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The Research Of Shanghai Art Design Institutions(1909-1978)

Posted on:2017-01-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R P CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The paper’s research object is the Shanghai fine art design organizations which operating and management method of companies from western countries. We will be using the data of original documents that retrieved from the Shanghai archives, Shanghai library and the national library to make a comprehensive research by focusing on the perspective of art design, blending history, sociology, economics, business law and other related disciplines. Based on the concept of organization and the company, this paper argues the key issues of shanghai art design organizations from four aspects of city modernization, company law and modern enterprise system, art design organizations management and operation, graphic designer and works, which including(1) the relationship of art design organizations with the city modernization,(2) the relationship of art design organizations with company law, the government management in first half of 20 th century,(3) the relationship of art design organization’s business management, operation with historical environment,(4) the historical significance of beauty and interests as community. In the process of this discourse, this paper tries to analyze the question, namely, many art designers which mastery of the traditional Chinese painting, western oil painting, watercolor and gouache techniques, although has obtained the good achievement, but in the end, only to just as a means of skills can be taught or can make a living, instead of turning it into a kind of cognitive and ideas to changing life in ways, and is not to make more influential large graphic design company, Instead, the art design agencies of state has achieved a certain effect across the country. What reason has caused this kind of condition?Mybe the four elements of answers include in the above four aspects :(1) the modern concept integrated into the degree of life,(2) the fits degree of rational, fair, democratic and national management,(3) the degree of conflict between collective, national interests with the condition to realize personal value and the restricting factors,(4) the difference of graphic designer in the history of material and spir itual benefits.Besides the introduction and conclusion, this paper has four parts associated with logic relation. The first part will be interpret those modern concepts, what with the companies, agencies, advertising and design of art design organizations. Based on this we could lead to five conditions that the art design organizations set up, and then sets the tone for the following four partial. It is focuses on the modern commercial city, which brings influence and opportunity to the design organizations. At the same time to focus on the urban modern concept and the histories of transition elements in order to outline the modern characteristics of shanghai art design agencies. The second part is the law of company that was worked out by all previous government. We discuss the legal logic between the company enterprise mechanism with shanghai fine art design agency in various periods which are trying to clarify the art design agency’s process of set up, organization structure, procedure of capital increase, operation mode, capital accounting and other issues, and so that to answer how to construct the respectively relationship of art design agency in free market economy and planned economy system. Based on time sequence and take management system transformation as the background, the third part is focus on the analysis of shanghai f ine art design in-house business operation and management in different period, and along with the social, economic and other environmental changes to set forth of the characteristics of the organizations. The last part is the graphic designer’s interests. The key question is what to discuss the material benef it and spiritual interests of the individual and group from the point of designer’s work and it’s aesthetic, that is to say we can view it as community to analyze the relationship between material and spiritual interests of the organization- people- work.Finally, the paper try to summarize the full text as the res t of our argument and discuss the feasible way of reform for shanghai fine art design organization. To sum up, this paper combing urban modernization with Max weber’s community, which expound to the history of shanghai fine art design organization, and then explores the internal causes that graphic designer and its mechanism why not to resultant force under the condition of passive modernization before 1978.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art Design, organizations, companies, Modernization, Community, Rational
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