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Realm And Spirit

Posted on:2013-07-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330395473694Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Symbolism is the most influential and widely used among many modern literary and artistic trends, which also falls into the development of Sino-Russian modern poetry. Different aesthetic value of the Sino-Russian Symbolic poetry formed because of the Collision and fusion between the western resources and Chinese traditional factors.From poetic aesthetic dimension, this dissertation focuses on the comparative study on the symbolic poetry of China and Russia, which will be followed by four aspects:nature, value, image and music:Introduction. At first, this part mainly generalizes different aesthetic meanings of the concept "Symbol". Then, the author sorts out the historical development of Sino-Russian Symbolic Poetry and at the same time limits the scope of this study within Chinese "Symbolist" and "Modernist " poetry in20s,30s of the last century and Russian symbolic poetry from the end of the19th century to the early20th century. Finally, through the acceptance study on the impact of the French Symbolist, this chapter summarizes the differences in the nature of the acceptance dimension. Chinese symbolic poetry focus more on the experience level of acceptance, while the Russian symbolic poetry focus more on the metaphysical level of acceptance.Chapter one, comparison of nature. This chapter compares the concept of "symbolic","Pure Poetry" and "Correspondence" theory of the Sino-Russian symbolic poetry. Accompanied by romantic and decadent tone of entanglement, Chinese symbolic poetry pursues the realm of "pure poetry" between the universe and the poets themselves. Russian Symbolic poetry aspires after the esoteric spirit between the divine world and the poets. They form the concept "symbolic" separately from the spiritual and higan world.Chapter two, comparison of value. This chapter compares the similarities and differences of the Sino-Russian symbolic poetry in three angles including poetry theme, poetry inexperienced and poet values. As to urban and female themes, Chinese symbolic poets indulge in the exotic realm of urban civilization, embodied lost in the pursuit of modern experience, sentimental and pessimistic mood. The female imagery they depict in poems still points misty realm of rootless beauty. While Russian Symbolist poets put the city into a symbol of the mysterious world, in which the poet be inspired. Female become a phantom to communicate between the earth and the spirit world. As to the reflection on the poetry and poet value, Chinese symbolic poets show intent beyond the mundane and return to nature, highlight the poetic consciousness——They insist that poetry is the inner context convey. In the spirit of the Apocalypse, Russian Symbolist poets treat function of poetry in a balanced attitude. Poets themselves also become a symbol of divinity.Chapter three, comparison of image. This chapter compares the similarities and differences of the Sino-Russian symbolic poetry in construction principle and representational strategies of image."Flowers of Evil" evokes the image of the "evil beauty" among Sino-Russian symbolic poets. In the construction principle, Chinese symbolic poets communicate traditional and Western’s imagery resources by a symbol-meditation construction principle, providing poetry with subtle beauty of meditation and symbolic meaning to evoke the charm of Verse. Russian symbolic poets claim imagery thinking and construct psalms, creating mysterious beauty intertwined with "symbolic" and "meaning". In the representational strategies of image, Chinese symbolic poets penetrate the main sensory experiences in the pursuit of modern features of the "image" through "means". Russian Symbolic poetry shows the strategies of main latent, religion, god image highlights to embody mysterious meditation.Chapter four, comparison of music. This chapter compares the similarities and differences of the Sino-Russian symbolic poetry in musical carrier and contemplation. Their Musical Pursuit mainly commenced on two dimensions:words and sounds. Chinese symbolic poets find the mutual resonance of words and flight into subtle changes in the music realm in Poetic syllables and inherent poetry; Russian Symbolic poets manifests "various stars Voice of Harmony " through creating the musical realization of symbolism and emphasizing the poetic image more than sense of sight, to render symbolic hazy and mysterious sense and form the spirit of the music easy to feel.
Keywords/Search Tags:Realm, Spirit, Symbolic poetry of China, Symbolic poetry of Russia, Music, Comparison
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