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Studies On Collected Works Of Lu Ji And Literature Of Lu Ji

Posted on:2016-08-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330461451149Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis about the major issues of Lu Ji’s life or the comments on Lu Ji’s ideas and writing tone displayed in his particular works are based on the version spreading over the world of Lu Ji. However, Collected Works of Lu Ji have scattered and even disappeared seriously, from Ge Hong in the Jin Dynasty seeing more than fifty volumes, forty-seven volumes in the Liang Dynasty and fourteen or fifteen ones in the Tang Dynasty, to ten volumes in the Northern Song Dynasty which were ever edited into a book, leaving only one tenth. Our first task is to classify the compilation, spread, the source of table of contents and some articles scattered in the world of Collected Works of Lu Ji dating back to ancient times and so on.Under the premise of full documents and historical material, the purpose of this article I write is to clear out the situation of the ancient version remaining in existence of Collected Works of Lu Ji, the time of compiling the version spreading over the world of the great work, circulation of the two versions and the relation between the latter and Wenxuan. At the same time, I will also collect and collate these scattered articles. On the basis of those, I am going to make a textual research on some major issues of Lu Ji’s life.The first chapter is about the compilation and circulation of Collected Works of Lu Ji. Collected Works of Lu Ji is divided into ancient version and the other one spreading over the world according to its compilation, the time and realities of its remaining in existence. The ancient version refers to that kind of Collected Works of Lu Ji appearing in some chronicles and quotations in ancient books, which have scattered and even lost. The other version is the one that people have edited, inscribed and handed down from Northern Song Dynasty, divided into two kinds. One is the edition of Si bu cong kan(a sort of photostat copy carved from Xu Minzhan’s Collected Works of Lu Shiheng included in Collected Works of Jin Er’jun in Song Dynasty by Lu Yuanda in Ming Dynasty) and the other is Yingsongchaoben. I try to go over and discuss the time of compiling, volume tables, gradual development of contents of ancient version and edited time and contents of the version spreading over the world to outline the whole process from its compiling to disappearing of them.I devote the second chapter to the source of the version spreading over the world of Collected Works of Lu Ji. On this basis, I explore the source of table of contents of the version by comparing it with anthologies and reference books such as Wenxuan,Wenxuanwritten by Li Shan,Beitangshuchao,Yiwenleijv,Chuxueji,Taipingyulan and so on. With Sibucongkan duplicated Collected Works of Lu Shiheng which is another anthology in Song Dynasty edited by Lu Yuanda in Ming Dynasty as the matter copy, and with Yingsongchaoben, Beitangshuchao(Chinese bookstore photocopy), Yiwenleijv in Song Dynasty and Chuxueji(Zhonghua Book Company typography) as a reference, I collate these works coming from Yiwenleijv and Chuxueji to emend writing and records, and speculate the relationship between Collected Works of Lu Ji and Beitangshuchao,Yiwenleijv,Chuxueji and so on. After discussing these work, it seems to have different versions about Collected Works of Lu Ji in Tang Dynasty. Compared with Beitangshuchao and Chuxueji, characters in the version spreading over the world of Collected Works of Lu Ji are closely similar to Yiwenleijv in Song Dynasty, deviating from Yiwenleijv.In Chapter 3, it concerns with the relationship between the compilation of the version spreading over the world of Collected Works of Lu Ji and Wenxuan, which includes 111 articles of Lu Ji. There are some similarities and differences between these articles and Collected Works of Lu Ji in character. The body parts of the two anthologies seem to originate from different texts if not studied carefully. However, Collected Works of Lu Ji is collected by compilers on the line of Wenxuan. In addition, the characters in Sibucongkan are more closer to lishanzhuben(Imperial Academy version in Northern Dynasty, Youkeben),Lishanwuchenzhuben(Ganzhou version), andthecharacters in Yingsongchaoben are similar to Wuchen Lishanzhuben(kuizhangge version),Mingzhou version)).The fourth chapter is on collecting and sorting out Lu Ji’s some articles scattered in other scholars’ works. There are 10 volumes of Collected Works of Lu Shiheng in Collected Works of Jin Er’jun of Xu Minzhan in Southern Song Dynasty, on which later editions of Collected Works of Lu Ji are conducted. Some scholars have successively edited and supplemented Lu Ji’s works, providing new material for the study of Lu Ji through their respective literary writings such as Qishierjiaji of Zhang xie,Hanweiliuchaobaisanjialiben of Zhang Pu, Quanjinwen of Yan Kejun, Zhaji in Xiaowanjuanloucongshu Collected Works of Lu Shiheng of Qian Peiming, Hanweijinnanbeichaoshi of Lu Qinli, Xiantangfujibu of Cheng Zhangcan, Collected Works of Lu Ji emended by Jin Taosheng and Collation on Works of Lushihen collected and adjusted by Liu Yunhao. Though some progress have been made, there are still a few issues. A variety of versions of Collected Works of Lu Ji now play an active role but not perfect in collecting scattered articles of Lu Ji. Having gathered 18 articles of Lu Ji which’re not captured in their works, I intend to put some interpretation on those. Meanwhile, I will also investigate the authenticity, thesis and so-called works in which there are only catalogs of scattered articles of Lu Ji included ancient people’s works.In Chapter 5, it mainly describes Lu Ji’s life from Collected Works of Lu Ji and his scattered articles. It’s very important and necessary for researching Lu Ji to discuss his life. I will analyze these first-hand material in detail and in depth to survey some hot topics of Lu Ji’s life story which is concerned with in the academic circles, for instance, his tracks after the downfall of the State of Wu, the time when he entered the city of Luoyang to be an official of the Jin Dynasty, his tracks after following King Wu to Huainan in the fourth year of Yuankang, the question whether he went home in the sixth year of Yuankang, his paths throughout serving as Ping Yuan Nei Shi after being released from prison and so on, to work out his life official career clearly with the help of historical records.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collected Works of Lu Ji, Literature
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