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The “Shape And Spirit” In The Design Of Modern Liberal Arts Books Construction And Practice Of Rearch

Posted on:2017-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiFull Text:PDF
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Books as the carrier of information dissemination,is an irreplaceable position in our life.In numerous kinds of books,the content of the liberal arts books because its interesting and vivid,profound philosophical connotation got the favour of the readers.However as the wave of commercialization of continuing stimulus,a large number of liberal arts books binding design into a "one-size-fits-all",in the circle of "sameness",make a design cannot show better books should have artistic aesthetic feeling and visual expression,but stay on the surface,even superficial shallow,monotonous,boring visual stimuli.This design is not conducive to the comprehensive development of China's liberal arts books design,and make our country books design also difficult to unique style and charm.Throughout our country's traditional culture,its art form is varied,also contains a very profound cultural background and connotation,thus to bring books design related enlightenment function.By gu kaizhi,sheikh representative elucidated,su shi's "appearance-verve theory" is not only one of the most important guidance law of Chinese painting theory,at the same time to reveal and express aesthetic pursuit of art also has the influence of ages don't move.It extends to the liberal arts books design field,books can not only enrich and deepen the connotation of the design,make the design not just confined to the surface of the creation of the "form",and pay more attention to "god" show style and lasting appeal.At the same time also further enriched the theory of "unity of" art theory in the field of design guidance,for our country's books design gives a strong Chinese flavor.The study in the liberal arts books as the research object,"appearance-verve theory" as the theoretical guidance,from six parts to liberal arts books "spirit" in the design of construction and practice of research.Among them the first part is the introduction,roughly in this paper,the research of present situation and the related literature review,to lay a solid theoretical foundation to the research of article.The second part through the research to describe the current liberal arts books design facing two major problems: the lack of "shape" and "god".The two big problems seriously restrict the development of our country's liberal arts books design.Then the article further explained the specific meaning of the "shape" and "god",make the concept of the article describe more clear.The third part puts forward to the liberal arts books for a study of "shape" and "god",the book is full of beauty in form,as in style and charm at the same time also to reveal a unique artistically books,in the "real" and "virtual" shifting,artistically make books circulation.At the same time the article also create the "shape" and "god" basic character and style,make the article more rich content.The fourth part is the focus of the article the research object,the first "spirit" of liberal arts books design analyzes the visual elements of the building,its respectively,including the "shape","words","color","material" and "technology",it is these elements make books produced realization "xingshenjianbei" sense of beauty.Then the article discusses the "spirit" are concretized build approach: "to write god" and "plastic" to god.Respectively from the "shape" and "god" implementation and leading design different point of view,the liberal arts books be one-sided,limitations,decorative forms of design.Practice research,the last part is the article through to the original books "Japanese taste," the new style definition and design the control,make books on "form" thick "taste" in Japan,on "god" to show the unique food culture in Japan,further demonstrates the feasibility of the theoretical research and practical operation.This article through to the "theory of realm and in-depth analysis,so as to bring it into the liberal arts books design,it is concluded that the" spirit "in the design of liberal arts books building methods.This has certain theoretical speculative value,and has profound practical significance.At the same time,the author also hopes that by this article research results can play a role in topic to liberal arts books design.
Keywords/Search Tags:appearance-verve theory, liberal arts, books design, to write god, in god plastic
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