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Expound The Subtle Places Of Security Philosophy

Posted on:2017-02-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:A K DiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330488460178Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Security and the sense of security, it’s not only a reflection of social structure, but also an expression of individual feeling. As a general emotional reflection of modern society, what’s the cause of security and lack of security? poverty? technology? culture or religion? To answer the questions above, it needs not only scientific analysis, but also philosophical penetration. Based on Marxist philosophy, from security problems, this dissertation is trying to penetrate deeply to the basic context of security image, as well as the evolvement of human being’s security idea. Meanwhile it attempts to set up the philosophical theory from the basis of political science, economics, sociology as well as military security viewpoint. It is targeted to lead to the security philosophy from meditating the ontology, epistemology, methodology of security and sense of security; From the safety of Chinese and western thought resources, mining, and analysis of safety philosophy thought resource and its theoretical basis; And then to development, justice, communication’ trinity, the framework of the construction of the concept of safety philosophy theory. Based on the above ideas, this paper will be divided into seven chapters, the main content of each chapter is as follows:Introduction. It presents the contemporary security problems of human society from both the aspects of China and the world by expressive research. It explains the contemporary explanation with the basic context of security image threat under ecological crisis, disorder under social crisis and anxiety under psychological crisis. It also explains the evolvement of the idea of security of in man’s history from single-element to multi-element, from preliminary to superior and from passive to initiative. From which the definition is settled down that the happiness of people, peace of country, as well as security of the world is the common value target of human society.Chapter 1, Theory of security: the possibility of scientific viewpoint and philosophizing. This part analyzes the idea of security from the aspects of political science, economics, sociology as well as military security viewpoint. After that, it penetrates more deeply the security ontology from 4 aspects: the unity of subject and object, unity of subjective and objective, unity of ideal and reality, and unity of static and dynamic. Besides the content above, for better understanding of recognition of security, this dissertation also puts forward 3 questions: 1, who brings crisis? 2, who brings security? 3, who could be depended on for security? Based on the answers to the questions asked above, it digs out the methodology of security philosophy from 3 dimensions: evolvement, justice and communication.Chapter 2, Security philosophy: the idea source and theory base. In the chapter, it digs into the idea source of security philosophy from not only Chinese ancient philosophy such as Confucian ism, Taoism as well as legalism, but also the security theory of western realism, liberalism, criticism as well as structuring theory. It tries to explore the theory base and contemporary understanding from the security viewpoint of Marxist writers.Chapter 3, Evolvement: consolidating the material basis of security. In this part, it digs into the mistakes of conventional viewpoint of evolvement from 3 aspects: the security of capital and ecology, instrumental reason, and the culture of post-modernism and self-realization. It leads to the conclusion that the development is the topic of times, and also the source of motivation for the society of human being to obtain security from the aspects that scientific evolvement viewpoint overtakes conventional one, and scientific evolvement leads to the realization of security. Finally it works out the answers to the questions: which sort of evolvement is required for human beings? which sort of evolvement may lead to security crisis? which sort of evolvement could lead to the realization of security?Chapter 4, Justice: constructing the system concept of security. In this chapter, it digs into the topic “security” from the aspect of justice. It puts forward a question “what is justice” from comparing the viewpoints of liberalism, community theory and Marxist justice. Based the answers, it tries to figure out another question “whether the justice could sustain the security, and how it could work that out”. To answer to the first question, it tries to analyze the positive effect of just viewpoint “liberty, fairness, democracy and tolerance” on the following 4 areas: individuals, society, country and the whole world. Apart from that, it also analyzes the necessity and reality of the justice to security widely, deeply and continuously. As for the answer to the question “how the justice works on the security”, it comes up with 3 directions: 1, consensus of justice leads to security; 2, codes of justice constructs the pictures of security; 3, behaviors of justice ensure the realization of securityChapter 5, Communication: perfecting the practice mechanism of security. In this chapter, it explains the connotation of communication philosophy, analyzes the inter subjectivity of security. Based on that, it explores the potential crisis of natural security, inter-individual security and multi-elemental security. After that, it tries to explore the path to security from setting up the respects, strengthening the subjectivity by cultivating communication reason and strengthening vehicle management from vehicle ideology and vehicle construction.Conclusion. The different forecasts about “what the future would look like” present us a picture of future world full of crisis and insecurity. However, the forecast of “the rising up of China” presents the world the picture of a strong China labeled with targeting “peaceful world and common security” with the notions of “development, fairness, mutual trust, cooperation, and innovation. Where is the future security from? Under the new era of digital world, the author has full confidence that the peaceful and secure world can be realized eventually by the continuous efforts and meditation of the related scholars as well as the whole mankind.
Keywords/Search Tags:security, security philosophy, evolvement, justice, communication
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