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Taxonomy Of Psilocvbe S.l. And Panaeolus In Yunnan, Southwest China, With Notes On Related Genus Protostropharia

Posted on:2015-01-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1260330431465854Subject:Forest Protection
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Samples of Panaeolus, Psilocybe s.l.(including Deconica and Psilocybe) and relatedgenus Protostropharia from30counties of Yunnan province were studied, which was based onmorphological and molecular characters.383sequences were obtained,30species wereobserved,15species including3varieties were described as new,3species are new to China,8species are new to Yunnan.The genus Psilocybe s.l. and Protostropharia molecular phylogenywere studied based on two gene (nrLSU and ITS), and the genus Panaeolus was studied basedon two gene (nrLSU and ITS) and four gene (nrLSU, ITS, tef1-α and rpb2) datasets, threemorphological subgenus under Panaeolus were verified, and1new subgenus was proposed.The main results are summarized as follows:1.14species of Panaeolus,13species including2varieties of Psilocybe s.l. and3speciesof Protostropharia from Yunnan were described, and the fruit bodies photos, habitats andmicrostructure line drawings were also taken. Keys to Panaeolus, Deconica, Psilocybe andProtostropharia were presented.2. The genus Panaeolus was studied based on morphological characters and four gene(nrLSU, ITS, tef1-α and rpb2) partial DNA sequences. Four subgenus taxons wererecognized,namely subgen. Anellaria, subgen. Copelandia, subgen. Panaeolus and subgen. Beltraniae, theprevious three subgenus, were in accordance with traditional morphological classification.Subgen. Beltraniae is erected and described as a new subgenus to accommodate Panaeoluscinctulus (Bolton) Sacc., which include the type species of subgen. Panaeolina and sometaxons of subgen. Panaeolus. This result is different from traditional morphologicalclassification, which takes Panaeolina as a genus or subgenus based on color and coarsesurface of spore. Subgen. Beltraniae is characterised by hygrophanous pileus without vail andwithout chrysocystidia, usually drying with a dark outer belt, fading from the centre outward.Besides, Other five species under subgen. Beltraniae are Panaeolus rickenii Hora, Panaeolus shangrilaensis T. Ma&K. D. Kevin, Panaeolus foenisecii (Pers.) J. Schr t., Panaeolusacuminatus(Schaeff.) Quél. and Panaeolus olivaceus F.H. M ller. Four species of which weredecribed except for P. acuminatus and P. olivaceus, P. shangrilaensis was described as newspecies to science. In addition, under the Panaeolus,2other species were described as new toscience,1variety was described as new to science, and1species is new to China, they arePanaeolus. multicystidiata T.Ma&K.D.Kevin, Panaeolus dolichocnemia T. Ma, X. F. Ling&K. D. Hyde, Panaeolus antillarum var. microsporae T. Ma&K. D. Kevin and Panaeolusrubricaulis Petch, respectively.6species are new to Yunnan, they are Panaeolus alcidisMoser,Panaeolus bisporus (Malen on&Bertault) Ew. Gerhardt, Panaeolus cyanescens (Berk.&Broome) Sacc., Panaeolus fimicola (Pers.) Gillet, P. rickenii and P. foenisecii.3. The genus Psilocybe was studied based on morphological characters and two gene(nrLSU and ITS) datasets.5species new to science,1species new to Yunnan were found, theyare Psilocybe alpina T. Ma, X.F. Ling&K.D.Hyde, Psilocybe chuxiongensis T.Ma&K.D.Hyde, Psilocybe pseudoalpina T. Ma, X. F. Ling&K. D. Hyde, Psilocybe ruiliensis T. Ma,X.F.Ling&K.D.Hyde, Psilocybe zixiensis T. Ma&K. D. Kevin and Psilocybe aff. fasciataHongo, respectively. In Deconica,5species including2varieties new to science and1new toChina were found, they are Deconica dashanbaoensis T. Ma, X. F. Ling&K.D.Hyde,Deconica macrocystidiata T. Ma, X. F. Ling&K. D. Hyde, Deconica yunnanensis T. Ma, X. F.Ling&K.D.Hyde, Deconica macrocystidiata var. monospora T. Ma, X. F. Ling&K. D. Hyde,Deconica merdaria var. microspora T. Ma&K. D. Kevin and Deconica xeroderma(Huijsman)Noordel, respectively.4.3species of Protostropharia were studied based on morphological and moleculearanalysis. Protostropharia fineranii T. Ma, X. F. Ling&K. D. Hyde was new to science,Protostropharia luteonitens (Fr.:Fr.) Redhead new to China and Protostropharia dorsipora(Esteve-Rav.&Barrasa) Redhead new to Yunnan, respectively.5.139strains were isolated and preserved, provided material foundation for futureresource protection and study of Panaeolus, Deconica, Psilocybe and Protostropharia.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deconica, Panaeolus, Psilocybe, Protostropharia, taxonomy, morphology, molecular phylogeny
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