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The Research On Chinese Sericulture Industry Transfer Driving Factors And Influence

Posted on:2014-02-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1229330401468376Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sericulture industry as an important representative of traditional Chinese agricultural civilization has a5000years history. After five thousand years development, sericulture industry has not only created enormous material wealth also left a valuable spiritual wealth for china. Since twenty-first Century, our country appeared the characteristic was sericulture industry transfer from east to west. Provide raw material transfer of sericulture industry not only to the stable development of silk industry, but also to the tremendous role for China’s western rural development and poverty area become rich., has very important practical significance to study the transfer of sericulture industry in economic area development of sericulture industry and the central and Western China development. At the same time, in the face of the eastern region industrialization, urbanization level is accelerating transfer of sericulture industry may be just a microcosm of the eastern (?) agricultural industry transfer, so the research on it has important theoretical significance to improve the agricultural transfer of industry.The main contents and conclusions of this study were illustrated as following:1. Study on international sericultural industry transfer and development experience. Based on introducing international sericultural industry transfer background and process of70years in20th century, the successful transfer of sericulture industry in India, Brazil was analyzed. Japanese sericulture industry transference reflected the economic development and the sericulture development. Brazil’s success is due to its good natural resources and management model. The development of India benefited from the country support policies to sericulture industry, and the early development of sericulture industry in Japan was closely connection with industrial policy.2. Theoretical and empirical analysis of driving factors of sericulture industry transfer. In the analysis of industrial transfer and international sericultural industry transfer driven factors, combined with the characteristics of sericulture industry, constructs the analysis framework of sericulture industry transfer driving factors. Through the comparison of land productivity and the production cost, western region the western silkworm area of had higher land productivity and lower production cost than eastern silkworm area owing to the natural endowment of western, so that the western silkworm area gained comparative advantage to achieve the transfer of sericulture industry, which is the main driving factors of sericulture industry transfer. The government from the policy and financial aspects to be better guide and promote the transfer of sericulture industry. The empirical study results of eastern silkworm area show that the urban development is the cause of sericulture industry transfer. The industrial development caused environmental changing, which objectively increased transfer of sericulture industry.3. Analysis of sericulture industry transfer effect on cocoon production and circulation. Effect of transfer of sericulture industry on cocoon production is not only the variation of total and regional production. Based on the research of sericulture industry before and after the transfer of the output fluctuation, the results show that the transfer of sericulture industry slowed the output fluctuation. Changes of yield variation on the market more rapidly, the transfer of the industry is more advantageous to the stable development of the industry. Sericulture industry transfer to the midwest not only make the west appeared more market with "Guangxi mode" as the representative of the acquisition mode, and forced the supply side and demand side in the eastern silkworm cocoon production area connected and formed a new sericulture operation mode.4. Analysis of sericulture industry transfer effect on industrial agglomeration and total factor productivity. TFP of China’s sericulture production results reflected the growth rate of T FP after transfer was improve than before, and the TFP of Western sericultural area was continuously improve in the process of western transfer. Sericulture industry agglomeration index results reflected that there was a new industrial agglomeration after the sericulture industry transfer, and agglomeration scale was continuous improved.Innovations of this research may be:(1) The innovation of study object. Most research concentrated on the manufacturing and services industrial transfer, and the research about industry transfer of agriculture was a few. This article selected the sericulture industry as the research object of industrial transfer, which has certain innovation.(2) The innovation of main research content. In the former research of sericulture industry transfer, the majority concentrated on the sericulture industry change results, the studies on driving factors of the sericulture industry transfer was fragmentary, the studies of the effects of sericulture industry transfer on sericulture industry were more general and simple, and lack of systematic research. In the process of constructing the analysis framework of sericulture industry transfer driving factors, the effects of natural endowments, government behavior, urbanization and industrialization on the sericulture industry transfer were analyzed, and made the theoretical and empirical research, channels.(3)Innovation on the research methods. In this paper, we using the production function method and Malmquist index method to analyze the production efficiency in the process of industrial transfer. This paper compared analysis of the changes of total factor productivity before and after the transfer of the sericulture industry and the changes of total factor productivity in every sericultural area in the process of sericulture industry transfer. the method be used here may has a little on relative innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sericulture, industry transfer, Driving factors, influence factor
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