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Regional Augmentation Based Precise Point Positioning And Its Application In Mining Monitoring Deformation

Posted on:2014-04-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F BianFull Text:PDF
GTID:1261330392965067Subject:Geodesy and Survey Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
GNSS precise point positioning (PPP) can determine the three dimensionalcoordinates in the framework of worldwide, and does not require a fixed referencestation which coordinates are known. Therefore, PPP technology can position throghstatic or dynamic model without constrains of baseline length in ITRF. This paperstudy the regional augmentation based GNSS precise point positioning and itsapplication in mining deformation monitoring, major research achievements andcontributions in this paper as follows:1) Barycentric Lagrange interpolation method was proposed for PPP datapreprocessing, and the method is convenient and simple simply, which can beexpressed from the Lagrange interpolation by slightly change. The experimentalresults show that the interpolation order for13, achieved stable millimeter. Either themaximum error or the RMS, and z direction interpolation effects are superior to the x,y direction.2) Joint the regional CORS sites and the nearby International GNSS Service(IGS) stations, the satellite clock error can be estimated real time based on IGUforecast orbit, and the zero difference ambiguity fixed method of precise pointpositioning was discussed. The method has a certain reference value to improve theaccuracy and reliability of PPP.3) The prior information weighting method and the Empirical ModeDecomposition (EMD) correction zero difference value were proposed based on therandom model and function model. The above method can accurately determine theweight of observations and effectively weaken the impact of non modeling error ofPPP.4) The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) optimization the neural network wasstudied by changing the gradient information of BP neural network to guide networkadjustment the weights. PSO can improve the generalization ability of BP neuralnetwork based on the PSO algorithm to find the most suitable network connectionweights and thresholds through global searching. Therefore, BP neural network cancorrect dynamic model and anomaly detection by training a large number of learningsamples.5) The real time positioning accuracy of PPP Epoch differenced was analyzed, and when consider delayed effects of convection, and taking into account the level ofthe troposphere gradient caused the delay signal, the results show that systematicerrors can be significantly eliminated, to some extent, improve positioning accuracy.6) The precision of Mining Deformation Monitoring for large area based onPrecise Point Positioning precision was analyzed. The calculation shows that afterfour hours of continuous observation, millimeter positioning accuracy can be obtained.The technology without having to establish a reference point of deformationmonitoring, has broad prospects deformation monitoring applications in a large area.In order to determine the precise instantaneous coordinates of monitoring points, theKalman Filtering model was proposed combined the rate information and themeasured results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Precise point positioning, regional augmentation, satellite clockestimation, quality control, large area monitoring deformation
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