; Second, the " moral decay caused by Xi Kun style(西昆体)flourish "," Taoism rise caused by the decline of literature," the two theses, analyzes the core issues in the Song of literature and literary history debate scold "Wen Road relations" interpretation of meaning."Poetry can be poor" and " Adversity " is the ancient literary criticism two important propositions. Song for "Poetry can be poor,"" Adversity " interpretation of the two propositions reflects the " poor" by the writers to expand the universal destiny of individuals encountered by the external conditions for the deepening of literary literary thought has tragic implication by literature emphasizes the social significance of the literary significance of the concerned individual lives. These two propositions selective interpretation and " rationalization" process is a property of literati identity, values and literary nature of the mission, continue to explore the creative process of the law. Yang Wanli "pleasure produced poetry " Poetic value reflected in the "Poetry can be poor"," Adversity," said transcendence. Raise consciousness One poet, a poet from the upcoming political and moral order of alienation and the value of the poet as an independent existence, the poet as a " poet " and present. Second is the affirmation of the aesthetic value of poetry, aesthetics and politicians stab Neo Daniel Day concept beyond love, love music and mechanized Road and the edge will pass, attention to aesthetic pleasure poetry function. Third, the emphasis on poetry Civic Plaza Thai speech by the late Tang " assiduously "," pondering " to humorous, Emmanuel wisdom, Anger by the hair into a pleasant feeling of pleasure Hing Fat temperament. Zuo Wei, Yang Wanli, Liu Chen Weng said the theory of poetry interesting contribution to the practice of this movement lies in the Song Dynasty poems reveal aesthetics-secularization tendency to give up the spirit and technique of poetry profound quest to " text to myself," self-expression. Vulgar Fun, Fun said Vulgar changed aesthetic quality poetry.The final chapter, the Song preface and bibliography, compiled mainly on the Song poetry carved poems of the situation and the Northern Song Compilation of another. Northern Song Dynasty poetry anthology inscribed more cautious after the main set of compilation or relatives, mostly hidden in the home, and less active seeking engraved. Square inscribed in the Northern Song Dynasty poet sets carved mainly Song Square engraved, carved official home carved in parallel. Version quality made, official engraved, carved better than Frank engraved home, so do not set mostly Song existing class or derived from this. To the number of words, far more than the former engraved Square. By Chao Gongwu(晁公武)"Jun Zhai Du Shu Zhi"(《郡斋读书志》Chen Zhen Sun(陈振孙)’Zhi Zhai Shu Lu Jie Ti"(《直斋书录解题》)Ma Duanlin "Wen Xian Tong Kao·Jing Ji Kao"(《文献通考·经籍考》)shift citations recorded Khao Sok Song Preface, Preface to the directory inquiry Writing function.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song, Preface, stylistic, literary transmission, theory, document
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