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A New Approach To The Study Of Xu Xu

Posted on:2014-04-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330482952370Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Although Xu Xu has already been considered to be occupying a significant position in Chinese literature history, listing together with his name there are always several others of limited ability. The various complicated factors in the history of literature brought him to the attention of the most discarded treatment. However, his name still slowly gains its popularity through time, thus the readers who have read his words always in the eager mood to let his popularity goes farther, that they told one another the words written by Xu Xu, and thus the number of his readers is growing on an impressive scale. He is a mild and decent writer, for he did not because of any historical events and trends, to lose a rational judgment; by taking using of verse he writes numorous novels, waters his philosophy of magic flowers, and tells his many good old stories to us deep through long nights. If someone has seen some of his pictures, known his important life experiences, and has read some of his works, then his thin, amiable, lonely, and lofty temperament, his rich, complex, mysterious innerworld, his low-key, modest, sincere attitude, will give his readers the impression that they should already have through a justified literary history. He and his works become oneness. His image and his novels, poems, plays match so wonderful with eache other that people must believe that he is a fictional character in his works.If Xu Xu is a writer who was born in Frence, he will become a great writer for his literature achievements. But Xu Xu is right in this Chinese modern and contemporary cultural contexts which has "the political revolution, cultural enlightenment, class struggle" as its dominant discourse construction of literature history, thus it is difficult to give Xu Xu who uses such as beauty, love and religious realm, as the height of philosophy, to explore thinking of human existence the writer his reasonable high-leveled literary position. Nevertheless, people did not consider his patriotism and special ways of showing love to his people, or rather, they despised and abandoned him.But if connecting the exploration in the art of Xu Xu and contemporary western writers, it can be seen that Xu Xu was one of the few who can work with the world trend, and created with Chinese characteristics and who has given unique contribution to the world literature. The same with Kundla, Me Satomi and Sutter, Xu Xu has a height of philosophy of life. He, to a poet’s sensitivity to rational thinking in philosophy, has used the fantastic fascinating story to convey his rational thinking to the general public. Readers of Xu Xu may be generally ordinary educated readers, but others can also be the literary audience from the higher educated groups. The former enjoy the story which can vaguely profound feelings after a profound speechless, but the latter can enjoy a very pure realm of philosophy.Compared to Shen Congwen, Qian Zhongshu, Eileen Chang, Lao She, Cao Yu and other modern literary writers, Xu Xu is difference, because those writers’s work after 1950’s are showing a serious imbalance in their literary creativity, while Xu Xu’s important mature works appeared in the 50’s. So ignoring the important works of Xuxu’s created after 50’s, and only taking the 40’s works The Entity, Wind, as the representative and seen from these works to the appraisal of Xu Xu in the twentieth Century Chinese Literature History which can been used as a common method for the mainland scholars of literary history is extremely irresponsible and unfair. For the Hongkong native scholars, who on the other hand take Xu Xu as "the southern writers", think Xu Xu’s theme and less involved with the Hongkong City and thus think his contribution to the Hongkong literary is of less significance.This paper attempts, by annalyzing Xu Xu’s style of writing as the basic approach, to make efforts to study from an objective perspective to re-evaluate the position of Xu Xu in the literary history. Finally, the author thinks, Xu Xu’s performance of its era in "poetry, novels, outstanding drama, prose, criticism, theory" is of importance. When in twentieth Century the Chinese literature is in the "decline", he cuts his dim literary world with different style. His bright-colored color, not only enriched the Chinese literature of the garden, but also made the world literature in the sky with more beautiful rainbow. As Western Sinologist Gillian Bertuccioli and K-E-Priestly said, he is in the leading position firmly among twentieth Century Chinese writers. With an new evaluation and more specific, exact study of him in the history of modern literature, I think Xu Xu should be considered as a world-class writer.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xu Xu, Style research, Xu Xu’s status
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