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Study Of Cultivation System Of Young Authors In The New China

Posted on:2016-08-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330479495625Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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This paper mainly researches on the Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts with rigorousattitude, breaking the boundary of literary and historical research. By using the theory of cultural hegemony and literary production, this paper will investigate the situation of Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts from six aspects, which include the ideological and literary system of the Republic,the traceability of founder of the Institute of Literature, the establishment and development of the Institute of Literature, the situation of cultivation of young authors during different times, the methods and ways of the cultivation of young authors and the effectiveness and impact of the cultivation of the Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts. Besides, this paper interprets its significance in literary and art circles like "Whampoa Military Academy" and the historical limitations of the "Literary Party School". On the one hand, we can clarify the formation process and the importance of the fresh-training system of China; on the other hand, we can look into the practice of creative writing in Chinese literary.The predecessor of Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts was the Central Literature Research Institute founded in October 1950, which has a history of 64 years. The foundation of the Central Literature Research Institute was not only based on local traditions, such as the old Liberated area school experience, but also learned from our allies---- the Soviet school system. Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts embodied the art of the old and new tradition of liberated area as well as the attempts to integrate the choice and practice of Soviet Union mode. Its foundation fully reflected that the new regime had paid a lot of attention to the cultivation of new authors. The foundation of literary school was not only a literary task, but also a political task.The cultivation of new authors of Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts was divided into three periods, namely the Central Institute of literary period, the period of Writers Association Literary Seminar and the period of Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts. According to research, the direction of these three periods of fresh-training was the same generally, but there was some difference in specific ways. Besides, the methods and approaches of cultivation of new authors at different times were different. For example, in the 1980 s, they majored in refresher courses, supplementedby joint of schools and universities. In the 1990 s, the situation was mostly similar with the1980 s.In the new century, they creatively opened the research classes, and got into the best period of development.Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts has achieved fruitful achievement in the cultivation of new authors and has transported a large number of literary refinement Republic writers to Chinese literary world. From the foundation of the Central Institute of literature in 1950 to now, Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts has organized various types of literature classes. Since half a century ago,Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts has made a significant and direct impact on the building of Chinese contemporary writers team and important contributions to the development of socialist literature. Besides, students who studied at the Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts occupy a significant proportion in Chinese contemporary literature award winners.The other sign of the success of Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts was that other schools copied and imitated its system by establishing the college of writers association. Based on that, Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts established the joint meeting with presidents of country’s Literature Institutes as a leader. Besides, a permanent office of Joint Secretariat is established in Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts, which can be seen as the integration of National College of Liberal Arts.It means that a "big Lu Yuan" pattern has been formed throughout the country.Undoubtedly, the system of initial Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts copied the Soviet model.But after entering the new era, Lu Yuan has shaken off the influence of the Soviet Union in the mechanism for the cultivation of young authors, and basically formed its own characteristics. A whole new system of cultivation has been established. The trend of fresh-training of Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts will certainly absorb various theoretical methods including creative writing theory, trying its best to expand channels of academic education and introducing a variety of writer-training methods, which includes creative writing workshop.
Keywords/Search Tags:Young authors, Cultivation system, Lu Xun College of Liberal Arts
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