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The Spreading And Evolution Of Traditional Chinese Auspicious Paintings Into Korea

Posted on:2014-09-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y S u n y o u n g J u n QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330425975269Subject:Literary folklore
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese traditional auspicious paintings is a painting type that utilizes the symb ol technique separately or comprehensively and also is an important part of Chinese auspicious culture. Auspicious Paintings represents the origin as to the real life of people and the pursuit for the ideal world and has been handed down from generati on to generation in people’s lives.Chinese traditional auspicious paintings has not only enriched its own culture, b ut also influenced Korean culture significantly. Korea has been maintaining a close tie with China as far back as history recalls, and it has also been very open to Chi nese culture. Chinese auspicious paintings was propagated during the common Chine se paintings had been flowing into the Korean peninsula. Chinese auspicious paintin gs, which symbolically depicted the pursuit of the common sentiment of mankind called "auspicious" under the influence of the idea of worship of Chinese civilizatio n, had captivated the royal family and the upper classes. With the improvement of living standards, the common folks yearning for the upper-class life had started enjo ying Chinese auspicious paintings gradually as following them. Accordingly, the two countries got to share a common indirect language. Chinese auspicious paintings, w hich was infused into the lives of Koreans through "superiors acting and inferiors i mitating" propagation aspect, has realized the localization of Chinese auspicious pain tings as constantly changing depending on the difference of times and ideas on the soil of Korean folk customs. In addition, it has established the Korea’s unique tradit ion of auspicious paintings through trying to recreate during this process. Thus, the relationship of "different branches of the same source" has been established between the auspicious paintings of the two countries.Although Chinese tradition auspicious paintings possesses rich aesthetic values a nd folk information, it has not received serious consideration and even is facing a c risis in practice with the rapid development of modern society. Among them, the m ost important cause is that the secret of appreciating the painting as to auspicious p aintings has not been conveyed. Auspicious paintings is a symbolic representation of auspicious concept accumulated during the long history. Therefore,"reading auspici ous paintings " requires an overall interpretation on the external format, internal me aning and specific cultural time and space of auspicious paintings. With an apprecia tion staying only on the surface, it would not be possible to find the intrinsic value s of auspicious paintings form.This paper is a new attempt to compare the auspicious paintings of China and Korea; thus, it aims to discover the Auspicious Paintings shared by the two countri es, analyze their internal and external differences and find the origin in the folk liv es of the two countries by securing sufficient data through collecting the auspicious paintings of the two countries scattered all over the world such as China, Korea, Ja pan, France, etc. The three-dimensional analysis on the auspicious paintings of the t wo countries helps identifying the external impacts of Chinese auspicious paintings and enhancing the values of Chinese culture, and also finding the origin of Korean auspicious paintings would provide the important data for correcting the misundersta nding for Korean auspicious paintings. Moreover, this study proposes a new perspec tive for the restoration of the auspicious paintings of the two countries, which have been already lost or are at risk of being lost, and the solution to the challenges of the development.This paper finds the traditional auspicious paintings shared by the two countries with the auspicious paintings of the two countries scattered all over the world suc h as China, Korea, Japan, France, etc. as the basic data and conducts the three-dim ensional analysis and comparison for this. The results would not only contribute to the correct understanding and new understanding of the traditional auspicious paintin gs and cultures of China and Korea, but also propose a new direction for the issue s of restoration and transmission of the traditional auspicious paintings of the two c ountries.
Keywords/Search Tags:[China], [Korea], [Traditional Auspicious Paintings], [Propagation]
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