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Research On Medical Paternalism Of Chinese Tradition

Posted on:2014-01-31Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
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Today’s society, the doctor-patient relationship become nervous and lead to the doctor-patient contradiction and conflict. At present, people often mistakenly assume that principle of respect for autonomy is the principle of the supremacy of bioethics. In the clinical medical service, facing all kinds of medical technology and ethical decisions, health providers often resorted to principle of respect for autonomy and its specific rule:informed consent. The consent of the patient or family member’s sign, otherwise no treatment or rescue, it was almost the industry rule in clinical medical ethical decisions. Medical disputes tell us that we have to continually reflect on this kind of one-sided emphasis on the correctness of the principle of respect for autonomy.It is necessary to re-examine revered as the supreme authority of the limitations of the principle of respect for autonomy and think again the value of Paternalism,which have abandoned a long time.Ancient Chinese medical ethics has a deep tradition of Paternalism.its produce and connotation are influenced by humanity as the core of Confucian ethics.This paper, inspect the essence of Paternalism in Chinese traditional medical.Including its ideology and moral foundation, evolution, and the practical value. Confucian opened up basic values and the patriarchal supremacy of family ethics is a traditional medical theoretical foundation of Paternalism. Ancient Chinese medical ethics influenced by traditional culture, the doctor-patient relationship is similar to parent-child relationships.Paternalism, has always been a doctor engaged in the medical activities of the basic concept, it is a long history in Chinese traditional medical idea conceived in.Carding the development of Chinese paternalism, mainly includes three main periods:One is the classic medical ethics period to the han. First proposed by artificial expensive, that established the first principles of medical ethics traditional physicians will patients interests ahead of, and a doctor is an authority in the doctor-patient relationship. This is the formation of the paternalism in China. Second is the development of the wei and jin dynasty to the tang dynasty period. Because of the influence of Confucianism, Buddhism, daoism together, in addition to the Confucian benevolence thought, Taoism focus on individual freedom, Buddhism without damage and at the same ethics is of aggregates in the traditional Chinese medical ethics. Emphasize respect status has been improved in patients, treated at the same time, the content of medical ethics. Three is a complete theory of the dynasties of song, yuan, Ming and qing period. Medical theory on the basis of the practice step by step towards integration and more complete. Everything for the patient’s best interests, the paternalism became mature.This paper points out that traditional Chinese medical paternalism has two basic characteristics:First, the doctors should act from the patient’s best interests and all for the benefit of the patient; Second, regardless of or reject the autonomy of the patient, make a decision for the patient. Chinese traditional medical ethics emphasizes "no injury is kindheartedness";"The healer parents heart." The motto embodies the essence of paternalism in medical tradition. Medical services, named kindly technical, demands that doctors must act for the living of people and with the principle of kindheartedness."The healer parents heart" means that doctors treat patients like their children and give them love also give doctor the rights that they can make decisions for patiens like their father. In medical practice, a doctor can do anything as long as they think that it is good for the patients. Even if the patients and their family against, the doctor should also persuade. Paternalism means that the interests of the patients should only rely on the doctor’s conscience to guarantee.In this paper, traditional Chinese medical paternalism is the "medicine is kindheartedness" as the moral principle, and "doctor-patient trust" as the basic requirements.kindheartedness main specifications include sympathetic consideration patient, serious and responsible, words and deeds, tireless work, seeking nothing in return, honest integrity, etc. Values include human life sacred value, medical subject view of self-discipline and the value orientation of moral principle over economic interests, etc. Chinese interpersonal instead resort to moral law, persons attaches great importance to promise, Trust put forward higher requirements to the doctor’s moral cultivation. Any medical decision-making should only be good for patients but not other purpose, it is in conformity with the moral. Only in this way,would patients truly respect, trust the doctor, and own health to the doctor.This paper tries to seek breakthrough on important issues:First, informed consent in traditional Chinese medical ethics. Contrapose of the point of view that Chinese traditional doctor-patient relationship is "silence" history, this thesis through a large number of ancient historical materials to demonstrate the doctor inform obligation, including how to inform and tell who, and who will make a decision in the medical decisions. The author believes that paternalism ideology occupies the main status in Chinese traditional medicine. Doctors can, in some cases, regardless of the patient’s will use health care. But that does not mean that it is the only mode to the traditional doctor-patient relationship. In ancient China, there is another mode of the doctor-patient relationship and exist with paternalism at the same time. This is the tradition of respect of patients. It is based on traditional familism. Its ideological basis is parent-child ethics in China family ethics.In the doctor-patient relationship, it shows that doctors respect for the opinions of the patients family, the patient’s family can make leading role in medical decision making. This model is a kind of complement and transcendence for paternalism.which neglect the patient’s autonomy. Until today, it still exists in modern medical practice.Second, analysis paternalism’s contemporary value.When liberal difficulties medical was founded on the principle of respect for autonomy, exploring medical was founded on the principle of good natural become people may choose to paternalism. Then, based on contemporary China’s cultural tradition and reality, the paternalism whether socialist thought significance and value, have what meaning and value, why has the significance and value, are need to be answered. Paternalism itself also has some defects, such as ignore cherished rights in modern society, should also need to give interpretation of modernity. This paper argues that, only through a degree and a range of restrictions, can effectively exert positive meaning of paternalism. This requests us to investigate the clinical medical practice, medical conditions of paternalism, that is how the statute medical paternalism, can make have moral rationality. From sages, to interpret the equal with us today to build the doctor-patient harmonious idea and value. Starting from the reality of modern China doctor-patient problem, considering the current status, based on adhere to the interests of the patient, implements the "reasonable paternalism ", not only is feasible, and it is necessary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Paternalism, Doctor-Patient relationship, Benevolence, trust, informed consent
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