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A Study On Southern Jiangsu Sericulture Production Improvement In The Republic Of China (1912-1937)

Posted on:2012-08-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1229330368485530Subject:History of science and technology
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Silk is the final product of sericulture, which also is one of major china export goods for a long time. The development of southern Jiangsu sericulture in modern linked closely with international market. The silk consumption of domestic market is extremely weak, because Chinese society is disorder relatively. Southern Jiangsu silk is mainly for exporting. The international market demand of silk has a sharp increase in the modern, so a large number of China silk inputs international markets. Meanwhile China sericulture areas expand constantly with the increase of silk exports, the sericulture of Wuxi, Suzhou, Changzhou and other southern Jiangsu counties expand constantly also in this environment. Shanghai becomes the main port southern Jiangsu silk exports after it establish treaty port in the middle and late Qing dynasty. Compare with traditional rice production, the southern Jiangsu commercialization silk production has a high profit and short production cycle on the surface, so southern Jiangsu sericulture development rapidly. Until the early 20th century, sericulture has become one of the important family sidelines in southern Jiangsu. Wuxi sericulture has a rapid development due to natural and geographical advantage, and it become new silk production base instead of Shanghai gradually.Southern Jiangsu sericulture production has exceeded Shanghai and traditional sericulture area in Zhejiang, and become one of China important sericulture production centers until 1920s. The levels of sericulture production not increase with expansion of production scale。As the backwardness of silk production technology, especially Japan use the modern production methods, China silk has a competitive disadvantage in the international market. The position of China silk in the international market gradually diverts to Japan. Southern Jiangsu sericulture suffers serious challenge with economic crisis in the 1930s. Face the plight of southern Jiangsu Sericulture, the government, schools and sericulture enterprises and so on all hope improving production in order to improve the level of sericulture, enhancing competitiveness in the international market. So they begin to improve the mulberry, silkworm egg production, fertility silkworm, silk reeling and other sectors of sericulture. The Southern Jiangsu sericulture production technology has made significant improvement in all efforts, it also is considered to be a model of agriculture improvement.Mulberry leaf is the main food for silkworm, and the quality directly affects silkworm development and the quality of silk. The mulberry leaf quality improvement is the foundation of sericulture production. The Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvers don’t recognize the importance of mulberry leaf production in the early improvement, so they don’t improve mulberry leaf production. The reducing of mulberry leaf yields continuously impact the Southern Jiangsu sericulture production, because mulberry aging, mulberry fields slackened management and so on. Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvers begin to improve traditional mulberry planting after 1930s.They cultivate mulberry varieties using Hu sang, Jing sang, Lu Sang and other main local mulberry varieties in the southern Jiangsu firstly, in order to cultivate excellent mulberry varieties. They promote high mulberry trees combine the Jiangsu sericulture production in order to reduce production costs. At the same of improving mulberry varieties, it also carry out mulberry management experiment, promote improvement of the mulberry tree pruning, fertilize and pest control technologies to increase production of mulberry leaves.Silkworm breeding technology improvement is attended by improve more early in the whole southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement process, so the improvement results is more obviously. Southern Jiangsu silkworm improvement expiries three stages:The first stage is 1912 to 1927, this period is initial stage of Southern Jiangsu silkworm improvement. It appears the first number of professional silkworm manufacturing in 1922, and a large number of silkworm manufacturing establish from 1926-1927. During this period, the Japanese advanced silkworm breeding, artificial incubation, technology transfer to Southern Jiangsu。They promote first-generation hybrid silkworm eggs in 1924. The improvement silkworms are used limited, because it has not been trusted by famers; The second stage is 1928 to 1933, which is the large scale development of silkworm improvement. Large numbers of silkworm manufacturing establish, their production capacity and production technology have been greatly improved. The quality of improvement silkworms are improved because of their professional production. The improvement silkworms are used more and more, because of improvement silkworms’superiority and improvers’promotion. Wuxi and other areas which sericulture develop more quickly have totally banned local silkworms; The third stage is 1934 to 1937, This is the silkworm control period. Jiangsu formulates that the Department of Jiangsu Construction manage silkworm manufacturing, silkworm can not be freely traded and dispense at a set price allocation after examination. Government management silkworm manufacturing stringently and clamp down the disqualification silkworm manufacturing. Government wants to improve the quality of silkworm eggs through silkworm egg production and distribution. But actual government can not deal with the interests between government, monopoly big power capitalists, silkworm egg productions and farmers, resulting in silkworm eggs supplies insufficient and influence, Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement.Raising silkworm is the most important aspect of Sericulture production. Silkworm body development, maturation until cocoon, and the level of raising silkworm technology determine the quality of cocoons directly. In the early Republic of china Southern Jiangsu farmers still use traditional technology, and they can not rearing house control temperature, humidity, and environmental aspects of the virus control due to production constraints. They have difficult to achieve requirements good production. Farmers turn to a large number of the gods bless in the production process, resulting in the survival rate of silkworm or even only 30%. Jiangsu Provincial women Sericulture school establish promotion department, and establish guidance site in the Wuxi silk Yanqiao in 1924. It carries out raising silkworm firstly. The School improves silkworm quality through implementation of rearing tools and cooperative rearing for juvenile silkworm. The government begins raising silkworm technology improvements though establishing guidance site and sericulture cooperatives after 1928. They guide famers to improve raising silkworm under the improvement system’s working in sericulture areas. Because Southern Jiangsu sericulture levels develop disequilibrium, silkworm guiding effect also disequilibrium and the scattered, small-scale production mode of Southern Jiangsu raising silkworm has not improved. The poor production condition of farmers fundamentally determines the raising silkworm technology guidance can not improve in the short term.Sericulture into silk production processes, after raising silkworm completes. Famers complete the silk reeling in traditional Sericulture production. Famers use manual or simple machines to silk reeling for selling after raising silkworm completes, and machines relatively simple. The emergence of modern mass silkworm production changes the pattern, and sericulture production becomes more professional, and famers’work is mainly for raising silkworm. Silk reeling production separates from famer production, and becomes large-scale machinery production. They must dry cocoons to ensure stable cocoons supply, so there appears a lot of cocoon lines undertaking cocoons drying and so on. The government launches the cocoon guilds control in 1934, and require cocoon guilds line to improve the cocoon drying equipment, encourage the adoption of new steam cocoon drying machines, and thus strengthen cocoon guilds management. Since Southern Jiangsu professional machine appears in late 19th and early 20th century, silk production factories of Southern Jiangsu especially Wuxi development more quickly in the Republic of China, and the silk production factories quantity and scale beyond other regions far more. Silk factories use Italian direct-reeling lathe, and Japan reeling lathe. This improves production efficiency. With reeling lathe reform, silk factories also improving silk cocoon steam and reeling lathe power equipment. Silk factories and government also build their own distribution systems in Shanghai and overseas to break foreign firms’ monopolization, and expand export. Government also issue government bonds, support Southern Jiangsu silk factories in 1930s’economic crisis. Because of the depression international market and confusion domestic social, the sales have not improved.Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement have made remarkable achievement as to the relatively effective improvement system, Government, sericulture factories and schools form the main driving force for sericulture improvement of Southern in Republic of China. Government plays roles of policy makers, managers and practitioners with administrative power. Sericulture factories focus on the improvement of the silkworm and silk production techniques improvement in order to obtain high-quality raw materials. Sericulture education plays an important role in improvement. There are sericulture education schools and public education involved in silk two education forms in Southern Jiangsu. Breeding, silk and other personnel cultivated by sericulture school play important role sericulture in sericulture improvement of Southern Jiangsu. Sericulture school graduates establish silkworm manufacturing and silkworm guidance site in southern Jiangsu, and it is an important power to improvement system. Improvement of public education not only involves the improvement of sericulture. They educate farmers in a wider range. They break through the restrictions for acceptation ability to new sericulture technology, because Southern Jiangsu farmers in the Republic of China insufficient cultural quality, and combine agriculture production improvement with rural society improvement together. Complete agriculture technology improvement system and wide improvement agriculture improvement subject in Southern Jiangsu improvement in the Republic of China, their are the main reasons for improvement success, their also inspirations sericulture improvement of southern Jiangsu bring to modern agricultural technology improvement.The improve power deficiency of famers and effectiveness of government improve organization are the major factors restrict southern Jiangsu improvement results in the republic of China. How to mobilize the improvement enthusiasm of farmers, and how to realize the improvement efficiency of the organization are the important problems need to be attention in contemporary agriculture improvement. Southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement in the republic of china has not break through these limitations, so these also restrict the efficiency in the whole. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of southern Jiangsu sericulture improvement is obvious. The systematic analysis of the improvement process can restores the sericulture improvement of the Republic of china, recognizes the role they play in improvement, and provides reference for the agriculture improvement now.
Keywords/Search Tags:Republic of China, Southern Jiangsu, Sericulture, Production Improvement
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